The beginning of a new life.

507 Words
After Rain build "The Light of the Future" he wanted to open a bookstore and live a quiet life so he decided to go to the Royal capital of Arende Kingdom. 2 days after he decided to go to the royal capital Arkein but by passing by he saw one olhd man fighting against five high rank monsters,he was going to mind his business but the moment he approached those monsters they decided to attack him. Even tho they were intelligent monsters the didn't felt Rain's aura (power) and blocked his way.The leader of those monsters said: Human where do you think you are going? Do you really think that you can run away after meeting us and laughed. The old man who was fighting said: Run young man don't try to fight them I will try to by time for you so you can run. In that moment Rain was happy from the old man's word's so he laughed and said : Old man im thankfull for the thought but you don't have to help me because I decided to kill them because they are standing in my way. The high rank demons laughed and said ; Little boy you really think that you can stop us from killing you huh? Rain answered: For weak monsters like you i don't need to even move an inch because you are that weak as you can't handle even one of my weakest attack and he fired one Fire ball to them and one of the monsters was one shot killed. The old man was quite relieved that the boy was strong so he passed out because of his heavy wound. The monster chief said: How dare you kill one of my man and started attacking but to Rain the were just some playthings because he had become that much strong that even the high rank monsters weren't a match for him . As the demons attacked Rain he started experimenting his newly spell that he had created named (Thunder Dragon Storm) and burned the three of them to a crisp. I should use this spell lightly because it's seems its quite strong haha. He took the old man who was on brink of death and used one of his strongest healing magic(Healing Magic Eden's Garden).And waited for the old man to wake up. The moment the old man woke he was directly in a fighting position.When Rain said its okay now old man the monsters were killed. Old man was quite impressed and asked did you killed them? The were quite weak monsters a didn't even try to much and the were dead by a single spell. Oh by the way what's your name old man? My name i Aren Luxus I'm a teacher at the magic academy. What about you? I'm Rain Einstad I'm just one book store owner . You seem quite young, how old are you? I'm eighteen year old. You are this young and have this kind a power. I had a good teacher.
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