Chapter Seven

699 Words
Emma Clifton The train is gonna blow up!! Few people were visibly scared while some were looking at me like I had grew some horns. "How in hell do you know that?". Another man asked "Just believe me. I had a dream, and I have a feeling its gonna come true". Even to me it sounds like gibberish but as if on cue, the train jerked again. Some people were getting uncomfortable and they stood up, alarmed. "Emma, what's all this about?". I could see fear evident in Lily eyes. Remembering what happened to her in my dream, I grabbed her hands tightly " Lily believe me , we need to get out of this train fast". My eyes met with Mesh's and I quickly headed to where he was standing, looking all confused. " We need to get out of this train, I'm not crazy". My eyes held his "I know". he muttered, his voice giving me comfort. "Stop the train please, She can't just make things up". he stood up for me and that kind of warmed my heart. The man wearing a black suit signalled to the train attendant who in turn picked the telephone on the. " Stop the train ". And the train came to an halt. I grabbed Lily by her wrist, running out of the train with Mesh behind me. About 10 people followed before the door closed again. It hadn't been even up to 30 seconds we got off the train when we heard screams from distant and then boom... the force threw me and the other people to the floor. Mesh threw his body on me, preventing the metal scraps from the train, reaching me. A stark realization sunk hard through me. I just predicted.... ****** The shock from the previous happening still had me frozen. My mind was blank... BLANK. A warm hand shook me, followed by words ...words that sounded like echoes.. I blinked a few times before gaining back my composure, Mesh face coming to my view immediately. "Are you OK?". he asked , a concerned look on his face. "I-i-i don't know". I managed to say, before busting into tears. "I-i-it happened so could that happen". I couldn't get over the fact that almost 50 passengers died. Maybe if I had tried a little harder, i would have been able to convince them. "Its OK. Its not your fault". he pats my shoulder and I leaned into him. Looking around me, I saw the other survivors, helping each other up. I was relieved to see Lily unharmed and I hugged her in relief. **** Soon the Police and Ambulance arrive. Detective were going around, questioning the survivors about the details of the train wreck. And of course, I was the pin point of their questioning. "How did you know it was gonna blow up". an old detective wearing lenses asked, glancing from his book to me. "It was a dream, I had a dream that... "Oh. A dream. Like a prophetess?" he cuts me off "a vision or what" " I just...".. "Hey, don't you think this is a bit too much, She have you several times, shouldn't you be out there with your colleagues investigating the cause if the train explosion". Mesh retorted, earning a cold glare from the detective. "I'm just doing my job, you ain't the one to teach me that". "Well your f*****g job is not to frustrate her, she's quite shaken and I think she got right on this". "OK, alright" the detective sighed in defeat. "Youths got too much to say". he mumbled to himself "Thanks" I said sincerely and he smiled. That smile. Feeling cold eyes on me, I turned back and my eyes met with a cold, familiar blue eyes on the other side of the track. The silhouette figure on the other side of the the track resembled someone but no one came to my mind. Slowly the figure started fading away slowly until there was nothing there . I looked at Mesh, whose eyes were fixed on the now empty spot. His face had turned stoic hard and expressionless. Did he also see that?
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