Chapter 104 Sixteen Years Ago

1204 Words

Necromancer had long believed that he would be burned to death. He didn't think about the second possibility. He didn't expect Robert to actually say that he would release them. Robert smiled, "I know that you are very confused, and you can't figure out the situation. So, let me make it clear. The reason for releasing you is not that complicated. I have a set of rules that are different from this world. In my view, you are not so bad that you have to die. it's that simple." Necromancer's withered face was full of bewildered expressions. "Of course, I have already killed No. 32 because I thought he was a very bad person at the time. It was just self-defense. I'm not going to apologize." Robert shrugged, "You were lucky that I didn't kill you when I defended myself. So you got a chance to

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