Chapter 12: Baek’s Problem

1053 Words

Baek’s Problem   It's only been a week for Baek and his best friends in college yet life had already started to suck their souls. Not only that their school is over the top demanding, they also have to face their own personal issues. Pierre is just in his own little world of worry when to ask his lover to top him. Like that's a very hard decision to make. Waine knows there's something bothering his handsome husband to be, that's what he calls him in his mind. But he's waiting for Pierre to tell him. They have all the time in the world. Keaton has used pretty much all his energy after class avoiding his obvious stalker who doesn't seem to give up. And to top it up, Michael also lives in the same dormitory as him. He learned this morning when Michael decided to knock in his door. Baek

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