The opening of bookstore

518 Words
After Rain saw that the old man was OK he headed for the Royal capital.When he came to the capital he was amazed by the beauty of the city.And decided to open his bookstore in that city so he got to the city management office and asked to buy a place to build his bookstore.After looking to many places he at least found the perfect place to open his bookstore.One hidden spot where won't be many client's and where he can live his quiet life.So after that he moved in he started cleaning the whole place and remodelled it to be a perfect place to learn. After that he opened his storage space and from it came out many books and he used magic to send them in their right places. And headed to sleep. In the morning he got out to explore the city and buy food when on his way out he crashed with a pretty noble lady with pink hair and green eyes. Oh I'm sorry miss are you okay? The young miss rise her head and said: I'm sorry I was in a hurry and I didn't saw you passing I'm sorry. No it's okay I'm alright miss where are you headed young miss alone with only a maid with you? I was shopping since I'm a little sick and can't come out of my home I escape without anyone seeing me ? Sorry for asking but what kind of disease do you hame miss? I don't know I just have a body too weak so I don't go out much. Can you close your eyes for a moment miss? After Rain asked her to close her eyes she immediately closed them and Rain casted one spell to remove rhe disease fromher weak body which was bothering her and said; You can open now then miss. Are you a healer sir? Something like that,now if you excuse me lady I have some jobs to do then good bye. Wait what is your name? My name is Yuning so what about you? Hahaha You don't need to worry about that lady you should just enjoy your life. And disappeared. I didn't even get his name , anyway maybe I'll meet him again. After Yuning return home she saw that her family was to scared of where was she and called immediately the best healer in the city to visit her. After the doctor finished checking her he asked lady did you visit any healer today? She said no I was just shopping why? Well I don't know how to say this but the disease that was bothering her all this time has disappeared she is perfectly healthy now. What??? Do you really not visited anyone today Yun asked her father she said yes I'm sure. When the maid said ; Oh ! Wait we did run into someone on our way home he was a young man with silver hair he looked like a noble he said to miss to close her eyes for a moment and did something like casting a magic I think.
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