Chapter Eleven

614 Words
Emma Clifton Walking through the school hall, I felt horrible, thinking about I and Lily's argument. Maybe I shouldn't have yelled at her yesterday ,maybe if I didn't ,she would have listen. Although Lily and I fought a lot but I have never made her so mad at me to say such horrible things. In hope to see her and apologize to her, I headed to the basketball field where she usually hang out with her friends and some corny guy but on getting there, I only found Tiffany and Elisha. " Hi". I said, to get their attention. " Lily is not here?". I asked looking around the field. " Did she go to gym class already?". "How am I supposed to know?". Tiffany replied in a 'duh' tone which made me a little livid but I still pushed in polite smile. This bitch " I thought you guys had a sleepover over last night, so it only makes sense I asked you". I restrained from rolling my eyes. " Well that was the plan but Lily wasn't at my house yesterday". her face showed trace of disappointment. " we planned all fun things we could do together only for her to disappoint us, it really wasn't cool". Elisha added " What -what are you guys saying Lily left home yesterday for you guys sleepovers". my voice turned a bit high pitched due to the panic i felt " Wasn't she home? I thought she was home". Tiffany, seems to panic also but Elisha waves it off " you know Lily very well, she might be with abut you sleeping over doing crazy things and here you are worried about your sister when she's going gaga sucking his dick." her uncultured words made me cringe inside. "Have you called her?". Tiffany asked, totally ignoring Elisha's word. "Yeah I did. Its not reachable". or maybe she switch it off so I wouldn't be able to reach her.."Please reach out to me once she calls you or you see her" I added before walking away. Something doesn't just feel right. I just have a bad feeling that something real bad is going to happen soon. And I hope it doesn't have anything to do with Lily. ***** I was woken up by the sound of siren that seems to be bombarding each corner of our house. I only slept like an hour ago cause we've been busy with the search for Lily. Its been two days already and yet no sight or news about Lily. We made a report to the police yesterday after the twenty four hours protocol. I jumped off the bed with the thought "Maybe they've found her". I sprinted out downstairs, heading outside, towards where the noise was coming from. Not getting really far ahead, I spotted mum and dad with Mr Corner ( the detective in charge of the case) at a corner, seemingly to be in a serious conversation. Almost approaching them, my steps halt when I overhead Mr corner words "Her body was found in an alley nearby Chriswood Church. She was murdered brutally..."... the rest seems like slur to me as my brain freezes, unable to process anything. ....... ....... ...... ...... ..... ..... By the time I got back in track, everything was in chaos. Mum has fainted due to shock and was being rushed into the ambulance while dad was beside her, rushing with them, while trying to wake her up. My brain was confused for a moment before I remembered the detective word "Brutally murdered". "murdered" "murdered" "murdered" "murdered" "murdered" "murdered" "murdered" I felt myself slipping to the floor, consciousness sipping out of me.
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