Chapter 13

707 Words
Emma clitton I felt the pity glance everyone gave me once I entered the school, I hated it...I really do. I wasn't suppose to be in school till next month because apparently I needed a break because the doctors and teachers don't feel I'm mentally prepared for the aftermath of my sister's death. Lily's death. Tears well up in my eyes at the thought but I wipe it away as soon as it came. I'm not doing that least not now. I have to meet her first. With a clear mission in mind I marched into the classroom. My eyes scanned the room until it met with Tiffany's seat. Her head was on the desk an and she didn't realize I was in the class until when Elvis it tapped her on the back. She raised her head immediately and my eyes meet with her guilty ones, immediately she saw me she stood up and ran out of the class, confirming my suspicious. She definitely know something. I took off after her, desperately calling her name to stop but she didn't. She didn't stop until we reached the rooftop of the school and she turned to me, tears in her eyes. I was stunned for a while as I take in her appearance. For the first time ever, Tiffany looked......miserable. Her always perfect hair was dishelved and her eyes was swollen and red. "I swear I didn't know this will happen. I swear I didn't know. I should've stopped her. I should have talked her out of it. I'm sorry" . She choked out, kneeling on the floor in front of me. "W-w-what do you mean?" I stammered " What do you f*****g mean?" I yelled, causing her to flinch. Tiffany is never this vulnerable. " I thought she was kidding when she said she was going to him. I swear I thought she was kidding. I should've stopped her, I should have..."... she kept rambling but my mind had stopped on one word. Him. "Who?....."... I took a deep breath in " Who was she going to meet". I knew the answer before she said it. " Lucian". " She had gone to him that night. I am sure of it". ***** I walked into the night club, ignoring the feeling of disgust as the purid smell of alcohol invaded my nose. The booming sound of music made my head pound furiously, normally this is not the the type of place that I would go to but Tiffany hasmd told me that I'll find Lucian here so here I am. I dread the idea of facing Lucian but I have no choice ,I need to know the truth about my sister's death. The club was more crowded than i expected ,maybe because today was Friday. I could feel frustration sipping in asylic over the crowded area, how in hell I'm I suppose to find him here. Call it instinct or what but like a magnet my attention was drawn to the bar stand and surprisingly there is Lucian already staring at me with a knowing glint in his eyes. It was as if he knew I'll be here looking for him. I mutter the last piece of almost falling courage I had left and walked up to him determinedly. "we need to talk". He smirked " Now you want to talk, Aldea". That name. Aldea..." I'm not Aldea neither am I Beryl, stop calling me weird names". I retorted in a surprisingly stern voice but he only laughed, darkly. "You're a Beryl and you're Aldea. That much I know and so much more". his eyes turned darker and a shiver involuntary run down my spine...not a good one. " I came here for"...... " I know". he interrupted me " You came here for your sister. Follow me Aldea. I'll tell you all you need to know". That hypnotizing voice again. Once again, I lost control of my own body, finding myself eager to answer to his request. Without even realizing, I nod. He stretch his hands out "Give me your hand and let me lead you into my world". and I, not in control of my own body, put my hand in his.
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