Episode 15

1750 Words
I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. The emotional toll of yesterday's challenge left me drained. But I didn't have time to wallow. The Luna Trials wait for no one. Dragging myself to breakfast, I noticed the atmosphere had shifted. Contestants eyed each other warily, the fear challenge having exposed vulnerabilities we all tried to hide. "Well, well. Look who made it through," Brenna's snide voice cut through the tension. "Guess facing mommy and daddy issues isn't so tough after all." I whirled on her, fury coursing through my veins. "Say that again," I growled, fists clenched. Jake grabbed my arm. "Mary, don't—" But I shook him off, getting right in Brenna's face. "You have no idea what I've been through. So unless you want me to show you some real nightmares, I suggest you shut your mouth." Brenna's eyes widened, but she quickly recovered her sneer. "Ooh, scary. The little rogue's got teeth." Before I could respond, Queen Luna's voice rang out. "Contestants, gather round. Today's challenge will test your wit as well as your strength." We assembled in the courtyard, where a large maze had been constructed overnight. "Your task is to navigate the maze and retrieve a golden key from the center," Queen Luna explained. "But be warned – the maze is filled with traps and illusions. Only the first three to return with a key will move on to the next round." Great. More mind games. As we lined up at the entrance, I caught Harry's eye. He looked like he wanted to say something, but I turned away. I couldn't deal with him right now. The horn sounded, and we were off. I plunged into the maze, immediately hit by a wave of disorientation. The walls seemed to shift and change with every step. I heard shouts and curses from other contestants as they encountered traps. A piercing scream made me jump – someone had fallen into a pit of snakes. They were illusions, of course, but the fear was real. Rounding a corner, I came face to face with Selly. For a moment, we just stared at each other. "You heard us yesterday, didn't you?" she finally said, her voice low. I nodded, tensing for a fight. But Selly just sighed. "It's not what you think. Harry and I—" A rumbling sound cut her off. The ground began to shake, and suddenly the wall between us crumbled. We both leapt back as debris rained down. When the dust settled, Selly was gone. I shook my head, refocusing on the task at hand. I couldn't let myself get distracted. Pushing forward, I encountered more traps – swinging blades, collapsing floors, even a section where gravity seemed to reverse. My rogue training kicked in, helping me navigate the dangers. Finally, I reached the center. There, on a pedestal, gleamed three golden keys. As I grabbed one, I heard footsteps. Harry burst into the clearing, looking surprised to see me. "MaryJane," he panted. "We need to talk." "Kind of busy here, Your Highness," I snapped, turning to leave. But he caught my arm. "Please. It's about your parents. I think I know—" A creaking sound interrupted him. We both looked up to see the maze walls starting to close in. "Run!" Harry yelled. We took off, the maze collapsing behind us. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as we ducked and weaved, barely staying ahead of the destruction. "This way!" Harry shouted, pulling me down a side path. I wanted to argue, to pull away, but there was no time. We ran together, hearts pounding in sync. Just as the exit came into view, a final trap sprung. The floor gave way beneath us, and we tumbled into darkness. I landed hard, the breath knocked out of me. As I struggled to my feet, I realized we were in some kind of underground chamber. "You okay?" Harry asked, his voice echoing in the dim space. "I'm fine," I muttered, brushing myself off. "Where are we?" Before he could answer, torches flared to life around us. The chamber was circular, with strange symbols carved into the walls. And there, in the center, stood a familiar figure. "Mom?" I whispered, disbelieving. The woman smiled, but it wasn't warm. It was cold, predatory. "Hello, my dear. It's been a long time." I stumbled back, shaking my head. "No. You're dead. This is another illusion." "Is it?" Not-Mom tilted her head. "Or perhaps what you've believed all these years is the real illusion." Harry stepped forward, putting himself between us. "Who are you? What do you want?" The woman laughed, a chilling sound. "Oh, little prince. I want what I've always wanted. Power. And my daughter here is the key to getting it." "I'm not your daughter," I snarled, finding my voice. "My parents are dead. Murdered." "Such a convenient story," Not-Mom sneered. "It made you the perfect little weapon, didn't it? So full of rage and vengeance." My head spun. This couldn't be real. But a small voice in the back of my mind whispered, *What if it is?* "Enough games," Harry growled. "MaryJane, we need to get out of here." Not-Mom's eyes flashed. "Oh, I don't think so. You see, you two are exactly where I want you." She raised her hands, and the symbols on the walls began to glow. A howling wind filled the chamber, whipping around us. "MaryJane!" Harry yelled over the noise. "Whatever happens, don't let go!" He grabbed my hand, and a surge of warmth shot through me. As the wind intensified, I clung to him, anchoring myself against the chaos. Not-Mom's laughter echoed, distorting into something inhuman. The glowing symbols swirled off the walls, encircling us in a vortex of light. Just when I thought I couldn't hold on any longer, everything went silent. The wind died, the lights faded, and Not-Mom vanished. Harry and I stood there, panting, still holding hands. Slowly, the chamber dissolved around us, revealing the exit to the maze. We stumbled out into the sunlight, dazed and confused. Queen Luna and the other contestants stared at us in shock. "Congratulations," the Queen said, recovering quickly. "You are our first two finishers." As the reality of what just happened sank in, I turned to Harry. He was smiling sheepishly. "What is this? He is the prince. He wasn't in the trials.' "I was right mom.'' Harry said as he walked past me, going to stand next to queen Luna. They looked back at me, smiling. "What is going on?? What kind of sick joke is this?'' "This is no joke, MaryJane. Harry, prince Alpha, wants to see for himself whether those who fight for his heart have a clear conciousness. He wanted to see who you are on the inside, and what your greatest fears are.'' I looked at the both of them, refusing to believe the madness I'd just heard. "You conjured the memory of my dead mother and twisted it with darkness. You're disgusting.'' "You're my mate.'' Harry argued, maintianing that shallow smirk that touched deep within me. "I'd be damned if I let you have this all too easy. You have to proove yourself, Maryane, if you can't, the ugliness of the world of royalty will eat you up and spit you out. Before you can be mine, you have to be tough and face your fears.'' I let out a breath, stepping foward, my eyes trained on him. "I don't want to be yours. You and your family had something to do with my parent's death. I hate you, Harry, I hate you so much that I'm willing to win these trials just to proove a point.'' "And what's that?'' Harry asked me. It felt like this mask he had had shaken off. He wasn't the loverboy who annoyed me, he was this masterminder who had a twisted sense of ownership. "The biggest mistake your family made was turning your head when I, daughter of your father's beta, was left an orphan. We were friends once Harry,'' "We can still be friends.'' He argued, all too casually and with a shrug of his shoulders. "No. I'm not here to lick your feet. I'm here to teach you that royalty means loyalty. You and your family betrayed mine, and ever since, the treachery stretched to the way this kingdom was ruled. You've opprsed the minorities, ruled with an iron fist, hunted, hated, bullied and stolen from those who simply have nothing to give. For all the pain you gave, I plan on giving it ten times over. And there's nothing you can do, I am afterall, just a nothing-rogue competing to win the heart of the prince. The only difference, is that I don't want to take care of your heart, I want to crush it!'' We stood there, like the world faded around us. I saw the spite in his eyes, the annoyance. He didn't get what he wanted, it irritated him. "MaryJane, you realize that you're committing treason by laying threat against the royal family and the crown itself.'' Queen Luna stepped between us, like a mother protecting her cub. I smiled at her, understand her attempt to intimidate you. "Act 133 on the special code of servant relation and herediatary debt: It states that a kin may inherrit the debt left behind by their parents if it is owed to the royal throne or in cause of the goodness of the kingdom.'' She looked at me, furrowing a brow. "That's right, I know the law.'' "And how do you think that stands to help you, little girl.'' "That act doesn't only play on negative debts left behind, they also address debts of honour. You had a debt to my parents that was never repayed. They pulled you from trouble, guided your steps, they were the best royal advisors the kingdom had seen in years. They died a dishonourable death. By law, the job of beta and royal advisor is herediatary, just as the throne is. I was supposed to be beta, and the person who'd become my mate. But I'm not claiming that title, I don't want it. In light of this, seeing as such an honourable position was left behind, the throne and the kingdom owes me a great favour for the heroic lives and actions of my late parents. You cannot make a move against me, Queen Luna, the law is clear!''
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