Chapter 5-1

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Chapter 5 RJ and Pad followed Chaz and Ann, who volunteered to be tour guides. Chaz took the afternoon off to join them, but now the Bangkok sun added to their misery, especially after seeing three temples. By this time, the temples they saw blended together and although Ann gave the history of each one, Pad hoped they would change up the itinerary. Chaz suggested going to a restaurant where traditional Thai dancers would entertain. Ann seconded that suggestion but all Pad wanted to do was spend more time with RJ. Alone. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” RJ asked. “Let me guess,” Pad replied. “You wish I asked to go see more temples?” “No.” RJ leaned over. “I was thinking we should ditch these two and go back to the hotel. But now that you brought it up, Mister Sarcasm, I think two temples was pushing it. I’m not sure if I can see another, fourth, temple. “ “Sorry. I’m over the temple tours too. But you can’t call it a day, Chaz is expecting that you guys hang out.” “We have, we will, but we’ve got limited time before you head back home to Tampa.” Pad smiled. “No, you promised him.” “What are you, some kind of Boy Scout?” “No. But, I don’t like making promises and breaking them.” RJ laughed. “Well, that’s good to know. I’ll have to remember that.” “Hey what are you guys doing?” shouted Chaz. “Keep up.” Pad eyed RJ, who rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You need to tell Ann this is the last temple. This is all your fault.” “All right. I will, just keep your voice down, RJ.” Pad moved towards Chaz, but RJ called him. “Come here, Pad.” Pad moved closer. “No, not here in the sun,” said RJ, who pulled him to the shade, under an avocado tree. Pad saw Chaz and Ann ahead, deep in conversation. “Hey, look at me, Pad.” Pad stared at RJ. The sun streamed through the leaves and framed RJ’s face. Pad moved underneath the limbs and threw his arms around RJ, then brought his lips close, as RJ turned his head slightly to allow the full-on kiss. Pad opened his mouth to allow RJ’s tongue to enter, and they kissed until RJ had to break it off. “They’re probably wondering where we’re at, Pad.” “Yeah. We should join them,” Pad laughed as he stared at RJ’s features. “I love you, RJ.” RJ blinked before answering. “I know. Now, let’s catch up with them.”
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