Chapter 103 Faith or Death

1152 Words

Did you ever wonder why they believed in the god of light? This question, for Ish, almost didn't need to think about it. She immediately answered, "Of course, because the god of light is generous, kind, and loves everything. His grace is all over the world so that everyone can feel his greatness, and naturally, people will believe in him." Robert couldn't help laughing, "Ish, why are you so innocent and naive? Alas, it's a pity that I have to mercilessly break your naivety. I feel so guilty." Having said this, he paused, shook his head, and said, "Didn't you just hear Lilian's aunt say? The god of light has never been gracious to them. Rough Rock Canyon doesn't even have a priest. There's only a church there, just like Westwind before I came. Do you think your logic just now makes sense

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