Chapter 47. The origin story.

1314 Words

Now that Martin was alone with his father, Denley said to him once again, "I'm glad you are back, and happy." "Thank you dad. None of these would have been possible if not for your help." So Denley gave him quick advice before he left the room, "You don't have to be afraid of anything, she loves you and nothing can change it. Just open up to her." "Yes, I will." "You can go now so you don't keep her waiting. Other discussions will be done later after you have freshened up and changed your clothes." "Okay father," he stands and leaves him to join Alice and Martin downstairs in the parlor. Coming down, Alice was quite surprised that the talk he had with his father was very quick, "So fast?!" "Yeah," he answered as he sat down opposite Alice on the same sofa with Colin. "So where were

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