Episode 22

1818 Words
I never thought I'd see the day when folks 'round here would warm up to me. Yet here I was, perched on my straw mattress, surrounded by faces that no longer looked at me like I was fixin' to steal their last morsel of bread. It was... unsettling, to say the least. Harry, Maria, and Lily were sprawled out nearby, yakking away like we were at some kinda harvest festival instead of smack dab in the middle of a cutthroat competition. I reckon that kiss with Harry had something to do with it. Seems like one little smooch was all it took for these simpletons to decide I wasn't the big bad wolf anymore. Lily was going on and on, her eyes all sparkly like a lovestruck fawn. "Can you even imagine? Winning the Luna Trials?" She hugged herself, practically bouncing off the bed. "I'd finally be able to bring some recognition to my pack, you know? Maybe even clear my pa's name. He ain't never committed no treason, I tell you what." I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Poor kid was living in a dream world if she thought winning this circus would solve all her problems. Maria chimed in, a wicked grin plastered on her face. "Oh honey, forget about all that noble stuff. I'm in it for the castle life." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "And let's not forget about Prince Harry. Have you seen those arms? I wouldn't mind getting a closer look, if you catch my drift." This time, I couldn't help but snort. "You're about as subtle as an ox in a pottery shop, Maria." She just shrugged, unabashed. "Life's too short for subtlety, sugar." Before I could retort, Lily turned those big doe eyes on me. "What about you, MaryJane? Why'd you join the trials?" I tensed up faster than a rabbit spotting a fox. No way was I fixing to spill my guts to this bunch. Quicker than a heartbeat, I deflected. "Why don't we ask Harry here? I reckon his reason's a might more interesting than mine." Harry, bless his heart, took the bait without missing a beat. He sat up straighter, running a hand through that mop of dark hair. "Well, there's still a whole heap of speculation about why they opened up the trials to men this time 'round. But for me?" He shrugged, shooting a glance my way. "I came to support my friends. MaryJane and Maria here, they needed someone to watch their backs." I narrowed my eyes at him. There was more to his story, I'd bet my last copper coin on it. But before I could pry, the sound of a horn echoed through the halls, followed by the clanking of armor. A royal guard appeared at the entrance to our quarters, his voice booming. "Hear ye, hear ye! All contestants are to report to the great hall immediately for an announcement from Her Majesty, Queen Luna!" We all exchanged glances. Whatever this was about, it couldn't be good. The great hall was packed tighter than a barrel of pickled herring by the time we got there. Queen Luna stood on a raised dais, looking all regal and whatnot in her finest robes. She raised a hand, and the chattering crowd fell silent quicker than a mouse spotting an owl. "My dear contestants," she began, her voice carrying clear across the hall. "You have all shown remarkable strength and tenacity in completing the first set of challenges. As a reward for your efforts, we have arranged a special treat." A ripple of excitement ran through the crowd. I just crossed my arms, waiting for the other shoe to drop. "On the morrow's eve, we shall hold a grand ball in your honor." The hall erupted in cheers and gasps. You'd think these folks had never been to a feast before. Queen Luna raised her hand again, calling for silence. "Now, I know some of you might be wondering about the presence of male contestants in this year's Luna Trials. It's time we addressed this change in our cherished tradition." Well, butter my bread. Looks like we were finally getting some answers. "The Luna Trials have always been about finding the best mate for our prince, yes. But as the seasons change, so must we. Our kingdom faces new challenges, and we need not just a queen, but strong leaders who can support the future ruling couple." She paused, letting her words sink in. I had to hand it to her, the woman knew how to work a crowd. "While our female contestants compete for Prince Harry's heart, our male contestants are vying for high-ranking positions within the kingdom. Commanders, advisors, potential allies to the future queen. We need the best of the best, regardless of whether they be man or woman." Well, I'll be damned. It actually made a lick of sense. "Now, about tomorrow's ball," the Queen continued, a sly smile playing on her lips. "All female contestants will have the chance to dance and entertain Prince Harry." The squeals that followed darn near burst my eardrums. You'd think these gals had never seen a man before. "Those who are chosen as the best dancers will have the honor of supping with Prince Harry himself." I swear, if those girls screeched any louder, we'd be calling in every hound in the kingdom. "As for our male contestants," Queen Luna went on, once the noise died down a smidge, "you'll have the opportunity to dance with some of the kingdom's most noble ladies. Who knows? You might even find your own mates among them when the trials are over." The fellas in the crowd puffed up like roosters at that. Lord have mercy. "But remember this," the Queen's voice turned serious, shutting down the chatter right quick. "Only one man and one woman will ultimately emerge victorious from these trials. After the fourth stage, the only way out is death." You could've heard a pin drop in that hall. The Queen's eyes swept over us, hard as flint. "This is to ensure that the winners are truly ready to die fighting for our kingdom, for Prince Harry's heart, and for the honor of leading a pack." She let that sink in for a moment before her face softened into a smile. "Now, go prepare yourselves for tomorrow's festivities. May the best woman win Prince Harry's heart, and may the best man prove himself worthy of leading one of our great packs!" As soon as Queen Luna stepped down, the hall exploded into a frenzy of excited chatter. Girls were shrieking like banshees, jumping up and down and embracing each other. "By the moon goddess, can you believe it?" Lily squealed, latching onto my arm. "A ball! With Prince Harry!" Maria was fanning herself dramatically. "Sweet mercy, I might just swoon. Dancing with the prince? I better start practicing my curtsies now." All around us, girls were carrying on like they'd struck gold in the mines. "Prince Harry is so gallant!" "I've got to win that supper!" "What shall I wear to catch his eye?" I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they might get stuck that way. Second-hand embarrassment doesn't even begin to cover what I was feeling. These girls were acting like lovesick pups, and over what? A dance with some pretty boy prince who probably wouldn't give them the time of day once this whole shebang was over. Harry caught my eye from across the room, looking about as comfortable as a wolf in a chicken coop. I couldn't help but smirk. At least I wasn't the only one not buying into this nonsense. As we filed out of the hall, the excitement only seemed to grow. Girls were already planning their gowns, practicing their dance steps, and gossiping about who they thought had the best shot with the prince. "I heard he favors golden-haired maidens," one girl whispered conspiratorially. "Well, I heard he prefers strong, silent types," another countered. I snorted. "Yeah, and I heard he's actually a three-headed dragon in disguise. Get a grip, ladies." They shot me dirty looks, but I couldn't bring myself to care. This whole thing was ridiculous. We were supposed to be in a life-or-death competition, and here they were, getting their skirts in a twist over a fancy dance. Back in our quarters, it was like someone had lit a fire under everyone's tails. Girls were ransacking their belongings, trying to cobble together ball-worthy attire. The boys weren't much better, preening and posturing like they were the Goddess's gift to womankind. I flopped onto my bed, trying to tune out the chaos. A ball. Of all the cockamamie ideas... "Aren't you excited, MaryJane?" Lily asked, her eyes wide with disbelief at my lack of enthusiasm. I propped myself up on my elbows, fixing her with a deadpan stare. "Oh yeah, I'm just bursting with joy. Can't you tell?" She frowned, clearly not picking up on my sarcasm. "But... it's a chance to dance with Prince Harry! To maybe sup with him!" "Whoop-de-doo," I drawled. "I'd rather wrestle a bear, if it's all the same to you." Maria plopped down beside me, grinning like the cat that caught the canary. "Oh, come on, sourpuss. Even you've got to admit, it'll be nice to have a break from all the fighting and scheming." I snorted. "Please. This is just another part of their game. You really think they're doing this out of the goodness of their hearts? Wake up and smell the herbs, darlin'. They're watching us, even when we're all dolled up and playing nice." That seemed to sober them up a bit. Good. At least someone around here was using their noggin. As the excitement continued to buzz around us, I couldn't shake the feeling that this ball was going to be more trouble than it was worth. Sure, it might be a break from the physical challenges, but the mental game? That was about to kick into high gear. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the giggles and chatter. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and an even longer night. And something told me that by the time that ball was over, the real dance – the one for survival – would be in full swing. Let them have their fairy tale night. I'd be keeping my eyes wide open, watching for the wolves hiding among the sheep. Because in this game, one wrong step could be your last. And I'll be damned if I'm going down because of some frilly gown and a twirl around a dance floor. As I drifted off to sleep, one thought kept circling in my mind: in the Luna Trials, even a ball could be deadly. And I was going to be ready for whatever tomorrow threw my way.
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