First day at School

719 Words
Emma Clifton Getting up for school on a Monday morning is one of the most difficult thing in my life. I could hear Lilly downstairs talking to her friends...not because I have good hearing but because she was so freaking loud. Tossing, turning... I angrily threw the bed cover over my ears. Can't I have a peaceful sleep on a Monday morning? "Emma get down here this instant. You have just 50 minute before you run late". Mom yelled from downstairs making me snap up. What? 50 minutes?... but it was just 6:00 am few minutes ago. In frustration I got out of bed, hurrying into the bathroom. Time runs so damn fast these days. I was done in 15 minutes, throwing in my baggy jeans and plain strapless top while snatching my jean jacket from my closet. "Morning mom, Whats up lily". I said when I got downstairs while grabbing an apple from the dining. "Morning sweetie". Mom replied sending me a sweet smile while Lily Snorted at me. " What's up is that we're gonna be late on the first day of school this year. You really need to grow up Emma". " Yeah yeah... blah blah. I'm here anyway". I rolled my eyes playfully. With a defeated sigh, she tossed her car keys to me " You're driving today". I literally drive it everyday...I'm pretty much her designated driver. "Bye mum". we both said in unison as we made our way to the parking lot **** Phoenix high school is everything you can imagine as an high school. Very cliché if you ask me. The huge building, top on the school rank, nerdy teachers, disciplinarian Dean, bitchy Barbies, famous Barbies, players, ocks, cheerleaders, nerds, extremely wealthy students...just name them...we've got them all. Lily happens to be one of the famous Barbies who always wear trends and got head turning wherever she goes. She's quite a beauty I must admit. I....well I belong to the group can call me an outcast. People get freaked at me because I have really weird mismatched eyes. My right eyeball is emerald green while the other one is crystal blue combined with my pale white hair. Mom says it makes me unique but I pretty much see it as a curse because wherever I go, people look at me like I'm some lab rat that they find intriguing while some people look at me like I'm a demon walking on earth. Which is why I dyed my hair black. Walking to my locker, I almost got knocked down when my over enthusiasm best friend and only friend, Audrey tackled me in a tight hug. "Omg. I missed you so much Ems". I could literally feel the adrenaline pumping up and down her body system. " Audrey its good to see you too". I barely manage to squeeze out of her tight hug. " Geez, you're being too excited for a Monday morning". "I'm always excited" she shrugged, yanking my arm playfully. " I've got lot to tell you"... I smiled. She always got a lot to tell. I opened my locker to get my textbook out and that was the exact moment I felt it. That dark aura that slowly crowd the hall. Its presence felt so suffocating and it made me weak in d knees...but not in the good way. Instinctively my eyes darted around the hall, searching for the source of the dooming aura. However I had not search long when my eyes locked with a striking blue eyes. Time seemed to have halt and a shiver jolt through my spine. His lips slowly drew into a smirk and milliseconds later it disappeared like it was never there. Forcefully breaking away from his stares, I turned to Audrey who was staring dumbfounded at the newcomer. Almost all the girls in the hall were doing the same like they were bewitched. The hall only returned to normal when he entered the Dean's office. The once busy hall turned busy again but this time buzzing with gossips about Him. My mind was still blank and I wondered if no one felt the dark cloud the filled his presence. His eyes earlier just gave me a nagging feeling that want me to sprint away as far as I can from them.
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