Chapter 6

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Amelia; I glanced over to the table beside my bed and took in the sight of the most beautiful flowers that I had ever seen. They were an assortment of roses in all sorts of colours. 'W-Who are they from?' I asked weakly, jerking my chin towards the vase. Marie climbed from her chair and picked the label from the centre of the flowers and read the tag aloud. 'Amelia, I just wanted to give you these, so you had something as beautiful as you to look at when you opened your eyes. Love, Ethan.' I paused for a moment as my heart sank a little. For a moment I thought that they may have been from Arlo. But either way, these flowers truly were beautiful, and I needed to find the person who sent them to me. 'Who is Ethan?' I asked weakly. Marie smiled softly and glanced over her shoulder. 'He is the son of Benjamin. The doctor that was treating you.' She replied. I nodded, trying my hardest to think back to if I had met him before, but I was coming up blank. 'I am going to get some coffee quickly; I think Matt is waiting outside to see you.' Marie whispered, stepping away from the flowers, before pausing as she looked down at me lovingly. 'Can I get you anything sweetheart? Some coffee perhaps?' I tried to swallow and felt my throat was dry and scratchy. I nodded lightly, ignoring the pain and hoping that it would ease the more I moved. Thats what we were all told as children right? Keep moving it so it doesnt tense up! I hope to the moon goddess that that was true. I watched as Marie left the room and Matt walked in, his face a mixture of concern and anger. Marie's words suddenly dawning on me. Matt was here, to see me. Why? I didn't think he liked me. I twisted around in my bed and tried to sit myself up a little more and cried out in agony. Matt crossed the room a lot more quicker than the average human and was there helping to prop me up. 'You are one crazy girl, you know that?' He said sitting in the chair that Marie had occupied moments before. I nodded at him wincing as I did. 'Me and Arlo got you here as quick as we could. I can't believe Lori! She went too far.' He was now clenching his fists, his dark brown eyes darkening; if that was even possible. 'It's okay, I am fine, and Marie said I am healing well.' I croaked gently stroking my now healed nose. 'I will get revenge though.' 'Oh, I don't doubt it, but first we need to teach you to fight. I will do everything in my power to see you put that b***h in her place.' Matt said rubbing his big hands together. 'You are really brave though; brave and stupid.' I looked over at him and attempted to narrow my eyes playfully; Not that easy when they are practically already shut. 'Maybe, but I am not going to back down from anyone, I don't care who they are, I don't deserve to be treated like I am a piece of s**t. No one does!' We sat in silence for a while watching the as the two nurses changed sheets on some beds that had previously been used; the doctor was sat on a chair in the corner of the room still writing things on his clipboard. I sighed and lent back on to the two pillows that were recently placed behind my head. 'Where is Arlo?' I asked glancing over at Matt. 'At a pack meeting, he said he will be over to see you afterwards.' Matt said walking over to the water machine. I watched as he put a white paper cup under a plastic tap and pressed a blue button for cold water. He filled the cup up and then smiled at me. 'You know, Arlo will only do what the elders tell him and even that is tough for him, but he actually listened to what you told him to do. I think he really likes you.' He passed me the cup and sat back down before continuing. 'And, I am beginning to see why.' He said with a kind smile. 'Thank you.' I said weakly taking a sip of the ice-cold water, I felt as it rushed down my throat and landed into my empty stomach, my goddess I was so thirsty. I raised the cup to my lips once more and drained it of its contents. Marie came back into the room and grinned at me, glancing over her shoulder shiftily, she opened the door and in walked Piper, her pale freckly face full of a mixture of concern and anger. 'Oh my gosh! I have been so worried about you!' She gasped jogging over to my bed. She knelt beside me and looked as though she was about to cry. 'I am sorry you are going through this.' Tears filled her eyes and she sniffed, pulling a tissue from her pocket. Me, Piper and Matt looked up as Marie and the doctor stood at the bottom of the bed. The doctor smiled. 'You have healed very well; you might still be sore for a day or two, but I don't see why you need to stay here any longer. I am discharging you but please do not hesitate to come back and see me if you have any concerns.' With that he walked away putting his blue pen behind his ear. I climbed from the bed with some assistance from my new friends and Matt turned his back while Marie and Piper helped me back into my clothes. As stiff as I was, I was determined to carry on, and try to do everything with as little assistance as possible. I failed! Marie, Matt and Piper all helped me up to my room, they didn't need to, but it was obvious they all felt sorry for me and I hated it. It's Lori they should be feeling sorry for, once I had regained my strength, I was going to do whatever I could to make her life hell. I suddenly smiled to myself. It looked as though I had finally given myself a reason to stay here. That and the fact that I was genuinely beginning to care for some of the people that lived here. 'Can I stay with Amelia?' Piper asked as they all helped me sit on my bed. 'Thats up to Amelia.' Marie smiled nodding her head towards me. I didn't mind, it would be nice to have some company for a while and Piper was always full of gossip. Maybe she could tell me how Arlo dealt with Lori and her b***h Pack. I was seriously hoping that it was going to be some brutal, medieval style punishment. I doubted it, but a girl could dream. I nodded yes and Marie and Matt left my room. Matt pausing one last time and smiling over to me with saddened eyes. 'So, what do you want to do?' Piper asked pacing around my room, something was bothering her, I could tell. She wouldn't stay still, beads of sweat forming on her head every time she tried to wipe it away. 'I don't mind.' I shrugged. 'But first, I think you need to tell me what is bothering you.' I watched as she froze on the spot. 'What makes you think that something is bothering me?' She asked nervously. I held her stare for a moment and she put her head down, she looked as though she was going to cry again. 'Piper, tell me what is wrong.' I said in a stern voice, my heart was picking up speed and I felt sick. It was clear that what ever she was going to say, wasn't going to be good. Piper sat down beside me, making sure not to look at my face, she sighed and then started speaking. 'So, Lori has been telling everyone; that Arlo summoned her last night to talk about her punishment and they had a huge argument.' She said before pausing. 'Go on?' I urged. Piper nervously licked her lips and looked at me, her eyes full of sadness. 'And then they slept together.' I was stunned. I felt as though I had been kicked in the stomach by that b***h all over again. So, whilst I was in the hospital bed that Lori had put me in, the man I had started to fall for f****d her. I had just started to let my guard down and he did that? My heart sank and I thought that I was going to be sick. An intense heat washed over my body and I felt sweat beading down my back. I stood up despite the pain I was in and walked towards my bathroom. I could feel a lump form in my throat and did not want anyone else to see me cry. I was done with this pack. 'Lia!' Piper cried walking towards me. I put my hand up to make her stop and turned my head. 'Thank you so much Piper for telling me, I appreciate it, but I just need to be on my own.' I said swallowing back the lump that was desperate to escape my mouth. Piper dipped her head once more and nodded. Without another word she crossed the room, closing the door behind her. The minute that she was gone, I hurried into the toilet and threw up. I sat against the now closed bathroom door sobbing, my heart hurt, I felt so betrayed. Was this all a setup to hurt me? Was everything an act? Was Arlo pretending to like me this whole time? Did Matt know? Did Marie? Of course, they all did, heck even the doctor and the nurses probably knew. I thought to myself, finally standing up. I could never trust anyone again, how could they all look me in the face knowing that Arlo practically led me to believe he actually liked me and then went a f****d his ex; someone he protested he hated? f**k the lot of them. I stormed over to the shower and turned the faucet, watching for a moment as steam gathered on the ceiling before crawling along it. I stripped my bloodied clothes off and threw them to the ground and stepped under the hot torrent of water. The minute the water hit me I felt refreshed and renewed. I pretended that all the hurt, lies and deceit was being washed down the plug hole with the dried blood from my hair. After my shower I hurried back into my bedroom and rummaged through the drawers, finally deciding on some baggy lounge pants and a super baggy yoga t-shirt. I wandered over to my window bench and sat staring out as the sun slowly sank down behind the trees. I sat in silence and watched as dusk turned to night, the sky turned from blue, to orange, to pink, then to purple, before the sky was turned inky black and dotted with magnificent stars. I don't know how long I had been sitting there in my trance, but I somehow felt as though all my problems had disappeared while staring out into the black abyss. It was 8pm when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I knew it was him. Although I had been waiting for him all day, I also didn't want to see him. But I needed answers. I was done with the lies. 'Come in.' I called trying to sound normal. Arlo came into my room with my dinner on a silver tray. He smiled weakly and looked at me with sad eyes. Was he being serious right now? 'I have brought you some dinner.' He said placing it on my bedside table. 'Thanks.' I mumbled looking down at the casserole, it smelt delicious, but I just couldn't stomach any food right now. I couldn't even stomach looking at Arlo. 'I didn't realise that room service was in the alphas job description.' I mumbled sarcastically. Arlo laughed to himself for a moment and paused. 'How are you feeling?' He asked putting his hands in his jeans pocket, he was studying my face, seeing how well I was healing. 'Dandy.' I replied sarcastically and then I stood up and faced my Alpha, my arsehole of an Alpha, my eyes burning into his. He screwed up his face and then went as white as a sheet. He knew then that I knew about him and Lori. 'Did you have a good time last night; Alpha?' I snapped, ignoring as my muscles and bones protested under each movement. Arlo closed his eyes momentarily and then sighed. 'It's not what you think happened.' He stuttered; his eyes now full of desperation. I laughed at him. 'It's exactly what I think happened, no, no, no! Its exactly what I know happened. You led me into a trap, let me think you actually liked me, let me start really liking you and then you threw me to the wolves. No pun intended.' I took a step closer to him. And jabbed my finger into his chest. 'You f*****g had s*x with her whilst I was beaten black and blue in a hospital bed below you, you acted like you were my friend. How could I have been so stupid to have believed you?' 'Please Amelia; I never planned for that to happen. I do like you, so f*****g much and I had every intention to punish Lori, I hate her, but I was stupid, and I allowed her to manipulate me, I am so sorry.' He put his hands on his head and ran his fingers through his hair. 'Please forgive me, I didnt set you up, I swear.' I didnt believe a word that came out of his mouth. And I wanted to make sure he knew that. 'I hate you.' I whispered allowing a tear to fall down my cheek. 'I really do hate you; you are a liar and you are just like everyone else. I should have known better, no one else could actually care for me; no one.' Tears were now falling uncontrollably from my eyes and Arlo took a step forward touching my arm. I jumped back and picked up the glass of orange juice that was next to my dinner. 'Dont touch me.' I hissed, but he didnt listen, he lightly tugged my wrist to try and get my attention, he was desperate for me to listen, but I lost my temper more than I ever had before. 'I said dont touch me.' I screamed. The windows shook with my scream and I threw the glass in rage, allowing it to smash against the wall. 'Get out.' 'No, listen to me Amelia, please listen to me goddamit.' He shouted. If he wouldnt leave, then I would. I pushed past him, barging him with my shoulder as I went and threw open my bedroom door, it made an awful bang, I am sure I had probably dented my bedroom wall. Arlo followed me as I stormed down the stairs. Lori and her b***h pack were standing at the bottom grinning from ear to ear. 'It was so good, he was so angry with me at first, but you know what a man is like when he is angry, he just needs a release and I knew he wouldn't be able to resist f*****g me.' Lori laughed, her stupid friends both giggling with her. I narrowed my gaze at her, and I saw the tiny hairs on her arms stand on end. In that moment I knew that she was scared of me. And I liked it. I stopped on the bottom step, I had, had enough of her s**t. 'Thats all you will ever be; Lori, a f**k because you have absolutely no self-respect, just like your precious little Alpha.' I said watching as the smile fell from her face. 'I am so glad you enjoyed being his little release, he must have been desperate.' I concluded sarcastically. 'Darling he could have had anyone in this mansion, and he chose me. Ask anyone in here, yeah admittedly he has been known to f**k a Mutt or two, but he always comes back to me.' She replied trying to make herself feel better. I heard Arlo growl loudly behind me, Matt and Piper were now standing by my side. 'Because Lori; he knows how easily you will spread your legs, most of the other females here have some self-respect, unlike you. And like you said, he was angry. I guess he just wanted something easy and used. Looks like he got it.' I was now done arguing with this girl, she was getting on my nerves and if she said one more thing, I would seriously hurt her. I know she got the best of me yesterday, but I wasn't anywhere near as hurt as I am now. I was done. 'Face it; Amelia, you will never be good enough for him, you're an unwanted mutt and you do not belong here with us.' Lori chuckled flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder, her friends both laughed and then they froze. They were staring at me wide eyed. I lost it; I flew off of the stairs slamming myself into her knocking her onto the perfectly polished floor. All I could hear were gasps coming from the pack members who had gathered round to watch the show. Matt and Arlo pulled me away before I could stamp on her face just like she did to me. 'Get the f**k off of me.' I growled, breaking away from their grip and rushing back over to Lori who was trying to climb back to her feet. I swung my leg out and kicked her arms from under her, causing her to smack her face down onto the cold, polished marble. A sickening crunch filled the air followed by squeals of pain. I never bothered hanging around to find out the damage I had done. I ran out of the mansion, blocking out Piper and Matts calls to me. I rushed through the grounds and headed to the only place that I could think of. The Howlers Arms. The pub that he took me to. I pushed Arlo from my thoughts and marched forward. I needed to get s**t faced. 'Um, excuse me Miss Hunt.' Came a nervous voice from behind me. I whirled around on the spot and growled angrily. 'What?' I snapped, causing the guy rushing towards me to flinch and cower slightly. I knew immediately from his stance that he was a non-elite. My stomach dropped and I suddenly felt sick. Great. Now he was going to think that I was just like the other Elites in this goddamn place! 'I am so sorry. Is everything okay?' I asked, stepping forward and smiling kindly. The guy shifted a little nervously in front of me before turning his blue eyes up to meet mine. 'Um my father asked me to bring this to you. I mean he was going to do it, but I volunteered. I hope you don't mind. I was going to talk to you in the main hall but then you and Lori...' He paused mid-sentence and lowered his stare to his feet. He cleared his throat and held out a white box. I stared at it hesitantly for a moment as he raised his stare to meet mine once more. 'What is it?' 'Oh, sorry, I forgot that you didn't know who I was. I am Ethan Bailey. My father is Benjamin Bailey. The doctor that was treating you in the medical ward.' He replied, standing up a little straighter and grinning proudly. The smile he held while mentioning his father melted my heart. I reached out and took the box from him before placing my hand in his. 'Oh, so youre Ethan!' I said excitedly. 'Thank you so much for those beautiful flowers and your lovely note. Its really nice to meet you.' I replied sweetly. 'N-no the pleasure is all mine Miss Hunt.' 'Please Ethan, call me Amelia.' Ethans eyes widened, reminding me of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck. 'S-Sure thing Miss I mean, Amelia.' He stammered nervously. I giggled lightly and shook my head. 'Hey Ethan what are you doing right now?' I asked, tucking the medication in my back pocket before turning back to look at him. He offered a slight shrug and shook his head. 'Well, I have just finished my shift with my father, so now I was just going to go home. W-whys that?' 'Would you like to join me at the pub?' I asked sweetly. His face paled slightly, and I thought that he was about to pass out. 'I-I can't.' He stammered once more. My smile faltered a little and his eyes widened even more; who knew that that was even possible? 'No I mean I really would love to but its frowned upon. Im a Mutt. We aren't really allowed to socialise with Elites.' I clenched my teeth and shivered. 'Firstly, please do not refer to yourself as a Mutt. I hate that terminology. And secondly my best friend is a Non-Elite. So why can't I be friends with another one?' I asked plainly. Ethan hesitated for a moment and ran his hand through his shaggy blonde hair and blew out a breath through his mouth glancing over his shoulder. He really was a handsome guy. I was surprised that someone that looked like him was this nervous around girls. He could have literally been one of those shirtless models that they hang on posters to make girls want to buy whatever it is that they are selling. 'I am sorry for offending you but I will make you a deal, you promise that you are going to take your medication properly, and I will come out with you now.' He responded coolly. I rolled my eyes playfully and held my hand out in front of me. 'Deal!' I said confidently. He slipped his hand into mine and I felt the slight tremble that they held but he nodded and kept eye contact with me. 'But if you're going out drinking tonight then maybe you should start taking them in the morning? Im not too sure that they are compatible with alcohol.' He said with a small smile. I rolled my eyes once more and nodded. 'Okay. I can do that. But that just means that we have to get really, really drunk.' I added with a giggle and started running in the direction of the pub. I didn't need to look behind me to know that he was following. I don't know how long we had been in the pub, but I was starting to feel the buzz from the alcohol. I sat on the bar stool, my arms rested on the counter with the stem of the wine glass pinched between my fingers, gulping back my third glass of wine. I was completely healed and ready to get drunk, I needed to block out all of the pain I was feeling. How did I miraculously become healed? Was it the wine? Did it have healing properties? Or was it just that I was getting a little tipsy? Either way, I didn't care. 'Another one; Amelia?' The barman asked. 'Yes please.' I smiled weakly. 'Put it on Arlo's tab, I'm sure he won't mind.' The barman nodded and smiled at me, it was the same one that served us before, I was glad he hadn't been at the mansion when everything kicked off with me and Lori, he would have probably called his Alpha to tell him where I was. 'So, is it only wine that you drink?' Ethan asked, propping himself up against the bar beside me. I pushed my empty glass across the counter so that the barman could reach it easily just in time for him to slide a fresh, full glass over to me. I sipped my wine and turned back to face my new friend. 'Well, wine is the only alcoholic drink that I have ever had so I dont know if I like anything else.' Ethans eyes flew open in amazement and he called the bar man over again. 'Hey Pete, can you get us 4 Jagerbombs?' He asked politely. Ahh so that was the bar mans name Pete. I made a note to remember that! Pete hurried back over with a small tray containing 4 shots of brown liquid and a large glass filled with a fizzy yellowish liquid. A strong smell of liquorice and aniseed washed over me. It was so strong that it stung my nostrils a little; swiftly followed by a sweeter scent that blended the two smells together. Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled his wallet from within. 'Hey! What do you think you are doing?' I asked, glaring at him playfully. Ethan turned to look at me with a confused expression on his face. 'Um paying?' 'No, you're not. Pete. Can you please put these drinks on Arlo's tab? Oh, and any other drinks that this guy here buys!' I giggled, spinning around on the bar stool and fluttering my eyes to the man behind the bar. Pete hesitated for a moment before nodding. 'Of course, Miss Hunt.' Ethan smiled to our new friend and turned back around to face me placing the shot glass and the tumbler on the counter. I looked at him in confusion as he picked up the shot glass and dropped it into the yellow liquid, causing it to fizz up slightly. 'Here. Try this. The trick is you need to knock it back in one.' Ethan said with a proud smile. I creased my brows suspiciously for a second and watched as he followed his own instructions, gulping the entire contents of the glass in seconds. I mimicked his actions and swallowed in one go. The sweetness of the energy drink fizzed through me as the burn from the shot was like lava touching the back of my throat. I coughed lightly and Pete chuckled, handing me another one. This time I didnt hesitate, I repeated the process and swallowed it in one. 'I think I have found my new favourite drink!' I giggled; my words slightly slurred. I waved Pete back over, ordering another round of Jagerbombs, as well as a beer for Ethan and a glass of Rose' for me. Just as Pete was turning away, I reached out and touched his arm, causing him to flinch. Seriously, what did the Elites do to these guys to make them so jumpy around us? 'Make sure you get a drink for yourself too, okay? Its on Arlo.' I giggled. Pete smiled over to me and nodded once. I was pretty sure that he was just being polite. But I appreciated the smile. 'Amelia, thank goddess you're here!' Piper gasped, bursting through the doors and running over to me, she sat next to me, trying to read my blank expression. 'What?' I asked looking at her desperate eyes. 'I just want to make sure that you're okay?' She whispered sadly. 'I am fine.' I grumbled picking up my fresh glass of wine. None of this was her fault and yet she probably felt like it was, I softened up and weakly smiled at her sad face. 'Shall we dance?' I asked, my speech only slightly slurred. Pipers face twisted in confusion for a moment before lighting up and she pulled me over to the juke box. 'What song?' she asked going through a list of romantic songs. I raised my eyebrows. 'Definitely not any of those.' I found a song perfect for my mood. 'This one.' I laughed dragging my friend onto the dance floor. I looked up at Ethan who was still sitting at the bar and nodded for him to join us. As the music started the barman dimmed the lights and put on bouncing spotlights, the colours went from Blue to Yellow to Red and then to Green. I downed my wine and put my glass on another pack members table, the alcohol had well and truly hit me, giving me a newfound confidence. I felt Ethans hands on my hips, as his swayed in sync with mine and in time to the music. Wow, he really was an excellent dancer. And he was a gentleman. No matter how drunk he was, his hands never moved higher or lower than my hips. 'Is it hot in here or is it just me?' I asked Piper, fanning my face. She nodded and watched in shock as I took my baggy jumper off throwing it over to the barman. Now all I was wearing was a belly top and comfortable lounge pants that were riding dangerously low on my hips. But I didnt care. Piper laughed and took my hands, we both took other pack members hands and pulled them up to dance with us, we were the only females amongst ten males, a recipe for disaster? Who cares? Not me. Another song came on, it was a bit more seductive then the recent ones, I climbed up onto the bar stool and placed my bare feet on the bar and pulled Ethan up to join me. 'A bottle?' I mouthed to the chuckling barman. Piper and the other pack members were all watching me with their jaws practically on the dance floor. 'Come on, dance.' I squealed opening the fresh bottle of wine, I planned on getting myself so drunk and didn't care what anyone thought.
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