Chapter 5

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Amelia; I sat in my green velvet crush armchair reading a book on Unicorns that I had snuck down to the library to find in the middle of the night. I still wasn't sure if Arlo was messing around with me or not, if Pretty girl was an actual Unicorn wouldn't I know? For a start she doesn't even have a bloody horn. It sounded farfetched, I mean, I knew they were real but really? They weren't the myths people believed them to be. But I am just Amelia-May, there wasn't anything special about me, especially nothing that would warrant me finding a Unicorn. Although it would be pretty amazing if she was one. Unicorns are an endangered species; they are a myth to the human world and its safer that way. If it ever came out that they did exist, they would be killed because mankind pretty much kills everything they don't understand. It was 6:30 Am, and my eyes stung. I had spent the first half of the night thinking over the conversation between Arlo and myself, and then the argument with my father. It was around that time that I realised sleep was not going to be coming to me any time soon and I decided to go find the library. I remembered Marie telling me that there was one here; all I had to do was remember where she had told me it was. Once I had found it, I searched every shelf until I found the book that I was looking for. I needed to know more about these creatures. I needed to know if Arlo was just tormenting me, or if he was telling the truth. After getting back to my room, I spent hours sitting here in my chair, reading. Who knew there was so much to learn about these beautiful creatures? The one thing that stood out the most was the fact that Unicorns were terrified of werewolves. So surely that meant that Arlo was lying to me? But why would he have done that? After opening up to me, I genuinely thought that we were having a special moment. As much as I tried to forget about the way my father reacted, I couldn't. It didnt matter how much I tried to push it from my mind, that argument with him plagued me. I couldn't believe he put his hands on me, he hurt me. In my whole 18 years that man never once laid a finger on me, maybe I had pushed him too far? Or maybe he has pushed me too far and he cant cope with the fact I am finally done with cowering down to him and my brothers. Being here has changed me, I am finally able to be myself. I know that I am a lot stronger than what I thought. And there is no way that I am going to let fear control my life any longer. And although being in the pack mansion is a far cry from the freedom I crave, it is admittedly better than the cottage. I dropped my book down onto my chest and tilted my head back over the arm rest, I thought back to mine and Arlos conversation on our walk back to the mansion, all of the stuff he had told me about Marie, and how she came from nothing, being found as an abandoned baby to becoming Luna of the pack, talk about a Rags to Riches story. In a way it made me like her more, she was an unwanted child too, maybe that why she was so nice to me. He said that I was special to her, but I am still not sure why that is. Did she know about the way that my father and brothers had treated me all my life? I was exhausted, but my mind just would not shut down. I knew there was no point in trying to fight it any longer and decided to wake myself up with a cold shower. It certainly did the trick! I threw on a pair of grey joggers and a white T-shirt. It was too early to go down and have some breakfast so that was when I decided to continue reading my book. I must have been totally engrossed in what it was reading because the next time I looked at my watch it was 8:15am. The time the pack joined for breakfast. I leapt from the chair and slipped into my white converses; neatly tucking the book under my pillow, I would continue reading it again later, now for food and answers. And there was no way I wanted to find out how my father would react if I was down late for breakfast. Was he still in his foul mood? I dont suppose that anything had happened to change his mind over night. But then again, did he even think of me when I wasn't around? I would bet that I was further from his mind than he ever was from mine. I bolted from my bedroom and dashed down the hall, hoping that no one had noticed that I wasn't there. I was also silently praying that Arlo wasn't already in the dining room. It was another of the pack Lores that the Alpha and Elders were to be the last in the room. I guess that was just some ancient Alphas way of displaying his authority or that some people needed to make others feel small so that they would feel better about themselves. Lori! I approached the closed dining room doors and hesitated for a moment. I could hear the distant chatter as people were talking amongst themselves, but I couldn't hear Arlo. His voice was enough to be recognised in any crowd. 'You're late.' Came the familiar voice. I closed my eyes and turned around slowly. There, standing behind me was Arlo and his parents. I wished that I would be swallowed up by the ground, I was so embarrassed. When I opened my eyes, I noticed Marie and her kind smile, her eyes darted from Arlo to me. 'I-I am so sorry. I had a bit of a late night.' I replied, dropping my stare to the ground. Arlo reached forward and tipped my chin so that I was facing him once more. 'Luckily, the rule only states that all pack members must be there before the Alpha. I am here. You are stood in front of me. I guess that means that you were here before me.' He answered with a smile. I tried to fight the smile pulling at my lips, but it was useless. The more that I was getting to know my alpha, the less I hated him. The sound of the doors opening behind me had me whirling around on the spot. I let out a small squeak of surprise before locking eyes with a shocked waitress. Without another word, I slipped around our server; I seriously needed to learn peoples names and I scurried to my seat. The moment that I entered the dining room I was met again by whispers and stares, I didn't put my head down this time, I had no reason to, I would not let these people make me feel uncomfortable, I had as much right to be here as they did; even if Lori and her silly little friends didn't think so. I was still so pissed off with how she thought that her and her friends could treat people in the way that they did, she shouldn't be looking down on me, she shouldn't be looking down on anyone. I don't care about the pack order; everyone should be treated equally. In my eyes no one pack member is better than anyone else. Mutt or not. I seriously hated that word! 'Dont worry about them.' A familiar soft voiced said. It was Piper, today her auburn hair was down, she wasnt in her waitressing clothes; she was wearing a pair of jeans and a bright pink vest top instead. 'It's my morning off.' she blushed realising I had noticed her change of attire. 'I would say come and join me for breakfast, but you know the rules.' she said disappointment filling her voice, pointing to the table that was full of Non-Elites, who were patiently waiting for their breakfast. 'But I think you are wanted here.' I followed her gaze to my father and brothers; they were all standing by the table waiting for Arlo. No one was to sit down before he did 'Oh' I mumbled. 'It's okay though, we can meet up later if you want. Maybe we can go for a little walk and then I can tell you about these rumours.' I rolled my eyes, these rumours were obviously something to do with me. I suddenly realised what Piper had just said. She wanted to go for a walk with me, like a friend. I smiled and started to nod when an angry voice stopped me. 'Amelia!' My father called nodding towards Arlo, he had just walked into the hall and everyone but me and Piper were at our tables. 'Oh s**t!' Piper mumbled turning on her heel, without a moments pause I turned and rushed to the seat beside my father, refusing to meet his angry stare. 'Sorry.' I mouthed at my father as he gave me a disapproving look. 'You need to be at your table standing behind your chair before he enters the room.' He said quietly. Really? Did all these people think that he was some kind of king? How am I supposed to get used to this? Breakfast looked and smelt amazing as usual, I was desperate to go up and get some pancakes but had already decided that it was best to wait for Lori to get hers first, I didn't really fancy dealing with her stupidity again today. I turned my gaze to my hands that were folded in my lap when a voice caused me to flinch. 'Amelia, would you like to come up to the serving table with me?' Arlo asked appearing beside me. I was taken back, everyone on the table went quiet and I could feel my father and brothers eyes burning into my forehead, and I could practically feel Loris anger wrapping around me. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing and nodded slowly. 'I would be honoured.' I said in a sincere voice, but he knew I was being sarcastic, a smirk escaped his lips. He offered out his arm to me and I hesitantly placed my hand on it. 'Thank you.' He whispered, keeping his stare locked on the food table. 'Should I bow to you next time?' I chuckled as me and Arlo started walking towards the serving table. 'Ha, ha.' He replied narrowing his eyes in a mock anger, still smiling. 'I knew you couldn't be polite without adding a bit of sarcasm in there.' He joked. We were trying to talk quietly, knowing the main pack members were trying desperately to hear what we were saying, everyone was talking. I quickly glanced up at Lori, her face was bright red, she was angry. Was that anger directed at Arlo? Or myself? Either way, it brought me pleasure knowing that something involving me was bringing her discomfort. I allowed my small smile to show as we walked past her, and I could have sworn that I heard her growl. I waited a few more seconds until we were a good distance from the bitches of Wolfwick and turned my head slightly towards Arlo. 'Why the invitation?' I whispered looking up at his handsome face, he looked down at me and smiled 'You said that I only know what I have been told about you, so I plan on getting to know the real you.' 'Yeah well I think you may have really pissed your girlfriend off.' I replied, nodding towards Lori. Arlo quickly glanced over at her and I noticed the pleased smile that he allowed to show briefly. He gave a small shrug. 'She isn't my girlfriend and I don't care if she is pissed off.' He said frankly and then he turned to look at me, his eyes twinkling. 'How about after breakfast we go for a walk, then I can show you what we have here in this incredible home of ours.' I looked at him curiously and nodded. 'That would be lovely. Thank you.' We stopped at the breakfast trolleys and loaded our plates with so much food that we could have fed a family; thank goodness for our fast metabolisms, before turning and walking back to our seats. By the time we had reached our table, Marie had already moved along so that there was a place for me in between her and her son. I smiled kindly to the woman as she gestured for me to sit beside her. For the first time, I felt as though I was being accepted. I didn't have to pretend to be something that I wasn't. All I had to do, was be myself whoever that was. We ate in silence, only glancing at one another occasionally out the corner of our eyes, both of us seemingly eating as fast as we could so we could get out of the dining hall and go for our walk. We finished eating and Arlo rose from his chair, before pulling mine out and helping me to my feet. The rest of the pack stared at us with wide eyes; and I didn't care. We exited the room in silence and hurried down the hall, before pushing open the main doors. 'Has my mum shown you much of the mansion at all?' Arlo asked me as we stepped outside, although it was a very bitterly cold day, the sun was shining and the skies were a pale blue, it was the first time since me being here that it hadn't rained or been cloudy. 'She has shown me the swimming pool but not much else from outside.' I said looking around. 'Well this place is like a little village so there is much more than just the mansion and houses.' He said leading me down the gravel pathway. 'What else do you guys have here then?' I asked pretending to be interested in what he was saying. I was just happy to be out of the mansion and I was really happy to be with him. 'We have our own little pub.' he winked. 'Oh really?' now he had piqued my interest. 'Fancy going there quickly. I want you to meet my best friend.' I stopped in my tracks and screwed my face up, Arlo realised what he had said and chuckled. 'No, not Charlie! My best mate Matt!' How many best friends did he have? 'I would love to.' I smiled following Arlo to the pub, he said it was small and it most certainly was not small, I raised my eyebrows and sighed. Oh, to be rich! Once in the pub; Arlo walked me towards a pool table, a boy around my age, maybe a little bit older, was leant over with a pool cue in one hand and under his arm, he was concentrating, trying to get one of the balls in the pockets. 'This is Matt, he is my best mate and my adoptive brother.' Arlo grinned. Matt shot the ball in the pocket he was aiming for and slowly stood up turning to look at us, his serious expression still didn't leave his face. His dark short hair was side swept with a perfect parting to one side, he was nearly as tall as Arlo, standing at around 6 foot. 'Hi.' I mumbled putting my hand weakly up. His brown eyes looked me up and down and then he looked at Arlo, he didn't even acknowledge me. Just like the rest of them, clearly, he would be another who hated my guts. 'Matt; this is Amelia, the one I told you about.' Arlo chuckled nervously, glancing over at me with wide nervous eyes. He was nervous? Our Alpha? Woah. Matt nodded to me and then turned back to the pool table. 'He is really shy.' Arlo whispered taking my hand and walking me to the bar. 'Matt? The usual?' he called over to his brother. Matt nodded and put a cigarette behind his ear. 'Yeah, Im going to go and have a quick smoke, be back in 10.' I watched as Matt left and then looked back at Arlo. 'Fancy a drink?' he asked pulling out a thick black leather wallet. I looked up at the pub clock and Arlo shrugged at me. 'Its 5 o clock somewhere in the world, right?' He beamed. I couldn't help but smile back. 'I have only ever had Rose', so, I guess I will have a glass of that please?' Arlo nodded to the man behind the bar who had clearly been listening, and I watched as he hurried around getting our order. He returned with the wine and rapidly filled two tall glasses with beer before handing them across to Arlo. He reached for his wallet and the bar man shook his head, waving him away. Arlo smiled kindly at the man and grabbed the glasses before directing me back over to the table where Matt had clearly been sitting. 'I think you and Matt will get on.' Arlo said before taking a large sip of his beer. 'Oh really? I don't.' I mumbled. 'Trust me, once you get past the shyness, you will see what a top bloke Matt is. In fact, your both alike. He is very blunt like you, he doesn't take any crap from anyone, just like you.' I shook my head smiling. 'Okay, okay I get it.' I laughed, picking up my glass and sipping at the cold liquid slowly. Matt came back in; his serious face was now red, and he look really aggravated. 'That little Trollope and her mates are outside.' He grumbled sitting opposite Arlo. 'Whats she done?' Arlo sighed rubbing his fingers across his forehead. 'Just Lori being a nasty piece of work again, apparently she is going to kick the crap out of your new bird.' He replied, nodding his chin towards me. I creased my brow in frustration and rolled my eyes as he continued. 'I told her to piss off, but apparently she wants you or she wants Amelia outside now.' Matt looked concerned for me; I wasn't too sure why. I rolled my eyes, this girl really hated me, and I had absolutely no idea why. I put my wine glass on the table and stood up from my seat. 'Where are you going?' Arlo asked also standing up. 'Apparently to get the crap kicked out of me.' I said as I walked towards the pub door. Both Arlo and Matt jumped up. 'Amelia don't!' Arlo said gently grabbing my hand, why didn't he want me to go? I wasn't scared of her and her bitchpack. 'Why?' I asked. 'Im not scared of her. I haven't done anything wrong and she seems to have a major issue with me.' I turned myself back towards the door before correcting Matt. 'And by the way Matt, I am not Arlo's bird.' I said bluntly, reaching for the handle. 'Amelia please, just leave it, she isn't worth the trouble. I will deal with her; Matt, can you go and sit with Lia please?' Lia? Only Eddie had ever called me Lia. It was strange hearing Arlo say it, thats normally something friends do isn't it? Shorten your name as sort of a pet name. I look at Matt and he looked straight back at me, we both stood facing each uncomfortably for a few seconds. I paused and glanced over at Arlo once more. 'I will be fine. Just don't come and be a hero. Just stay in here and let me fight my own battles. Okay?' I said before pulling the door open and stepping outside. 'And here she is.' Lori hissed as I stepped out into the garden, she and her two friends were standing at the pub benches, all looking like they could smell s**t. 'Here I am Lori.' I smiled forcefully. 'What the hell do you want?' I asked, sounding more than a little bored. 'Or, should I just ask what it is that I have done wrong this time?' 'More to the point, what have you done right? I think that it is time that someone put you in your place around here!' Lori retorted, snarling angrily. I rolled my eyes and took a slow step towards her. 'Lori, seriously, what is your problem? Do you have some underlining mental issue? Or is it purely the fact that that blonde hair of yours has cut off the blood supply to your brain?' I asked sarcastically. Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared, I knew that I was getting under her skin, and that thought just pleased me. 'You can't talk to Elites in that way Mutt!' Adela snapped, smiling spitefully, turning her hopeful stare to Lori. The blonde werewolf rolled her eyes and forced herself to smile at her friend. 'Mutt? Lori, is your friend backward? My brother is the Beta or has she forgotten that?' I retorted. Lori turned a disgusted look at her friend and shook her head. I folded my arms across my chest defensively and waited for the onslaught of abuse that I was undoubtedly about to receive. Lori motioned with her head for her two friends to slowly circle me, acting like they were sharks who had just scented fresh blood in the waves, as she strolled closer to me. 'Like I said, you need to be taught a lesson. And as it happens, I am in a teaching mood.' Lori said, laughing nastily to herself. Before I had a chance to react. Adela leapt forward and latched on to one of my arms. I swung my free hand forward, hitting her in the side of the head with the palm of my hand. She let out a short yelp moments before the other girl pulled my free hand behind my back. Lori continued walking towards me, rolling her sleeves up to her elbows and finally released the first blow. She punched my nose and I heard the crack of bone, swiftly followed by a torrent of warm blood gushing down my chin. Loris eyes blazed with excitement and she pulled her leg back and kicked the side of my knee, dropping me to the ground. The moment I was down, Adela and Harper; the other of Loris pack rats, pressed their knees firmly into my elbows, causing a wave of fire to rush up my shoulders. My hands were beginning to tingle, and I saw that my pain was only egging them on further. Lori raised her foot above my face and brought it down repeatedly, causing my eyes to burn. I tried with everything that I had in me to throw my fist out as hard as I could, but it was no use. I was sorely outnumbered. I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to ignore the pain that radiated out from each blow that the girls took. I was not going to cry in front of them. They could do what they wanted, but there was no way that they would get the pleasure of seeing my crumble. Another wave of pain washed through me as Lori kicked my stomach with all her might. What sort of a coward was she? She couldnt fight her own battles. She needed tweedle dumb and tweedle dee to pin me down so I couldn't fight back. It was in that moment that I decided, I was going to get her. It might not be today, but one day, she was going to get what was coming to her. And it was going to be me who did it. An almighty growl ripped out through the air around me and the sudden squeals of the three frightened girls. I felt their grips loosen and I curled myself into a ball. I tried to open one of my eyes, but it was already so swollen that it was useless. I could feel the thick sticky blood running down my face. 'Enough!' Arlo roared, turning his anger filled eyes on the three girls. I looked on with blurry eyes and saw Lori continue to glare at me. 'Back to the mansion. All of you!' He shouted, standing inches from Lori, his face turning a shade of red that I didn't even think possible. Lori huffed and folded her arms across her chest before turning and storming off, back in the direction of the mansion. I couldn't see her, but I could hear the tantrum with every footstep that she took. I dropped my head back down onto the ground as a wave of nausea washed over me. 'I'm going to f*****g kill her.' Arlo roared, I heard as the birds left the trees frightened by the sudden growl they had just heard. 'Are you okay?' Matt asked, dropping down at my side and checking me over, I tried to speak, but no words would come out. 'I think she is going unconscious.' Matt cried with panick in his voice. The last thing I saw was Arlos golden eyes, coming into view as I lost consciousness and fell into the darkness. In the Darkness, he'll show you, All the answers, that were kept from you, Go in search until hes found, Resist the liars all around. Amelia; That song. It was back. I thought that I was free of this nightmare since leaving the cottage. I guess I had thought wrong. I woke up and tried to move but was taken aback by the intense pain that was rippling through me. I tried to open my eyes, but they were still swollen, and pain bolted through my head as though someone was stabbing my brain. I gasped loudly and struggled to find my breath; every inhale felt like someone was tightening a rope around my chest. I braced myself and forced my eyes open, fighting through the feeling that I was about to pass out, but I did it. I stared up at the ceiling above and waited for a moment to regain my focus. A bright, long white light was above my head; it was the kind of light that you would normally see in a hospital. I tried to sniff, to see if I recognised the smell of where I was, but my nose ached, and it was impossible to breathe through my nose. 'She is awake.' A voice I didn't recognise said. An old man in a long white coat looked down at me. 'Amelia, my name is Benjamin Bailey. I am just going to check you over quickly. Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any stage.' He paused for a moment as though he was allowing me to take in his information before continuing. I felt his shadow pass over my face and then blinding light. He shone a light into each of my eyes and wrote something on his clipboard, nodding his head. Hes a doctor, I must be at a hospital. 'Ca..can I sit up?' I croaked lifting my head slightly. My voice didn't sound like my own. It was rough and hoarse and completely alien to me. Before I had a chance to actually sit up, I felt two sets of hands hold onto each of my arms and gently lift me, making sure that I was stable before letting me go. Now that I was sitting up, I was overcome with the feeling that I was going to be sick. I wasn't in a hospital, it was more like a medical centre, I recognised the brown double doors. The mansion has a medical centre, what else does this place have? A dentist? Opticians? 'Hello sweet girl.' I recognised the soft female voice immediately; Marie. I strained my eyes a little harder to get a better look as she stepped closer to my bedside. She looked like she hadn't slept at all. 'You are healing extremely well.' She smiled, stroking my hair gently. At the slight touch I forced myself not to cry out. Even the simplest of actions hurt. 'How long have I been here?' I stammered, trying my hardest to remain calm. Marie was silent for a moment and dipped her head. 'Three days sweetheart.' She replied solemnly. 'But, what about my first shift?' I asked, my voice weak. A look of sadness passing over her face. 'What is it?' I added, my eyes wide. 'I'm so sorry darling. You were not in any condition to shift. It was too much of a risk to put your body through the extra trauma.' She whispered, tears shimmering in her eyes. 'I am going to kill that bitch.' I muttered, wincing as I moved my head. And I meant it, I would kill Lori, one day she would get what was coming to her and I couldn't wait. 'Get in line darling, she is in a lot of trouble.' Marie nodded; her face now twisted and full of anger. 'I cannot believe she would do such a thing. I always said she was a piece of work; but Tristan would never listen to me.' Marie folded her arms across her chest and dropped into the chair beside the bed. 'Once Arlo and Matt brought you here, I know he summoned Lori. She will face some serious consequences; I can assure you.' I nodded at what Marie had said. Not if her pathetic daddy has anything to do with it.
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