(7). Red flag

1561 Words
Audacity is something that comes naturally to me. I don't even have to try. I walk briskly towards the guy, very aware of his eyes trained on me. If he's not a creep then I'm a monkey's uncle. Is it a coincidence that the guy who was trying to buy me and my friends a drink in a nightclub might be my cousin's father? What are the odds? I get to him, and I'm instantly appalled when he offers his hand for a shake. I cross my arms over my chest and he grudgingly pushes his hand into his pocket. The car keys he's holding in his left hand jingles, and that makes lower my eyes to his arms. He has a scar on the back of his hand. "You are so beautiful." He says quietly, almost dazedly. "Keep the compliment." I eye the scar a bit uncomfortably. "Are you stalking us?" "Stalking you? What do you mean? I was just standing here, waiting for my wife to get out of the mall." "Your wife?" "Why the face? Never seen a married man up close before?" I can't tell if he's joking, but he has the tiniest hint of a smile on his face. "Listen. You're making us uncomfortable. I advise you to not show up the next place I go with my friends." "I told you both incidences were a coincidence." "Just in case you were thinking about it." "You realize that in both cases I showed up first, right? Who's the stalker here?" I roll my eyes. He has a point, but I can't shake off the feeling I have about him. Something is telling me to run, but the stubborn side of me wants to keep talking to him and find out what's up. I wanted to see if he had anything to say about Savannah. Now I'm almost sure he doesn't recognize her, and he is not interested in her whatsoever. He didn't even spare her a second glance. Maybe he's just a good actor. Or maybe he just happens to resemble her father. What she saw was an old picture anyway. She's around eighteen, so the photo should be older than that. "If I see you again, I'll call the police " He raises his shoulders, then he let's them drop. "I'm best friends with the police." I stare at him for another second before I turn to leave. Maybe I'm just wary of humans, but something tells me this is not the last time I'm hearing of him. Like I said, creep. "I think that was a case of mistaken identity." I inform Savannah and Hazel. "That's what I just told Savannah. The guy didn't look this way even once since you walked over. I think he's specifically interested in you." "Ew." "I know. Forget him. Let's go shopping." Savannah turns to look at him one last time before we head to the entrance. *** I don't want anything so I help the girls choose their outfits. Savannah keeps checking the price tags, and she complains that everything is too expensive. I have to keep reassuring her that it's fine; that I can afford it. In the end, she finally chooses three dresses and a pair of snug jeans. She's worried that the dresses are on the shorter side but Hazel sweetly tells her they're fine. Even after Hazel does that, she keeps looking at me hopefully until I reassure her that they're okay. We walk to the parking lot once we are done and I look around before I get in the car. The guy is gone. Phew. "Hey, Riya?" Savannah's eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror, and I turn to look at her. "I really want to go to a house party. I was told that college without parties is like a train without an engine." "That's so not true. I don't think you should go to house parties right now, Savannah. Just stay in the apartment and unpack." Hazel hits me with her purse. "Don't be bossy." "I wasn't bossy. I just don't want her to go to parties." "Why not?" Savannah asks with a head shake. "Something bad happened to Riya at her first house party. She's just trying to look out for you." "What happened?" She asks Hazel, worried. "I was raped, okay?" Her jaw drops. "What? Oh no-....I didn't know...God I'm sorry...." "Don't feel sorry for me. I'm fine." "She's not fine, but let it go. She doesn't like talking about it." Hazel tells Savannah with a knowing look. Savannah's eyes are boring into my back but I ignore her. * It's been around eight years since someone forced himself on me and I'm trying so hard to move on from that. I keep convincing myself that I have moved on but my attitude, the nightmares and my entire personality proves me wrong. Talking about it is like opening an old wound. Hazel reaches for my hand and I glance at her, realizing I just zoned out. I do that a lot. "How about you take Savannah to a party and just look after her the entire time, huh?" She suggests, making Savannah's eyes light up. "Baby sitting is not my idea of fun." "She'll miss out on all the fun. Be a nice cousin and show her the world." "Hazel, she has four years to go through college. She has plenty of time to party." "I'd rather party when you're around. I don't want to be around strangers at night with absolutely no one to turn to in case of anything." Savannahs begs. Damn it! What is it with this girl? I don't want to hurt her feelings, and that's absolutely crazy. What's the worst that could happen at a house party any way? I shrug carelessly. "Fine. No drinks, no drugs." "Then what's the point of taking her to the party?" Hazel frowns. "Drinking and partying is a package." "Still a no from me." "You're cute when acting all protective but I still think you're a lil bit bossy. You don't have to be such a Dad." "Please just drive." "What party will you take her to anyway?" "We could go to a club. It's safer than a random stranger's house." "Or, you can call Asher and ask him where the party is tonight. Nathan told me they throw a party every Friday and Saturday." "I'm not calling Asher." "Why not?" "Because you made me do it last night and I came off as clingy. Can you believe it?" "Just call him. Stop complicating everything." Ugh. Talk of peer pressure. I get my phone from my bag and I dial his number. "Do you like Asher or something?" Savannah asks from the back seat. "No. Never." "Hey?" That's Asher. "Where's the party tonight?" "Our place." "What do you mean your place?" "I live with my brother. He was pissed that I'm throwing a party here but he doesn't have a choice. You'll come, won't you?" "Sure. I'll tag Savannah and Mia along." "Savannah is coming?" "Yes. Any problem?" "She didn't want to party yesterday." "She does now. I'll see you tonight. See that you text me the address." "Sure will." "His place?" Hazel inquires once I hang up. "He lives with Reid, apparently." "You're gonna stay away from Reid, right?" "I heard the first five times, Hazel." "Too bad I won't be there. Dad had to ask me to go home on a Saturday night. Who does that?" "People who care about their kids. The last time I saw my Mom was months ago over Christmas. She doesn't even call me." "Because you won't even want to talk to her. You can always come home with me to my parent's, you know?" "Thank you, Hazel." She smiles. "I'm an angel. I know." I smile at her as she parks outside our apartment building. We carry the shopping bags inside and we dump them on the couch. I retrieve my ice cream from the freezer then I slump at the island to feast on it. "I'm starving. What are we having for lunch?" Hazel inquires when she walks into the kitchen with Savannah close behind her. I groan when I realize that she just changed back into the hideous skirt she wore earlier. I shake my head. "I have no idea. I can't cook to save my own life. We should've gotten takeout." "I'll do the cooking." Savannah offers. "Before or after you change into something less...1970?" She glances at her skirt. "Before." I watch her as she walks to the refrigerator and retrieves a bunch of foodstuffs. She doesn't even look terrible in that skirt. "Will you get that?" Hazel asks when my phone rings in the living room. "In a minute." * I narrow my eyes at the screen. It's a private caller. It takes me exactly two seconds to make a decision. I answer the call then I press the phone to my ear. "More threats?" I ask, unamused. "More warnings. Don't go to that party." "Why not?" "I told you. Stay away from him." "I'm going to the party unless you tell me who you are and what you want from me." "I can't." "Then I'll see you at the party." "Don't go, Riya." "Watch me." "Look here-" I hang up on him.
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