Chapter 22: Make Up Or Not

1335 Words

Make Up Or Not   Baek's POV The march wasn't so bad. "This is the worst!" Zeanne complained after we finished our last punishment as a group. Five lapses around the oval. Oh, yeah. This march is the worst. Who was I kidding? Why? Witch Pring was our leader. Our previous leader is missing in action and witch Pring offered to join our group with the one she supervised. Ugh! I feel like strangling her. She wanted to give us push ups for our first punishment earlier but P'Ace changed it to squats. I'm still upset with him. My friends were whispering to me telling me not to waver just because P'Ace meddled to help us. I wasn't gonna waver, was I? Okay, maybe a little. I love him. I feel gooey on the inside when I think of him. Ah...look at that handsome face. His lean, muscular bod

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