07 Moving on

1278 Words
Tiffany's POV Our plane touched down in the city of Boston. I inhaled deeply, letting the evening's cool breeze touch my skin. It felt somewhat great to be somewhere new. I'm still hurt, but I feel a lot better knowing I'm far away from Bill and his overbearing mother. The uneasiness I felt during the journey had dissipated. I have this bubbly energy brew within me. As I walked into the arrivals, I see some people huddled in small groups, discussing in hush tones. Some are seated, drinking coffee and passing time with a book. While some are anxiously waiting for their loved ones. At a corner, I see a kid throwing her arms open for a hug. The mother smiles warmly at her, scooping her up, her eyes gleaming lovingly. My hand instinctively moved to my belly, caressing it lovingly. I feel tears welll up in my eyes, not from sadness, but from an overwhelming sense of love and happiness. It's finally sinking in. I'm going to be a Mom. The whole motherhood thing is starting to feel real, and it's kind of scary but exciting too. I've got this little person on the way who's going to need me for everything. I know motherhood won't be easy but I'm ready to embrace this journey one step at a time. I'd do anything to make sure my baby's safe. Shielded away from my past. And if anyone threatens that, all hell will break loose, trust me. As I scanned the whole place, I spot Stevie, standing and looking out for me. She looked just like she did back in our college days. My eyes watered and I hesitated for a while. It's so good to see Stevie, my best friend in the world. I waved at her, offering a small smile. Stevie's eyes perks up as she sighted me. "Tiff!" She called, rushing towards me. Stevie pulls me into a warm hug, genuinely happy to see me. I hugged her back, allowing the tears that has been bugging my eyes to flow freely. Stevie pulled out from the hug, she offers a small smile, wiping off the tears from my eyes gently. "No more tears Tiff, everything will be just fine, I assure you. I'm here now," Stevie's words are soothing, I brighten up a bit, sniffing back the tears. "I've missed you so much, how's Kathy?" I ask, managing a small smile. "I've missed you too, Tiff!" Stevie replied, wheeling my box over to her side. "Mom can't wait to see you. Trust me, she's more excited than I am," I chuckled slightly. "I've missed her Apple pie and bacon," I added, allowing the chaos of the day ease slightly off my shoulders. Stevie winks. "Lips sealed. Come, let's get you home," she mouthed, holding my hand and using the other hand to wheel my box. ********** As we step into the house, the aroma of a crispy, evenly-cooked bacon hits my nose. I turned to Stevie and she smiles at me. "Mom had to make it specially for you, I didn't want to spill," My stomach rumbles, I realized I haven't had anything to eat the whole day, Bill ruined our supposed anniversary dinner. "Mom, Tiff is here!" Stevie calls out. Kathy hurries out of the kitchen, looking as elegant as I can remember, a big grin on her face. "Tiffany! Come here my darling," she said, hugging me tightly. As I pulled out from her hug, I can't help but smile. Kathy has been like a mother to me since Stevie and I became best friends from college. My eyes perks up. "Wow! You look beautiful as always. You haven't aged one bit. It's so good to see you," I exclaimed, unable to hide my excitement. "I'm so happy you're here, Tiff. How long has it been?" "Six, seven years?" She asked, her eyes gleaming. "Actually, it's been seven years," I affirmed. I had stayed over at Stevies after my masters, returned back home to marry Bill. "How time flies, you're such a pretty woman, Tiff," Kathy said, she never fails to compliment my beauty. "How was your trip?" She inquired. "Must be very tiring right?" I nodded approvingly, my mind racing back to everything that has happened. "This is your home, make yourself comfortable, I made your favorite," Kathy says, her smile bright. Stevie chuckles, "Mom, there's no way Tiff doesn't know, the aroma greeted her already," Stevie teased. As I looked at both Stevie and Kathy teasing each other, I smiled widely. I haven't been this happy in a long time. It's like being with Bill and Rebecca has drained all the joy from me. A life with Bill will always be a life with Rebecca, his unhinged and obsessed mother. As I scooped the bacon into my mouth, I gasped. "This taste so nice, Kathy," I say, savoring the delicious taste. "I'm glad you love it," Kathy replies with a cheeky grin. Just as I'm about to take another bite, I suddenly feel queasy and nauseous. I really want to puke right now. Stevie notices. "Tiff, you alright?" She ask, I nodded, trying to reassure her, but the urge to puke comes again and I rush off to the bathroom, Stevie follows me. Stevie caressed my back gently as I puked my lungs out in the bathroom. We hear a gentle knock on the door. "Is Tiff okay?" Kathy asked, her voice laced with concern. "Yes Mom. We'd be out in a moment," Stevie reassures Kathy. We hear Kathy's footsteps, indicating she went back to the dinning. After I'm done, I rinse my mouth with water and take a deep breath. As I turned, I met Stevie's worried face. Just then I realized I hadn't told Stevie about the baby yet. "Tiff?" Stevie calls. "Are you pregnant?" I nod. "Oh my God, Tiff! This is good news," Stevie exclaimed happily. Seeing Stevie's excitement, I feel a bit relieved. I didn't exactly know how to go about the pregnancy journey but Stevie somewhat elevated my mood. "You look really happy," I say "Of, course, I'm happy, silly! I'm going to be an aunt." She says with a smile. I smiled warmly at her. "This is the best news I've heard today!" Stevie squeaked. "Wait, does Bill know you're carrying his child?" My expression falters, remembering I had forgotten the test result at Bill's. "No, I didn't tell him," I say but I looked worried. "What's the matter?" Stevie asks. "I forgot the test result at Bill's," I say, beating myself up mentally. "I don't know if he saw it. If he did, I bet they'd be looking everywhere for me right now," I breathed. Stevie frowns. "He divorced you, why would he be looking for you?" I took a deep breath. "You don't get it Stevie," "Then, make me understand," I look at her. "The Castillos has a tradition of not raising any of their child outside their homes," I say. "Rebecca would do anything to take this child away from me," "That's a whole load of crap. Whose fault?" Stevie says. "If they think you're going to give up this child because of their family reputation bull-s**t, then they have another thing coming," I smiled at Stevie. "Of, course. No one is taking my child from me, I'd fight them with every drop of my blood," Stevie nods approvingly. "I need a fresh start here, I need to make a name for myself," I say, "That way, that family got nothing on me," Stevie smiles. "That's more like the Tiffany I know!" "Now, let's go break the good news to Mom,"
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