Arcadian Crusader : Vantablack

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"My King ! Why did you stop me back there ?! I can still fight and take that op--" "SILENCE !!! Didn't you realize how dangerous it was. Your senior even lost his arm and his right to walk cause of that power !" "But I..... But I...." "It's enough. You are still a kid. If you want to become an adult and successfully being the inheritance then never make someone worry about you !" The King stares at me angrily. "Control your ignorance and become the responsible adult." That time I was so sad. The King must replace my place to fight because I was weak. I can't control the power and I almost losing my arm. But he came for me then cancelling my magic as my mind going to berserk. I realize that to cancel my magic The King must absorb the pieces back. He was hurt back then just for saving my life. I can't stop blaming myself. The King must not be hurt if I was stronger. But to control that power I need to become an adult as the main requirement. The hardest part that nobody could even understand. What am I do wrong till I was called a kid back then ? "Kid..... I hope you understand what I meant." "I must become stronger..... and more mature...?" "Yes indeed. You are my best knight as always. But then the time must have to come to an end. Bencana Besar soon will occur and it always become my nightmare." The King then turn his back and look at me pity. "I want you to do your best even that tragedy will happen once time. I will train you as best as I can then you'll able to handle the power properly and I won't interrupt you like your senior back then. But promise me..... please come back alive." My eyes opened as he said that to me. I do realize what I was lacking for. I don't have someone to hold my dream. But without I realize that someone was really care about me. The one who always bossing me around and give me this difficult life is always at by my side. He's right. I was never been matured all these year. The reason why I was unable to hold that power is clear in my eyes. If I was never be able to handle myself then I must be unable to hold others in my hand. And yet, I was fighting for nothing back then. "Will you make that promises, Vorcus ?" "Yes..... My King....." I bowed to him with a tears dropping from my face. I can't hold it any longer. I was a shameful apprentice. But then he is not angry at me nor laugh at me. He pat my head with his gentle hand. For once I do fall in love with the man who has engaged and never again. After that event, I was training very hard. I do maintain my health and my eating pattern so I would never make anyone worry about me. I must be an adult so I could bear his nightmare and vanish it with all my might. And now the time has come. The time to show off my training result. Am I has been worthy enough to handle this might power. The mighty power of The Emperor. +---+---+---+---+ The sun covered by black sphere causing the sudden eclipse. Vorcus Astarea fly and hold her position in front of the black sphere while spreading her wings and hands. Black feather falling from her jet black jacket cause her aura menacing to everyone who see it. "! ! ! Vantablack : Raven Shelter ! ! !" Vorcus cast her magic. The falling feather suddenly transformed into the crows and flying around in high speed. She scream as she feeling hurt on all over her body. Slowly, her body torn apart and releasing her red body fluid. The scream is getting louder and louder. The King look at her in a horror. He has been make a vow to not interrupt her in the past so It makes him so sad right now while looking at this terrible sight. But still, he must put a faith on her because they are already make a promises in the past. Even though it was terribly hurt that he must bite his lips to survive. She recalls her promises with her king. She must survive and control the power so she can come back alive. Her will to live getting bigger and bigger as she trying to maintain her body. Until one time that she stop screaming and her ripped body hold its position. Her eyes open widely. The crows covering all over her ripped body and biting her one by one. The loud sound of crows filling the empty space of the arena. August must close her ear so he could survive its harsh sound. The crows then leave in a blast. Vorcus Astarea is not there anymore. She disappear as the crows leave where she was covered. The blood could be seen in the crows beak. Makes everyone cloud in terror. August shocked as he see the blood in the birds beak. He thinks that the birds eat her alive as her body is gone and so many blood spreading in the crows beak. But what makes him shocked is that he still felt her existence. And what make it worse that her existence is spreading all over the crows that flying around him. "What am I seeing....? Is it possible that human could mastering such an odd magics ? This is bizzare....." Suddenly the crows are assembly in front of August. The crows slowly transformed into a human like shape then fit it perfectly. Vorcus Astarea formed perfectly from those crow and show her true self in front of August. She come back with a black fire burned rapier. "Am I shock you, West August ? Sorry but I don't have any intention to play around anymore." Vorcus widened her smile. "Ah you got me.... I do never seen that odd magic in my lives." "Well let's just finish this fight.... I was just wasting so much time." "Yes. Let's just finish this fight before you got hurt any longer." With a wind like speed, August move straight into her. He's hold her stance while moving and stab her when he was close. But Vorcus successfully dodge his attack. She ripped her body again then transform the ripped part of her body into crows. She's spreading her body and flying apart. The screeching sound suddenly heard by August in behind. He immediately turn around then guard his body with his rapier. It's half body Vorcus Astarea with her black burned rapier screech the ground. She suddenly attack him with her rapier and makes August getting a knock back. After then, Vorcus disappear once more spreading and transforming her body into the crows. The King who see that really shocked to what happen. He never thought that his apprentice could evolved like that. It makes him more proud of her yet terribly worry. "My girl....." he do really shocked by seeing her magic. The flying crows suddenly transformed into the knives and launch in spin into August. August know this will be happen. He immediately dodging as the knives are getting closer and deflect them. The missed crow turn into a crows again then fly high and repeat it's attack. Vorcus attacks in his blind spot. She transform into her human form then strike August with her double rapier. August realize her as soon as she getting close. He tried to guard her attack but ended with a knock back. Her power is too strong for August and almost make his posture broken. But even after he getting knock back, August still stand up and strengthening his focus. He deflect the incoming knives with his rapier. Vorcus disappear then appear behind August and strike him again. August easily deflect her attack but still getting a knock back. "Girl.... you are so strong !" said August while getting a knock back and deflect another knives. "You've deflect my attack twice without getting tumbled once. Then it seems ineffective." Every crows then retreat to her body. Her body is getting filled as it should be and she become a normal human once again. But then the black fire who burned the rapier getting fierce. The black fire even surround her body and burn her slowly. "I'm coming, Chariot !" With a single swing from her rapier, the ground ripped. The fire burn the ripped ground in a straight way. Making a black fire barrier along the path. August successfully dodge that attack but he feel the fire burn in his face. "What a power..... the fire really burn my face." Vorcus strike forward. She swing her rapiers rapidly at August. Her attack really messing the arena and make it looks like a garden of black fire. An unfortunate area for August. She keep make it worse as August always dodging her attack. But one time, August spin his body and deflect the wall of black fire. The wind exploded and the fire way is cut. His rapier surrounded by the wind, make its weight lighter but has more power than before. August could even increase his movement with it. Vorcus attack become fiercer. She wouldn't hesitate anymore as August block her attacks. She attacks with her two rapier at once. Make the fire goes wilder and wilder. She even could extend her attack range with the fire power. But everything she does, August could anticipate it and deflect it easily. Vorcus getting berserk. She doesn't use her ranged attack anymore. She rushed to August and smash him with her two rapier. The smash caused the earth shaking. The ground cracking along the path and releasing the black fire from beneath. Her breath suddenly releasing a smoke. She has been consumed by the fire too long but her will isn't fading. She's getting hotter as the fire burn her body. The fire even getting into Vorcus cracked face but she doesn't feel any hurt. August successfully dodge her attacks again. But when he realize the fire burn her so badly, his eyes sharpened and he thinks it's time to play seriously. The wall of black fire come back. It's getting frequent and her attack getting randomly berserk. Once she use the wall of black fire then she trying to getting close to August to stab him. August dodge the stab attack, the fire launched from her sword horizontally. Vorcus chasing August in a high speed. She attack him as she getting any closer. But August always get away from her attack no matter what. Make her irritated by his cowardly action. Then she's getting even more berserk as she frustrated. She smash August with her both rapier again. But this time August doesn't moving around as he always do. He tried to deflect the smash and blast away both of her rapier. Then Vorcus increasing her fire power again till its fully burn her arms. August has enough seeing Vorcus bear her burden. The meaningless sacrifices that she must not have to do. In a short time, the orb in Arcadia Ouranios is become red. Increasing August physical power with magic energy. With his both hand holding the rapier, August deflecting her smash attack and knock the rapier out from her hands. The fire who burn her hand is gone. And then August hit her stomach with his elbow. Vorcus blasted and her fire suddenly leaves her body as he hit hers. Her body is no longer in fire possession. But the fire leaves the burn marks as it should be. Vorcus weakened. The fire is her only power back then. She vomiting the black fluid from her mouth like a blood but darker. She tried to stand up but can't. Her movement getting limited as she lost her power. But then, her will is yet to fad. "Not yet..... not yet....." August walking closer. He raise his rapier and holding his stance. Making her body shivering since she's been weakened by August. But still, she doesn't give any hopes. Her will to help The King yet to fade and she tried to stand up once more. Her body fall immediately as she tried to stand. In hurt, Vorcus still have to stand and fight August once again. Even if it'll cost her life this time. But after she could stand in pain, August has been appear in front of her. Staring at her soul sharply. Vorcus move his hand. She tried to hit August for the last time. But then, August dodge her last attack. Then she fall as her punch missed. She doesn't have any strength left to maintain her position. So finally, she's fall for the last time. But August wouldn't let her fall. After seeing her fight against him fiercely, August feel her determination. August feel some warmth around her heart in this battle. The warmth inside the core of the noble heart. Her unfading will still resonate in her heart and soul, up until now. August catch her body and let him rest in his shoulder. Vorcus slowly losing her consciousness and she tried to wipe August face. "The King's fate... lay in your hand... West August." She close her eyes. Her hands fall and touch the ground. She's finally lost her consciousness. The audience getting crazy. Their loud voice fill the arena cheering for August win. The eclipse is gone slowly and letting the sunlight to illuminate everyone once again. The King clapping for him as he defeat the first King right hand. Vorcus unconscious body suddenly teleported by the white light. She lost from his shoulder and going into a better pillow. The glory wind could be felt by August. He raise his head and look up into the sky. The blue sky where every bird flying along the wind. He has done the right thing to do. Without even damaging her badly, he could win the fight. "Another faith to bear. Her will must never been fade. I'll continue her torch and burn its destination." To be continued...
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