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Adira stood frozen in place as Nikolai - the most powerful billionaire - approached her. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest like a wild animal trying it escape its cage. With his cold, hard eyes settling on her like diamond orbs that pierced through her soul, she felt unhindered chills down her spine. Was Nikolai the man the bar manager was referring to? Was he the man that wanted her to stay back? But why? She's only seen him in the news and on papers, she's never met or even dreamt of meeting with him before. Someone of her status could not even meet him. So, she was wondering how he how specifically knew her to request her staying back. What could she had possibly done to offend the almighty billionaire? With each step he took closer to her, her fear increased and she took hard nervous gulps. He was so handsome, so muscular - his face an art of perfection. But right there, all she could feel was fear as she stared at him. "Adira Ravenswood," he called her full name when he got close enough, his voice like frost, coating everything in a layer of cold detachment. Adira became more perplexed. He knew her name? How the hell did he know her name? For a second, she looked around and blinked hard, trying to see if she was dreaming or seeing things wrongly. Was it possible she had passed out and was in a trance? Perhaps, she had passed out in the church? Or even when she had gotten to the bar? But even in her dreams, why would she meet a man like Nikolai Kensington? Looking back at his oval face, she wagged her head slowly. "You're not real," she muttered. Nikolai sighed and walked pass her, his guards staying back. "Please, come have a seat, Miss Adira. I'd like to make this as brief as possible." He said with a frozen inflection, his voice void of any concern for her confusion. With shaky legs, Adira turned and ambled to where he was seated on the counter. The whole time, she kept wondering if it was actually a dream or reality. Even when she was married to Lancelot, she knew of the times he complained of how extremely difficult it was to meet Nikolai. Everyone talked about it. This man was almost like a god on earth. So, Adira was totally confused that he was there with her. This was the reason she believed she was dreaming. Getting to the counter, she slowly took a seat that faced him, her confused gaze not leaving his face. She was still trying to fathom if he was real or not. Wealth smelt all around him, for a moment, she felt she was sitting before a demi-god. "Need more drinks?" Nikolai asked, noticing the bottles in front of her were empty. Feebly, Adira shook her head. "Okay, then. Let's go straight to the point," his tone was so cold and hard, as well as his face. It made Adira wonder if he's ever smiled or done something fun. 'This is all a dream, Adira' she reminded herself. 'Soon, you'll wake up and find yourself back to the miserable life you've been used to.' "I'm sure I do not need to introduce myself to you," Nikolai began. "I came here on purpose to see you, and that's because I have a really juicy offer you might like." This got Adira thinking. How did he know she was at the bar? Did it mean he had her followed? See? This was the reason she knew it was a dream. How could a man like Nikolai possibly follow her? A low-life like her? "I am very much aware of what you've been through. From your divorce and all the maltreatment you've had to go through. So, I'm here to make you an offer, Adira. I, Nikolai Kensington, will make you so rich, you'll walk on money. I'll place you above your enemies and make them worship at your feet. You'll no longer be known as the timid Adira, but you'll become known as one of the most powerful women in the country, as well as a manager in the Yonder Dynamics. You'll be a great woman, Adira, possibly for life." His tone was hard and crisp as be spoke, giving the feeling of them having a business conversation. Adira watched him as he spoke and stayed frozen for a while when he finished. Then, she laughed - threw her head backwards and laughed with a tear trickling down her left cheek. "Oh! Adira, you're so stupid," she said out loud, chuckling. "You're so stupid. How did you get into such a dream?" She tapped her forehead "I can't believe you chose to imagine this of all things. How can I even dream of this?" She laughed again, wiping the second tear that came rolling down her cheek. Nikolai watched her closely, saying nothing. When she was done talking to herself, she sniffed and looked around. His guards were still there, staring at her through their dark shades. But the bar manager was gone. It was just them in the bar. She looked back at Nikolai and chuckled. "I can't believe I dreamt of you. You know, I've never even thought of you before, because people like you are not even qualified to be in my head. So, how the hell did I end up dreaming of you?" She lifted her hand and tried touching his cheek with her finger, but Nikolai moved away immediately, flashing resentment in his eyes. "You look so real, tho." Adira added,a silly smile on her lips. Nikolai c****d his head and shrugged. "Like I was saying, Adira," he continued, not seeming affected by her dramatic display. "I'll make you very powerful. But there's a condition of marrying me for two years. Two years alone - not even a day late. It's going to be strictly on agreement with other terms involved. If you agree to my offer, I'll tell you those terms. But for now, I'll give you the night to think about it. If I don't hear from you by noon tomorrow, I'll take it your response was a No." He dipped his hand into his trouser pocket and retrieved a card. "This is my personal card. Give me a call when you're ready," he dropped the card in front of her. Then, opening his palms to the guards behind him, he let them place a bundle of cash in it. He turned back to Adira and dropped the bundle on the table. "This should be enough to get you home and make you sleep comfortably. That'll be all for now, Adira." He stood up and saying nothing else, walked out of the bar. Adira's eyes widened in shock as she stared at the bundle in front of her. Little by little, the realization begin to dawn on her- the realization that she was not dreaming afterall. With shaky hands, she touched the money and the card and gasped. "What the hell?!" She shrieked. Her heart began to race heavily. She slapped her cheek repeatedly, hoping to see if she'd wake up. There was no way this could be real, right? There was no way Nikolai just said all that to her!
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