Chapter 4 (Bed of Roses or thorns)

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Allen’s POV “Where are you taking me?”, she yelled in a half-conscious state. I think that cheap man must have drugged her. She was hitting on my back with her soft feather-like hands. Though I am never that much easy with girls I am shocked that I didn’t hurt her yet. “Put me down, you bastard. You can’t take advantage of me.”, she yelled while I was carrying her to my room. I never took any girl in my room. I used to f**k them in hotels, offices, or any place but room. But I brought her here because the situation is different here. “Like, I am dying to take you.”, I replied, opening the door of my room and I put her on the bed. She looked at me with shocked eyes and gave me a killer but childish look. “You are annoying.”, she said and I immediately replied, “You are childish.” I removed my black suit and laid on the bed. She was sitting in Indian style without realizing that she was giving me a show of her beauty down there. I asked her, after thinking for a while, “How did you end up with that cheap man? He could have done something bad with you.” She turned to me with her big doe-like eyes and asked, “Why do you care?”, and rolled her eyes at me. Seriously the whole business world and mafia threaten with my one look and this girl has the guts to roll her eyes at me. I took her hand pulled her near me and she landed on my chest. Her big boobs were on display in that situation. Her half body was upon me and half on the bed. I encircled my arms around her waist and said, “You know what my love, answer me when I ask a question. Dare you to roll your eyes on me again and I will s***k you until you learn to behave.”, I completed and squeezed her ass. She got angry and asked me, “Who are you to give me an order?” I wanted to say a lot of things but I skipped. I was tired and wanted to have a rest so I just told her, “Go to sleep. I am tired.” “No reply to me first.”, she sat on Indian style again and asked for the answer. Why are these girls so annoying? I looked at the water on the table and took a glass of water. I added sleeping pills in that without her realizing it. I sat in front of her and said, “Okay, I will, but have water first. Here, Take it.” “Why?”She asked and I gave her a look of anger which she immediately understood was dangerous so she complied, “Okay, I will drink.” “Good.”, she said and took the glass from me. I lay down again and she gave me an innocent look. I took the shirt which I grabbed from the closet for her and threw it on her saying, “Now go there and change yourself if you don’t want me to see you naked.” “It is not mine.”, she said while having a good look at my shirt. I looked at her and said while getting up, “Let me help you, wait.” She stood and ran to the washroom after saying, “No, I am going.” Her cute acts made me smile. I don’t know after how many days I have smiled. “Why are girls so annoying?”, I said and closed my eyes so that I could sleep. But how’s that possible, when a girl is in your room? After five minutes, I heard a sound from the washroom. I stood and ran to the bathroom door. I knocked on the door but she didn't reply. I was getting worried for her. I called her, “What happened?” “Hey, are you listening?”, I asked again but got no response. I was getting impatient as I have enemies and there might be some attack so I opened the door and said, “Hello” But instead of a reply, I found her on the floor. She must have got unconscious with the effect of drugs and sleeping pills too. I know it is dangerous, but I know how many doses I can give to her as well. “Oh no, shit.”, I ran and tapped on her cheeks to wake her up multiple times. “Hey get up.”, I called her she opened her eyes and smiled and closed her eyes again. I took her in my arms and made her lay on the bed again. I saw her getting sweaty with a tight dress. I grabbed another shirt and tried to wake her up again but nothing worked. “f**k, I have to do this.”, I said tiredly. I unzipped her dress and pulled her dress down from her shoulder. She was wearing black lingerie which was complimenting her skin. I felt turned on after seeing her but I immediately dismissed those thoughts. I was getting her buttons done when I felt her hands on my shirt. She was undoing my shirt. “What are you doing?”, I asked, holding her hands in mine. She looked at me and replied, “I am undressing you.” “Why?”, I asked and she motioned her finger to my chest saying, “I want to see your tattoo.” “Shut up”, I made her lay down on the bed keeping her mouth shut and instructed, “Lie down and sleep.” She lay down saying, “You are bad. He is so good.” Her last sentence made me think exactly who she was talking about? ------ I sent her back to her place the very next day. I do not want distractions in my life so I thought it would be better to stay away from her. It has been almost one month. I want to find her but don’t know where did she go? My driver took me to the place where he left but I came to know she left from there. Now the only roommate lives there alone. I told my men to keep eye on her house but nothing worked. We tapped the phone line but got no information. I was never crazy for a girl, but now I have a reason. When she left after 2 days, I saw something under my bed and realized that it belonged to her. And I am not able to forget her. I was lost in my thought that I didn’t realize when my younger brother Jacob came and sit in front of me. He tapped on my table with the paperweight saying, “Hey Allen, how are you doing bro?” I huffed and replied, “I am good, but I want to be better.” “Means?”, He asked me taking the wine from the Fridge. I stood from my king-size chair and went to the window of my cabin. I looked at the cars on the road and without looking at him I continued, “I met a girl a month ago.”. “So?”, He asked taking a sip from the wine. “Actually, I saved her from a cheap man.”, I said looking out of the window. He came and stood in front of me appreciating my deed, “That’s good.” I looked into his eyes and said, “I want her in my bed. I want her to scream my name.” To say, he was shocked would be an understatement. He was looking in my eyes for a lot more reasons. He knew I never get into a serious relationship. “What are you planning to do?”, He asked me with a suspicious look and I told him my plan, “Find her location.” He asked, “Why?” “Get her kidnapped and bring her to me?”, I said and went towards my chair and sat on it. My one leg was resting on another and I was turned to him. “Are you serious? You never forced any girl.”, He yelled coming near to me. “I never said that I will force her.”, I replied and opened my laptop and he again spoke,” But?” I showed him my palm to keep his mouth shut and I ordered, “Just do what I said.” “Okay”, He said and left. I have to show everyone that I want her in order to succeed in my plan. Once I will have her I will play my cards. ------- I was having my favorite breakfast when my beautiful morning was ruined by the yelling of a girl. I stood from my chair to see who the hell this girl is? She is going to die today. I reached in the drawing-room when I saw my much-awaited girl being brought to me. She was yelling profanities at my men and my dear brother Jacob. She was in her satin nightwear which means she was sleeping at the time of the k********g. “What the hell are you doing?”, she yelled and I smiled looking at her fragile figure. Her soft blossoms were looking so good that I was getting impatient now. “Leave me,” she yelled and was trying to hit my men. I saw her and was lost in her beauty unless I heard her saying, “Alex, save me.” She didn’t notice me yet. “Help.”, she said and I made her turn to me and she was shocked to see me again. My arms were encircled around his waist. I asked her, “What did you just say?” I was about to remove hair strands from her face when she slapped my hand and yelled at me, “Don’t touch me. How dare your men bring me here?” I didn’t reply but just smiled to see her strength and bravery, “Trust me, you are going to pay for this.” I squealed her waist and made her body touch with mine and said, “I love the fire in your eyes, girl. I wanna get lost in them.” She was in pain. I can see that but instead of saying something good which could satisfy my ego. She said, “I will burn you with that fire.” “Please do”, I said and pinched her waist and squealed really hard. And then I heard her first begging, “Ah, leave me. You are hurting me.” “I will. But promise me you will do what I say.”, I said but she repeated herself, “Leave, I am in pain.” “Say yes, Girl.”, I asked twisting her hand behind her back and she begged again, “No, leave it, please.” “I want to hear the opposite.”, I said and saw her teary eyes. I like strong and brave men. Note, only men, girls I want weak because that’s what they are. If they are not, then I know how to tame them, just like the way I am doing right now. “Okay. Yes, I will do whatever you say please leave me.”, she finally said and I smiled saying, “Good girl.” She was waiting for me to leave her hand and waist but I didn’t. I brought her face close to mine and said, “Now listen to me and listen to me good. I like submissive behavior and low tone. Try to raise your voice again and I will show you the living hell here.” I asked her, “Got it?” and she nodded her head in yes. I liked that she understood but I love to hear words. I twisted her hand to extreme pain and asked again in a threatening tone, “Got it, Jasmine?” She looked at me and said, “Yes.” with so much pain in her voice. I made my grip lose on her waist and left her hand but still, she was close to me. I can feel her breath. Her body heat and everything. She was looking at me but I was not. I called my maid, “Melody” and here she comes running at my one command. I like that. “Yes sir.”, she said and stood in front of me looking on the floor. I turned to Jasmine and looked in her eyes while ordering, “Show ma’am her room and make sure she gets everything here.” Melody replied immediately, “As you say, sir. Please come, ma’am.” After my order, I left her waist and stepped back so that she can leave. “Ma’am”, she called her again but she didn’t move. “Ma’am”, Melody again called her and I felt her body falling in my embrace. She fainted in my arms. ---- Hey Guys, Do comment and share my book. 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