Chapter 8

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***Character*** ***JJ** If you told my sister got knocked out by a guy who probably used money to wipe his ass I would have said no. It’s hard to believe she didn’t tell me. I mean it’s me guys. Her best friend and defender and she did tell me. Am a little bit hurt she owes me a big apology. And now that she has money swimming in it nothing less than a car. And not just any car. Am sure Scott Richards has Ferrari he doesn’t use lying somewhere in his fifteen acre compound. Seriously am still not okay with fact that she didn’t tell me it means she has a lot to hide that I don’t know about. Keeping secrets from her is not my thing. She knows me inside out there are things I can tell her but not Julie. ****Author*** JJ must be joking but anyway that’s how life is. You can never tell what people are hiding from you no matter how close you are to them. You only hope it does not break your heart when you find out besides, it’s extremely hard to stay mad at those you love. So JJ is just bluffing...Mother and daughter were relaxing in the garden. Lilly apologized to Arya for judging and Arya apologized for being careless enough to sleep with a married man. It was the best option even though the two could not stay mad at each other for long. Arya’s phone rang. “It’s JJ” she said looking at her mother. “Put him on loudspeaker” She said looking interested. She had missed him as much as she was missing Arya while they were not close. “You really know how to crash a part don’t you?” Arya asked turning the screen to show her mother. “You didn’t tell me it’s a face time!” Lilly complained covering her upper extremity. JJ and Arya both burst into laughter. “You guys are really having fun” JJ said amid chuckles. “Yap, what about you?” “It’s good over here, family is fine” He said. Arya looked at her mother. She looked like she wanted to say something but she was being held back. “Mum? You want to say something?” Arya asked with a grin on her face. “No, nothing...” “I will help, he is still a prick. You guys have a nice day” He said. “Okay” lily mumbled. Arya could see the sadness in her mother’s eyes. If only she could do something about her own father. Something like change him. Maybe speak to God and ask the creator of all creation to guide him. The end of the call set in a period of silence that was unusual. Arya wanted to ask her if she wanted to go back but she was also not sure if it was a good idea to ask her to leave when they were having much fun they ever had in a longtime. Was she being selfish? “You know you can go check on him” Arya finally said. “Not happening” Lilly said buried in a book. She had to use another approach. The straight one was not working. “You remember that anniversary party dad and you had when we were young” She stopped to let it sink in. lily could not pretend the words were having an impact on her. She remembered the very day like it was a few hours ago. It was among her most treasured memories with her husband before something happened to him and changed him forever. Henry was not always a monster at heart, emotionally unavailable for his family with an aching hatred for his daughter. “It was the happiest I have ever seen you and on your worst days I couldn’t help but wish I recorded like the whole day so that whenever I saw you sad I could play you the tape. You are making me feel helpless right now” Arya said sadly. “Hunnie you don’t have to worry about me” Lilly said moving closer to her daughter. “But I can’t stop, if you miss dad then call him am sure he can’t refuse to pick your call you are not me” “Okay I will call him but that doesn’t mean I miss him” She said avoiding eye contact. “Then why are you avoiding eye contact mum?” Arya asked teasingly. “Am not talking to you” Lily said getting up. “I can see you smiling mum!” Arya shouted after her. ****** For Melissa Price Richards, the face and future of the FCNN there were not so many bad days. She was always happy when she needed to. In other words she could create her own happiness and sure as hell destroy other peoples in seconds with her mean utterances and how she made them feel. The one who felt the burden so much was her assistant Ruth. And that day she was having fun despite her boss being in a very foul mood. She was watching from her usual place, behind the production glass. It was among the few advantages that came with working there. Besides meeting the celebrities people only saw on TV She could meet them live or at least see them it was not like Melissa would let her have an autograph or a selfie with them. She could also watch the shows live without having to pay cable. Melissa: (looking at the guest speaker) so what’s your final advice to such couples? She was interviewing the prominent Dr. Ford, a family therapist and relationship counselor. Whoever produced the show that day went right after her and she was planning to tackle them after the show. Dressed in a red dress, her black lustrous hair cascading down her back, firm boobs made men not change the channel and warm smile made their wives jealous of her. She was a jewel. Dr. Ford: (Looking straight in the camera) be honest with your partner, create intimacy build trust and you will be free to talk about anything. Melissa: (turning to face the camera) that’s all for today, Dr. Ford thank you for coming (She smiled at him) Dr.Ford: (bowing) Thank you for having me Melissa: Thank you for keeping it locked my name is Melissa Price Richards, see you again tomorrow have a good day. The typical FCNN tune hit the studio as she got rid of her microphone and iPad before the camera men came in. “You got to do your Job” she said giving him the microphone. “I was only a minute late...” “Don’t you forget who I am!” she hissed walking straight to the production area. The producer, a slender English origin woman with scaringly beautiful eyes came running to Melissa. According to her she had done a good job but Melissa had other plans. “That went well” she said. “So you did produce that?” Melissa asked staring at her head to toe. “Yeah everyone thinks it is good” she said looking around. The thing with crowds. They give people that feeling of belonging not even fitting in, that being on the same page feeling but when things start going south they all abandon ship. The Englishwoman learnt the lesson quiet late because on looking around everyone who heard did not want to be yelled at. And again she knew Melissa that well. It was not like Mrs. Macintyre was new at the FCNN. “Oh so because it’s good to all you losers it’s supposed to be good to me?” She asked rising her voice. “Am...Am sorry you should have said you didn’t like it I would have changed I send it to you yesterday” “Ruth!” She arrived almost immediately. Perhaps she had counted her chicks before they hatched and the day was still green. Melissa was not happy. “Did you see the mail of the show?” she asked turning her focus on Ruth. The bad thing with Melissa was her vindictive nature. That insatiable urge to get even with everyone she felt like they had wronged her. Ruth for instance that morning she had failed to let Melissa know that Arya’s pregnancy was indeed Scotts and not Bens. It was a perfect opportunity to get back to her. “I send it to your personal mail” she said stealing a glance at Mrs. Macintyre. “So you two are calling me a liar?” she asked, They kept quiet with their heads bowed. She was about to hurl more abuses at them when she saw Scott from far. “We are not done” she said walking away. Ruth followed her quickly like a kid follows their mother when she is angry. Walking and running at the same time except she was scared too. She didn’t know Scott was coming and Melissa with an already injured mood there was a chance she was going to pin that on her too. “What are you doing here?” Melissa asked Scott looking unusually friendly. “Oh so in public you talk to me and in private you give me a cold shoulder?” Scott asked. He did not know what she knew. And he was not smart as she was. After creating a lot of fuss about the topic of trust and talking in a relationship there was a chance her colleagues were going to create a web of connections and find out her relationship with Scott was on the rocks. That was her greatest fear and what other way was more convenient to put off the rumors before they even started? They had to see it. The love and passion for each other. “You keep forgetting you are in a media house full of paparazzi” Melissa said looking all flatty. “They can write whatever they want” he said showing all signs of not caring what they did. “Come on kiss me” she whispered. Scott looked at her surprised before she grabbed him by the collar and kissed him passionately. They even got lost in the moment. The manager had to become the enemy of the people and break them free. They loved her lips locked on his or at least on something because whenever they were free it was a disaster. Her tongue was sharp like a razor. “Mrs. Price” He said sheepishly. Ruth was withholding laughter. She pitied him but again she couldn’t help because they all stood no chance when it came to being yelled at. “What?” Melissa said angrily struggling to break off, “What do you want?” she asked still holding Scott who still couldn’t understand what was happening and why. “You have to sign something and am sorry about Macintyre, she will correct” He promised handing her a folder. “Couldn’t this wait?” She asked looking through it. “No mum your father wants it send to him right now” Scott decided to slip away. “Find me baby” she shouted after him. “Most definitely” He said walking away. As Melissa and the manger together with Ruth went in her office Scott went on with his errands. He had not come to see her. Whether it was the truth or just denial he was not sure but what he was sure about was he did not have a single friend at the FCNN. So why was he there? Just a stroll? Or maybe getting back at Lincoln for going to the club Richards and calling him with demands and threats? Yeah that Was it. Scott did not take it lightly as Lincoln thought. His father’s death had changed him. The pain and misery were nothing new to him and the Melissa he was using as bait, well, he was not feeling the same way he felt a few weeks back. Even the kiss they just had was not feeling like it. “Ooh my God, you are Scott Richards jnr.!” A sassy goggled short assistant said happily. “Yeah that’s me and you?” He asked stopping. Scott was used to it. He was no stranger to flatting and girls gushing over him. It made him humble enough to always create time for them when he had a chance too. Melissa did not like it. She had once slapped a female fan for trying to get a selfie with her man. “Am aah, a nobody” she said shrugging “No, you are somebody. Like what do you do?” He asked. “Am an assistant here, can I get a selfie, like a quick one before you know... your wife shows up and gets my ass fired” she said nervously. “Okay your phone?” He asked stretching his arm. Since she was short, way short than him it would have been better if he was the one to take it. He took multiple pictures. “Tag me in them” he said smiling. “Okay” She said waving at him. Scott continued walking through the hallways, just looking around stopping to read on the notice boards. He was looking for something and he was about to give up when he saw the office that could help. It was big and spacious at the end of the hallway. The manager was downstairs with Melissa. It was time he found some leverage on Lincoln. Maybe his love with Melissa had a chance. It could be rekindled but he needed to put Lincoln in check. He did love her that much after all. So much to sneak in the office with a flash drive and steal data.
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