Episode 3

1369 Words
My heart hammered against my ribs as I approached the towering gates of the Alpha's palace. Fourteen years. It had been fourteen years since I'd last set foot in this place. Memories, both sweet and bitter, flooded my mind, threatening to drown me. "Remember why we're here," Jake whispered, his hand on my shoulder. "For the rogues." I nodded, steeling myself. The Luna Trials were about to begin, and I was here to win – for myself, for justice, and for my adopted family. As we entered the grand courtyard, my eyes darted around, taking in the opulent surroundings. Warriors from various packs milled about, sizing up their competition. The air crackled with tension and anticipation. Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd. I turned to see what had caught everyone's attention. And there he was. Alpha Prince Harry Layward. He strode into the courtyard, his presence commanding and regal. My breath caught in my throat. The boy I once knew had grown into a strikingly handsome man. His dark hair was tousled by the breeze, and his piercing blue eyes scanned the crowd. For a moment, our gazes locked. A jolt of electricity shot through me, and I saw his eyes widen in recognition. Did he remember me? The little girl he used to play with before his father murdered my parents? I quickly looked away, my heart racing. I couldn't let him affect me like this. He was the enemy now, wasn't he? "Welcome, warriors," Harry's deep voice rang out across the courtyard. "You have come from far and wide to participate in the Luna Trials. May the strongest and most worthy among you emerge victorious." As he spoke, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. He exuded confidence and power, every inch the Alpha prince. But there was something else, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. A hint of sadness in his eyes? Reluctance in his stance? The formalities continued, but I barely heard them. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions and memories. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice when the crowd began to disperse. "Mary," Jake hissed, nudging me. "We need to go to our assigned quarters." I nodded, turning to follow him. But as I did, I collided with a solid chest. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't—" I started to apologize, looking up. My words died in my throat as I found myself staring into those familiar blue eyes. Harry stood before me, a mix of emotions playing across his face. Surprise, confusion, and something else I couldn't identify. "It's you," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "MaryJane?" I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice steady. "Hello, Harry. It's been a long time." He reached out as if to touch me, then seemed to think better of it. "I... I can't believe you're here. When you disappeared, we thought..." "You thought what?" I couldn't keep the bitterness from my voice. "That I was dead? Like my parents?" Pain flashed in his eyes. "Mary, I—" "It's MaryJane," I corrected him coldly. "And I'm here for the trials, nothing more." Harry's expression hardened slightly. "Of course. Well, may the best warrior win." As he turned to leave, I felt a strange pull in my chest. Despite everything, a part of me wanted to call him back, to talk to the boy I once knew. But I squashed that feeling ruthlessly. I was here for a reason, and Harry Layward was not it. I rejoined Jake and Maria, who were looking at me with concern. "You okay?" Maria asked softly. I nodded, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Let's go see our quarters." As we walked away, I could feel Harry's eyes on me. I refused to look back, but my skin tingled with awareness. Our assigned room was simple but comfortable. As Jake and Maria settled in, I excused myself, needing some air to clear my head. I wandered the palace grounds, memories assaulting me at every turn. The garden where Harry and I used to play hide and seek. The balcony where my father would sometimes lift me up to see the view of the entire pack lands. Lost in thought, I didn't notice the figure approaching until it was too late. "We need to talk," Harry's voice startled me. I spun around, my heart racing. "There's nothing to talk about." He stepped closer, his eyes intense. "You can't just show up after all these years and pretend there's nothing between us." "There isn't," I snapped, but even I could hear the lie in my voice. Harry's expression softened. "Mary— MaryJane, I know what happened to your parents was unforgivable. But I swear to you, I had no part in it. I was just a child, like you." I wanted to believe him. A part of me did. But the years of pain and anger couldn't be erased so easily. "It doesn't matter now," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "We're not children anymore, Harry. We're competitors in the Luna Trials." He reached out, his fingers brushing my arm. The touch sent shivers through me. "It doesn't have to be this way. We could—" "No," I cut him off, stepping back. "We can't. Too much has happened." Pain flashed in Harry's eyes, quickly replaced by determination. "You're right. We're not children anymore. But that doesn't mean we can't start over." Before I could respond, he turned and walked away, leaving me confused and conflicted. I watched him go, my emotions in turmoil. The boy I once knew, the man he'd become – they were at war in my mind. And beneath it all, a strange, undeniable pull that I couldn't explain. As I made my way back to my quarters, I tried to shake off the encounter. I was here for the trials, for revenge, for the rogues. I couldn't let Harry Layward distract me from my goal. But as I closed my eyes that night, his face haunted my dreams, a reminder of a past I thought I'd left behind and a future I didn't dare imagine. I woke up in the middle of the night to a soft knock on my door. My hand was on my sword before I had the voice to mouth a response. "Come in," I called, expecting Jake or Maria. Instead, Harry slipped inside, closing the door behind him. His eyes were intense, fixed on me. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. He crossed the room in quick strides. "I couldn't stay away. MaryJane, there's something between us. Can't you feel it?" Before I could respond, he cupped my face in his hands. "You're my mate," he breathed, and then his lips were on mine. For a moment, I was lost in the kiss. A warmth spread through me, a feeling of rightness I'd never experienced before. But then reality came crashing back. I broke away and slapped him hard across the face. "How dare you!" Harry looked shocked, his hand touching his reddened cheek. "Mary, I—" Just then, the door burst open. A group of warrior girls stood there, their eyes wide as they took in the scene before them. "What's going on here?" one of them demanded. I glared at Harry, my cheeks burning with anger and embarrassment. "Nothing. Prince Harry was just leaving." He looked at me, hurt and confusion in his eyes. But I turned away, unable to bear it. As Harry left, pushing past the stunned girls, I could feel their eyes on me. Whispers started immediately. "Did you see that?" "The prince was in her room!" "Are they together?" I wanted to scream, to explain, but the words wouldn't come. Instead, I slammed the door shut, leaving the gossip and speculation in the hallway. Alone again, I touched my lips, still tingling from Harry's kiss. Mate? It couldn't be true. I wouldn't let it be true. I was here for revenge, not romance. But as I lay in bed that night, I couldn't shake the feeling that everything had just become much more complicated.
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