Chapter 15

1025 Words
Emma Clitton I gasped, hitting the floor with a hard thud. I expected a searing pain but surprisingly no pain came with it and I soon know why. I found myself in a dark tunnel barely illuminated with a small lantern. The tracks were old and rusty. It looks like an abandoned train tunnel that came straight out of horror movie. Why am I here? Fear gripped me when I heard voices and hurried footsteps approaching. I panicked, looking for somewhere to hide but couldn't find any . I hold my breath, dreading what's to come. But it wasn't what I expected at all. A woman...the same woman from my dream with the little girl emerged from deep within the tunnel, seemingly to be in an hurry. She dragged on the little white haired girl with her in a sense of urgency. She kept looking back like someone was chasing them and I find myself also feeling that sense of I knew what to come. Momma. That word keep repeating in my head like a chant. Run....Momma run. My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach when a taunting voice came from deep within the tunnel. " Hide and I'll find you, run and I'll catch you". the voice sent a shudder down my spine, making me want to crawl away and hide. Obviously I wasn't the only one who the voice terrified as the woman quickly pushed the girl forward to corner of the tunnel, with her hands shaking and her face as pale as sheet. I watched as she rolled a stone away from what looks like an opening, only that it is bright, really bright. She caressed her daughter's cheek affectionately, smiling fondly with tears streaming down her face " Aldea, go into the portal and find Papa ok? Run immediately you're out of here, don't look back. Momma loves you, ok?". The little girl's eyes dim, her whole demeanor showing her reluctance to leave her Mom behind. " What about you Momma, can't we go find Papa together?". The woman opened her mouth to reply but an unsettling whistling sound echoed in the tunnel with an eerie sounding laughter " Where are you, come on out to play"... In obvious panick, the woman pushed the girl into the openingl and I watched as the opening disappeared, drowning the girl's screams. Without missing a beat, the woman turned back to the direction she came from, running toward it but then halting halfway, her whole demeanor trembling. I soon know the reason why. Dark boot was what I saw first before the hooded face came to sight. It was the same man from my previous dream ,that same man who killed the foetus. He walked threateningly slow towards the woman who in turn took shaking steps back. "What did you do". his deep, echoing voice grunt out icingly " Where is Aldeaza". "Right where you'll never be able be able to lay your hands on her. My daughter is right where she belongs to, I have no doubt that Degan is going to come right away to shred you into...".. I gasped loudly as his clawed hand gripped her neck, raising her up like a ragged doll "You think Degan will reach here, the underworld? Under Alyssis watch?". he snarled, his grip on her neck tightening. Her face paled as she clawed his hand, desperately. She was turning as white as sheet and I had not doubt he'll kill her at this rate. I gotta do something. Before I could stop myself, I found myself lunging towards the man with so much determination, swiftly taking him and myself surprised as my body collide with his, momentarily letting him let go of the already passed out woman. I stopped, surprised I actually was able to stop him. I thought I was sort of invincible in all my dreams. I haven't comprehended the consequences of my actions when the soulless eyes of the man turned to me and had me freezing at my spot. I gasped as he fully turned to me, his aura screaming rage. Oh oh "Well who do we have here". having him turned to me and his glare directed at me felt more suffocating that I ever thought. He approached me slowly while I shift back, shakingly. Oh no. I managed to escape a hit from his clawed hand but the next one came right after, smacking me hard on my face and making me fall to the floor. Without missing a bit, he wrapped his hand around my neck, pulling me up. I screamed, thrashing in his hold but that only made my neck hurt more. Tears rushed down my eyes as it felt like I was getting burned by his eyes . I gasped like I was dipped into water and pulled out and it felt like my whole being felt exposed to him. He smirked like he had me all figured out. 'Well look who it is, if it isn't Aldea herself". he paused " I always had told you your white hair makes you special so why did you change it, you don't believe me?". Such a light word but somehow it sounds so sickening coming from him. "I told you, didn't I" he screamed this time, scaring the s**t out of my already frightened s**t. My body and mind was absolutely petrified of him like it knew him way more beyond my dreams. I screamed bloody murder until I felt someone shaking my body. "Emma, Emma, wake up". ******* I shoot out of bed in my petrified state, my find instinct to run but in my frenzied state, I was engulfed in a warm embrace. Surprisingly my racing heart calmed, and was replaced by butterflies. My body recognized him before my mind did and snuggled into him, holding him in a tight grip. "It's just a dream Emma, it's just a dream". his voice slowly assured me, his hand patting my back, soothingly. It's just a dream. I tried convincing myself even though I knew it was more than a dream.
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