003 Anywhere but here!

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Tiffany's POV. Before I was even done signing, Bill wheeled out my box to me. "Take this and get the hell out of my house and my life. I never want to set my eyes on you Tiffany. Now, leave!" he yelled, his baritone voice commanding. Wait what? Bill already packed my bags for me, I bet he couldn't wait to get rid of me. I must've been suffocating him with my presence all these years. "You heard him, Tiffany. Leave and never come back!" Sheila let out, a taunting smile on her face. She sure was enjoying the whole drama! A fuckking slut, that's who Sheila is, I mean which sensible person would be comfortable sleeping with her sister's husband? This right here was the height of disrespect I could tolerate from Bill. He could neglect my needs as his wife, his Mom could call me barren for all I care. But, sleeping with my sister on our matrimonial bed was a no-no for me! There is a limit to what one could take. I touched my belly gently as an inexpressible feeling washed over me, knowing that a tiny human was growing in me sent a warm feeling down my body. This baby was the consolation I needed for all the years I wasted with Bill. "Bill, you don't deserve to be this innocent baby's father. You don't deserve to know about this pregnancy too!" I grumbled inwardly. Quickly I took my box, picked what was left of my broken self, and exited the room, oblivious to the test result I left behind. As I dragged my bag downstairs, I couldn't hold back the tears that were threatening to leave my eyes anymore, without warning, I let it all out. Holding my hands on my mouth as I sobbed quietly. Letting all the pain out Suddenly a thought came to my mind quickly, reminding me how my whole life was centered around Bill and his family. I didn't realize I lost myself trying to prove myself to Bill and his Mom. "Where do I go from here?" this question kept ringing a bell in my head. I can't even go back to my father's house. Not with Agnes and her troubles. That environment would be too toxic for my mental health, especially now that I have a baby on the way. Most importantly I can't bring myself to see the face of my so-called sister who played a major role in causing me pain. Staying in that house would stress the fuckk out of my life. Doctor Brenda had warned me against stress, and going back to that house spells stress. My thoughts were cut short when I noticed a hand touch my shoulders, patting them softly. I raised my watered eyes to meet Mrs Jones's tender gaze. She offered me a small smile, wiping the tears off my face and giving a soothing look. "You've cried enough Madame Tiffany, wipe your tears, for the sake of your unborn baby," she said, making me roll my brows at her. How did she know about the pregnancy, aside from Doctor Brenda, no one else knows! Seeing my confused look, she offers me a reassuring smile. "The signs were there Madame, you just didn't notice," Damn, she's right, I could remember throwing up a lot lately but I didn't have the slightest idea that I was pregnant. Turning my gaze to her, my eyes flicker "Please keep this a secret, I don't want Bill to know about this, Can you do that?" I asked desperately, my tone pleading. "Don't worry Madame, Tiffany. Be rest assured that your secret is safe with me," she retorted, offering me a small smile. I nodded with a smile. I know I could always trust her. Mrs Jones has always been here for me, she would knock on my door tirelessly on the days I would cry myself to sleep. As a woman and a mother, I knew she felt my pains and pitied my predicament, even I pitied myself at some point. Without hesitation, I pulled Mrs Jones into a warm hug, hugging her tightly as I felt a mother's warmth while wrapped up in her arms. Just what I needed to keep my sanity! Someone hugging me and telling me everything will be fine. Thanks to Mrs Jones, I feel a lot better. As we broke off the hug, I offered a warm smile, muttering a thank you. As I let out a deep breath, quickly I got the answer to my initial thought. Stevie strikes my mind. Yes! I have to leave this goddamn city, after all, there was nothing left for me here. I need to start a new life, a life away from all of these troubles, a life without Bill and his family drama in it. Stevie might as well step in and save the day! Relieved, I took my phone and booked the next available flight to Boston. After that, I texted Stevie, my best friend from high school who had always said that Bill was undeserving of my love. She had always disliked Bill for treating me the way he did. I kept my eyes on the screen as I typed a message for Stevie. "Hey Stevie, I'm finally done with this godforsaken marriage, I've booked my flight to Boston. See you soon," I take it that Mrs Jones saw the relief in my eyes because she quickly asked. "Where are you going from here?" she inquired, her tone laced with concern and worry. "Anywhere but here!" I retorted, my tone skeptical.
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