Chapter 9

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***Character** **Kyle** Your boy Kyle here. Am the fun one, the name giver or nickname brander if that’s even a word in English don’t check it up so before we get to why am being interviewed by this weird guy let me give you a few nicknames. Scott we call him the car thief. He once stole his father’s brand new car to get into a rich kids party, Alicia you know is AR, Ben (makes a sad face) was Big ben or BR, Paul is scarecrow (don’t tell him I said that, it will be the end of me), Melissa is the aggressive price lady or just APL or MR will do but I like the former she uses the latter when she is angry with her dad and trust me it happens a lot. Anyway so let me tell you something about me... (Times up notification) Author Maybe sometime later Kyle, the fun one...It had been a busy first day. Well spend with Leila and Kyle. They had helped her a lot settling in. with passion not just because they were her employees. Her own son Scott had disappeared on them after going outside to pick a call. She called him thinking it was an emergency. Paul came to pick her from the office that evening, together with Ian and two other guards in a small car that was formerly used by Arya’s security detail. “Mum Paul is here to see you” Leila said standing by the door. “Girl, let the old man in you don’t have to make him wait” she said typing on her laptop. “Okay mum” She fetched Paul and went back to her station. Out of good will and with more duties Alicia had promised her a raise. She deserved it. It was five years then since she had started working for Alicia and they had that good relationship. Not perfect but she understood the woman so well that they rarely had the Melissa-Ruth kind of relationship. “I have come to get you” Paul said coming in. “Look who has decide to show up after ghosting me whole day” mocked Alicia logging off her computer, “Leila!” “I had some business to take care of” Paul said. “I know, I was just kidding” “Yes mum” Leila said joining them. She picked up her blazer from the coat stand. “Pack my laptop I think I might have to work from home. My first day is not that fun like I thought” she said. “You will get used to it” Paul said. He walked with her to the lift as Leila locked the office and packed everything she needed to work on from home. The employees happily bade her goodnight as they walked across the hallway. Paul was now her driver. Ben’s orders. Dead Ben’s orders. “Have you seen Scott?” Alicia asked settling in the back seat. “No, I left him here with you” Paul said. “I know but he kind of disappeared on me. Leila, find my son he shouldn’t be alone” She ordered. ****** Scott walked out of the FCNN a happy man. He had a flash drive of information he did not know what it carried. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. Even though there was another way out in the name of Paul but he wanted to handle this one alone. He also did not want Alicia and Melissa to get wind of what he was doing. His phone buzzed. “Leila” Scott said opening the door to his car. It was a rented car. His mission was solo. He did not want to create a fuss. “Your mum is looking for you” “Tell her am fine” He could hear Alicia asking where he was in the background. “Am on my way home can we talk there” He said and hang up. Scott was about to drive away when Melissa and Ruth came in running. She looked at the car he was driving with disdain and then leaned in closer to the driver’s window. She was not impressed. That was not what she expected him to be driving. A man with all that wealth. Her man, together they were a brand that needed to be protected. “Are you fuckin kidding me!” she hissed. “What? it’s a car” Scott said keying in the ignition. She gladly switch it off and kept the key for herself. “We are going in mine, Ruth!” she said giving her the key. “Are you sure you can drive?” Scott asked Ruth. “Yeah” she said nodding in agreement. “Okay” Scott said getting out of the car. The awkwardness of the situation that was waiting him on the drive back home could only be imagined. She was not going to cut a slack on him. But it’s not like she gave him an option. Scott had made it clear he wanted a kid. She kept putting her career first before his own needs. Most of the time Melissa actually forgot that he was the man of the house. It did not matter if she was rich, educated and popular at the end of the day she was supposed to be submissive to him maybe not that fully but show some signs and willingness. “Where did you disappear to?” Melissa asked when they got in her car. Seated at the back strapped in seatbelts. The driver was in the front concentrating on the road and soft orchestra music was playing in the car making Scott feel sleepy. He cherished hip hop. “I was just walking around, had nothing to do in the office” He said. “We need to talk” She finally said. Scott took a sigh of relief except he was not relieved. They were just getting started. None of them and he was sure not even Arya wanted Melissa to find out that way. He wanted to prepare her for a soft landing then nature stabbed him in the back and decided to just rip off the bandage. Well, it did quite the opposite since it did not help get through the pain as it was supposed to. She fell with a thud. “Babe...” “Ooh so am babe now?” she smirked. “Am sorry” Scott mumbled trying to hold her hand. The tears were already making her eyes glitter like two precious diamonds in the sun. And that bullet proof confidence that perhaps he was not scared of losing her just disappeared and melted in thin air. Scott needed her more than he thought. Too bad he had to realize it when she was pissed off. “You were in it all this time” she said. “In what? What are you talking about here?” Scott asked politely. “In a scheme to fool me that she was pregnant for your father when it was for you i***t and you asked me to shoot you if you ever cheat I wish I had a gun!” she screamed. “No, dad took the blame for me” Scott said sadly. When it came to his dads sacrifice, tarnishing his own name to save him the guilt was unbearable. “So he fooled us like you fooled me?” Nothing he was going to say would have made sense to her. She needed to be ready to listen to him before he could do the actual speaking, attitude was key and she was not ready. What she was doing was throwing accusations everywhere. Blaming people for her misfortunes and pointing fingers in the wrong places. She had no idea the man she took part in killing was working so hard to save her marriage and reputation because for girls like Melissa there was no greater competition. They were a one stop shop, no man would have needed a second wife. “You are not helping, calm down and let me explain” Scott said. “It won’t change a thing you already impregnated her” she argued. “Exactly my point now I want to make you understand how we got here but I can’t do that when you keep pointing fingers and blaming everyone for this” She kept quiet wiping her tears. He could hear her sniffle. “After dinner I will tell you everything but you got to promise me one thing” he said. “What?” “I you want to hit anyone hit me, hate me, and abuse me but not that girl or her mother!” he said rising his voice. Melissa looked at Scott as though he was a stranger. “We are here mum” the driver said opening the door. James and Jake were already waiting for them to alight. They were the last ones to arrive in the entire family. “Your explanation better be worth what you are asking me not to do” she poked him on the chest and marched inside the house. James and Jake stood there with Scott. “Rough day sir?” Jake asked as James and the driver took the car to the garage for the usual checkup. “You have no idea, hey I got something I need us to do” Scott said the two gentlemen walking inside the house. “Am listening sir” “After dinner I have a flash drive I want us to look at” He said holding his shoulder. “I will find you sir” “Good, where is my mum?” He asked. “Follow me” Jake said. Jake was doing what Paul had asked of him. Scott was officially his responsibility the same way Paul had Alicia and mark had Ben. Alicia had also asked him to be his friend. To build a relationship like that Paul had with Ben because he would have needed it in future if she was gone. He led him to the home office, Alicia was seated in Bens chair while Paul was standing by the window. “Mum!” Scott said kissing his mother on the cheek. “Good evening son where did you go?” she asked looking at him. “Running some errands” Scott said walking o the mini bar. He poured himself a drink and walked back. “What are you guys talking about?” He asked. “Paul was asking me to handle Boaz” she said putting imaginary quote marks in the word handle. Scott just smiled. The handling part was his favorite he was planning to ask his mother if he could help her out with that. To handle his pain he wanted to be ruthless and the best way was to his father’s enemies. Use them as a rage room. “Your good son wants to be your handler” He said. “No she needs to learn “Paul argued. “He is right Scott, I should take my responsibilities serious after all am the richest woman in fort canon” Alicia said confidently. “Okay, I can give you a tip though” He said smiling. Both of them looked at him. “I know here he hangs out, you can get him tonight at a club named Viking, VIP lounge and he loves girls” Scott said getting up,” Jake lets go handle our business” He added on walking out. “Thank you Scott” Paul shouted after him. He needed the help. Downstairs Lilly, Arya and Millan were in the kitchen directing traffic, making stories and laughing happily at the top of their lungs. It was always a happy day for them until the big bad she-wolf showed up. “Good evening Melissa” Arya said happily. She looked at her, then everyone and continued serving herself a plate of berries from the fruit section of the vast kitchen. They wondered why she didn’t just order them instead of going to fetch them and not talk to anyone including one of the nicest people in the house. “My daughter, am sorry” Lilly said walking towards her. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” “No, but what’s done is done. Women need to stick together, forgive each other and build our families...” “Am going to stop you right there woman...” “Heeey! That’s my mother you are talking to” Arya barked. Lilly turned to hold her. The smile on her face had disappeared and she looked like she could have killed Melissa. “Millan take her with you” Lilly ordered. Narcissistic Melissa just looked at her and smiled mockingly. She was having the last laugh after all. “We are done here” She said and walked away. Lilly tried her best but it was not enough. Nothing was ever enough with Melissa. Arya was starting to understand that, Lilly was having a hard time realizing that she couldn’t c***k her and get her to forgive Arya. The more she kept turning them down the more lily became worried. How was her only daughter going to survive in a home where people didn’t like her? “Good evening everyone!” Scott said coming in happily followed by Jake. He had not seen Lilly. “Good evening” lily said. She was the only one who answered. They all burst into laughter as Scott looked sheepish. “Someone is caught, Millan lets go” Arya mocked him. Even Jake left. Scott was giving all of them that sympathetic look but no one could save him. Not twice. The manna was not that big after all. He couldn’t hide anymore. “Mrs. Jacobs...” “Don’t worry I don’t bite” Lilly assured smiling,” Is there somewhere we can talk after dinner?” “Yeah the garden is good” Scott said clearing his throat. “Okay, tag along after dinner” Lilly said carrying a tray of glasses to the dining room. He was not sure whether to follow her or stand in the middle of the kitchen like a scarecrow. “Dinner is ready” Jake said. “Dude, you didn’t tell me she was in here” Scott complained. “That’s because I didn’t know”
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