Chapter 12

405 Words
Emma Clifton The smell of antiseptics filled the air, making me conclude that I could only be at one place. The hospital. My eyes felt 100 times heavier like tons of brick were on it. My brain was having difficulty remembering how in hell I ended up in an hospital. Finally able to tear my eyes open, the sight that met me was that of my dad, who was sitted next to me, his warm hand embracing mine. He looked so haggard and his eyes were swollen like he had cried a lot. He looked 3 times more than his actual age. It was then reality started to dawn on me and my eyes welled up with tears. "Dad, its not true right? Lily is home watching t.v, right?" I said, desperately wanting him to nod his head and smile but he just lowered his head, staring at the floor. He squeezed my hand before a sob choked out of him. "Dad. It shouldn't be true. It can't be true". I repeated in between tears, not wanting to accept the fact that my sister is....oh God. "How can she be...Lily is not dead...she can't be, no she can't just die, Lily is not dead" . I continue ranting in denial, my heart clenching. I couldn't stop the tears that flow freely. "I'm so sorry Emma. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you two. I'm sorry I couldn't protect your sister. It's all my fault". Dad sobbed, his face red "I should have stayed with you two always. I should have....Oh God, I'm such a failed excuse of a father". "Where is Mom?". I looked around, realizing mom's not here. My dad face said it all " Violent is in shock. She's in temporal coma because her heart wasn't strong enough to take the pain. I wish I was there in stead of her, she doesn't deserve this pain". mom had always had a weak heart and she was a bit hypertensive. "Dad. Its not your fault. Its all my fault". I sniffed "I shouldn't have let her gone out that night. I shouldn't have". I sobbed "Baby...." Dad engulfed in a tight hug ****** Sorry its short guys. I haven't updated for quite sometimes because I had some challenges writing. But I'm back and Dreame editor I warn u to be prepared this time because I'm here for that contact. Bye. Till next update
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