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Jardine's footsteps echoed through the grand foyer of the exquisite house, her heart heavy and her face pale. She made her way into the living room and found her mum and grandparents sitting stiffly on the plush couch, their eyes fixed on her as she came into view. Jardine felt a knot form in her stomach instantly as she lowered her eyes and greeted. "Good day." "Jardine. Why are you looking all gloomy?" Her mother inquired. "Why won't she? When she's been sleeping with someone else's man?" Her grandfather threw a glare at her. "Dad!" Her mother - Mrs. Rowena - gasped at the aged man. "Tell me, Jardine, are you still going on with the wedding?" Her grandmother asked coldly. And in a low voice, Jardine replied: "Yes, grandma." "Have you no shame!" Her grandfather half-yelled. "You're beautiful, Jardine. You couldn't do anything else other than destroy another woman's home?" "Dad! I think we should give her a break," Mrs. Rowena scoffed. "Jardine is not that evil. It isn't like she snatched this man in the first place, he willingly left his wife as well. Moreover, Lancelot is a very good catch. Getting married to him will boost our status!" Jardine had gotten tired of the arguments. So, saying nothing, she just climbed up the staircase in a frazzled state. ****†****†****†****†****† THREE WEEKS LATER ****†****†****†****†****† "Faster, Adira! What're you doing?!" Soraya yelled from the dining. "Will it take you forever to get those pancakes over here?!" Adira's hands were slightly shaky as she tried to pour the pancake batter into the hot pan. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and she could feel the heat from the stove adding to her discomfort. She wiped some of the sweat from her forehead with the back of her palm and taking a deep breath, she left the kitchen with the pancakes. She got to the dining where the entire family was seated and dropped the tray of pancakes on it. "You're so slow," Elara snorted. Adira was peeved because Elara was too little to speak that way to her, but there was nothing she could do. "Here. I need more vegetables," Freya handed her empty plate to her without even looking at her face. Sluggishly, Adira collected it. "And some more stew, Adira. Come on," her brother also handed his plate to her. Ruefully, Adira glanced at her father's face and was shattered at how non-challant he looked. He wasn't even concerned that his second family had completely turned her into their maid. She returned to the kitchen and broke into sobs - not entirely because of her family's treatment towards her, but because Lancelot and Jardine were getting married at the moment. It's been three weeks since she lost her baby, three weeks since she gave up and signed the divorce papers. For the past three weeks, she's tried her best not to think of Lancelot, but it's been clearly impossible. She couldn't let go of him, no matter how badly she wanted. Right there, thinking of the fact that he was already getting married to Jardine broke her. Ruined her. She took what she wanted from the kitchen and returned to the dining to serve the plates. "What the hell? This is too small, Adira. What is wrong with you?" Freya grumbled upon seeing the quantity of veggies Adira brought for her. Adira had gotten enough. She had become frustrated. "Well, if you need more, Freya, you should probably go in there and get some for yourself," she brushed her fingers into her hair. Everyone in the dining was shocked. Freya rose to her feet, bewildered. "Did you just ...say that to me?" She scoffed. She found it offensive because for the past three weeks, they've had Adira wrapped around their fingers. How could she talk back at her? Adira sighed. "I'm just saying I'm tired." They were all too blinded to see the pain in Adira's eyes. In a swift motion, Freya picked up her mug of tea from the dining and spilled it on Adira. Elara giggled. "Next time, you watch that mouth of yours." She added. Adira stared breathlessly as the tea drizzled from her hair to her shirt. She felt hurt, humiliated. But at that moment, she didn't have the strength to attack. So, she ran up the old stairs, freshened up, had a change of clothes and dashed out of the house. "Hey! Where are you going?!" Her step-mother called from behind, but she gave no response as she stormed out of the house. *** Booking a cab, Adira had only one place in mind - the church. She had thought she'd be able to get over the fact that Lancelot was finally getting married to another woman; she had thought she'd be able to get over that day, but she lied. Yes, she lied woefully. Hell, there was no way on earth she could sit back and watch Lancelot go into the arms of another forever. Tears burnt the corners of her eyes as she sat in the cab, and finally, she got to her destination. Settling the cabby, she got off and ran towards the building. From the gate, Adira could see the walls of the church. The outside was nearly empty, with only a few people scattered around. Obviously, majority of the guests were already in. She scanned her eyes around and found the bride standing at the doorway of the church. She was adorned in a white long flowing dress with her face obviously veiled, about to make her grand entrance. A soft whimper escaped Adira's throat, realizing that was Jardine. "No!" She cried out, a pang of sadness hitting hard at her chest. She tried running in, but the securities at the gate gripped her at once. "Ma'am! What're you doing?!" "We need to see your card, please." "Hold on." Adira struggled to break free from their grips, but the men were too strong and muscular and didn't let her go. Her screams had attracted the few people outside, including Jardine who turned from the entrance to see what was happening. Fear and resentment flickered across her face upon seeing Adira, but her mother walked upto her and whispered something into her ears before proceeding to Adira. Soon, Jardine's mother and sister were headed towards her way. "What are you doing? Take her out!" Mrs Rowena snapped at the guards, and quickly, they dragged her out the gates. Mrs Rowena and her daughter followed them. "You witch! Have you finally lost it? How dare you come to my daughter's wedding and try to make a scene? How dare you?" Adira was still being held by the guards, and crisply, Jardine's sister slapped her hard across the face. Adira gasped as she fell on her knees. "You b***h! This is my sister's wedding, you know? How dare you try to create a scene here and tarnish our family's image?" Twenty-three year old Kalina huffed. Adira was in pains as she held her hurting cheek. Mrs Rowena went closer. "Deal with the fact that my daughter got a man you could not keep. If you were good enough for him, I'm damn sure he wouldn't be marrying her right now. You're a loser, girl, and the next time I find you around here, I'll be sure to cut off your legs." With a hard glare, she turned around and walked away, Kalina followed. Adira stayed there on the floor, broken and in tears. The securities equally left her, leaving her in her sadness. "It's all useless," she whimpered to herself. "Living is all useless." What was she still living for? She had no money, no family that truly loved her, no friends. She was just there, broken and dejected. Right there, she felt her heart harden. It became so cold and hateful. And it drove her mad to know there was nothing she could do. There was no point in living anymore, no point at all. Right there, Adira decided it was best to end her life. *** Getting off the floor, Adira slowly boarded a cab to a local bar. She was going to get drunk one last time before putting an end to her miserable life. Yes, it was going to be quick. Her perfect plan was to jump off the bridge and let herself drown. They all won - her family, Jardine's family, Lancelot's family, everyone of them! She was the only loser there, and obviously, there was no point in living. When she arrived at the bar, she wearily stepped in, walking pass the numerous people on their seats. Her legs wobbled as she made her way to the counter and ordered for multiple drinks. Each gulp Adira took felt like a dagger piercing through her chest, but she couldn't stop. As she drank, memories of heartbreak and disappointment flooded her mind like a raging river. She recalled all the good times she'd play with Lancelot, make love with him and do a lot of fun things. She recalled all the times she'd make dinner and stay up hungry till he was home. Everything was still fresh in her head - his smiles, laughters, and reassuring words of how much he truly loved her. Then, the painful memories came - memories of the nights she'd stay up late, waiting for him to return, but he never will. Memories of how he started avoiding her and speaking harshly towards her. All those nights he'd sleep in the living room, just because he didn't want to share the bed with her. Down to the humiliation she got from his family - his mother's hostile actions towards her, Jardine's belittling words and even the slaps she had gotten from them. She recalled every single thing - those were the last memories she'd take to her grave. Adira was down to her third bottle and was beginning to feel a little tipsy when the bar manager suddenly walked into the middle of the bar and announced. "Uh... ladies and gentlemen." Adira noticed his voice held so much fear. She turned sluggishly to look at him. "I am... I am so sorry, but everyone of you would have to leave. We're um... having a very special guest who wants to have the bar to himself for a moment. You don't have to worry, every drink you've ordered will be settled by him. So please, kindly leave and come some other time. Please." Adira was peeved. Who the hell was it that wanted the entire bar to himself? Even in her last moment, she still couldn't have peace? Wasn't it obvious the devil wanted her to end her life sooner? She grumbled along with the rest of the people in the bar. Angrily grabbing her bag, she began to walk out of the bar, but surprisingly, the manager pulled her by the wrist when she got to his side. "Ex... except you, ma'am" he stuttered, beads of sweats over his forehead. Adira's brows arched. What the hell was he talking about? And why was he seeming so scared like he was dealing with the devil? "I...I don't understand," she shook her head. "You asked everyone to leave." "I did, but the man that wants the bar made an exception for you. Please, stay back. Please." Adira was flustered. She was made an exception? By who exactly? And for what purpose? Fear spiralled through as she imagined it being one of her enemies. Perhaps, a relative to Jardine who wanted to punish her more for showing up at the wedding? Or a messenger from Lancelot's family? Who could it be this time around? Haven't they made her suffer enough? If only they knew she was about to end her life, maybe, they'd let her be. Her anxiety mounted as she watched every other person leave the bar. Her eyes darted round the room, searching for any sign of danger as she awaited the arrival of the unknown man. It took sometime, but finally, he arrived at the doorway like a king entering his court, flanked by two men that stood behind him like guards. The room was immediately filled with the scent of luxury as the man made his way in, like a lion entering its territory. His impeccable tailored suit clung to his muscular frame like a second skin, exuding power and confidence. His entire body was fully clothed with even his hands having dark gloves. The men behind him marched like knights protecting their king with a fierce loyalty and strength. And the whole time, Adira felt her breath seizing. What in the name of heavens?! She might be a little tipsy at that moment, but she very much knew that man. Every breathing soul on earth knew the most powerful man in the country. What the hell was Nikolai Kensington doing in front of her?!
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