(8). Scarred

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"Don't you think that's more than enough?" Savannah asks hopefully as I apply another layer of make-up on her face. "Trust me. I've done this on countless occasions in the past." "I don't want to look weird." "I don't want you to look weird either, Savannah. I like walking with people whose make-up doesn't look like s**t, so you have nothing to worry about." "You're so pretty even without make-up. I can't relate at all." The way she says it makes me want to smile. She sounds so genuine; sincere, and it makes me feel better. Just a little bit. "I can't step outside without make-up. I'm used to it." "I don't want to get used to it." "We'll see if you still feel the same way in a minute." She raises a confused eyebrow when I pass her a paper tissue. "Bloat out the excess lipstick with that then turn around and face the mirror." She grudgingly does so, and she turns around, a gasp escaping her cherry red lips when she sees her face. I purposefully kept it away for the shock factor. "Holy guacamole!" She mutters as she peers into the mirror. She has a ghost of a smile on her lips and her eyes are alight with delight. I finally let my lips curve into a smile. She's just too excited not to celebrate with her. "New face, who's this?" I ask when our eyes meet in the mirror. "This is magical. I look like a doll. A pretty doll. How on earth did you do that?" "You don't want to get used to make-up, huh?" She laughs. "I take full responsibility of every negative thing I said about make-up being overrated. I take it all back." "Good. Get out of the robe. I'll help you into your dress." She stands up, and she dumps the dressing gown on the bed. I choose one of the dresses that we bought earlier and I carefully slide it past her head, careful not to ruin her make-up. The dress goes up to her knees and she reassures me that she's comfortable in it. That's obviously too long for me but I don't want her to attract predators at the party. The first time my mom forced me to wear a short dress to a party, I got scarred for life. I pass a comb through her previously washed and curled hair and it falls nicely down her back. I leave her to wear her shoes, then I get busy doing my own makeup. ** "Who's ready to rock and roll?!" Mia shouts from the living room. A moment later, she walks into the bedroom. Her eyes widen as she stares at Savannah, then she bursts out laughing. "Lemme guess. Savannah?" "That's her. Why are you laughing?" "Your family must have a long history of good genes. Your cousin is so pretty I can't even-" Savannah chuckles. "No, I'm not." "You are, but your dress needs some trimming." I narrow my eyes at her. "Mia. Stop." "Fine, mama bear. I need your dress. The red one with a zipper on the side." That happens to be my favourite dress and she knows it. I love it because Hazel bought it for me on my previous birthday, plus, it's very pretty. "I'm wearing it." "Come on, Riya. You're my best friend. Wear mine." She pulls her white dress over her head and dumps it on the bed, then she catwalks to the full length mirror and smiles at her own reflection. "Is it narcissistic to find yourself hot in lingerie and high heels?" I smirk. "Nope. I'd definitely hit that." "See? That's why you're my best friend. Now how about that dress?" "Why do you even want to wear it? It's usually a bit loose on you." "So now you have to remind me that I don't have curves? Body shaming much?" I burst out laughing. "I'll let you wear the dress if you give me a genuine reason." "Kol will be there. That dress makes me look better than I actually do." "Its been two days since you met Kol. That's too fast, even for you." "I'm not falling for him. I just want to impress him." "Same thing." "So how about that dress?" I point at the bed with my chin. Mia eyes the pair of high heeled sandals I placed beside the dress then she turns to smile at me. It doesn't surprise me that she wants to wear them. She's that kind of a friend. "I'm wea...." I cut her off. "I know. Just wear them." "Oh, I love you." I say nothing. *** We pile into Mia's car, and again, I sit shotgun while Savannah sits in the back. Mia is driving us home later tonight so she's not supposed to drink at all. "So," I start once we leave the house. "How was the date?" "Nothing to write home about." "Really? I was under the impression that Kol knows what he's doing." "He did, until Jake showed up and picked a fight with him." "Is Jake crazy?" "You tell me. The son of a banana wouldn't even answer my calls two days ago and now he's being all macho and possessive." "Is Kol okay?" "Is Jake okay should be the question." She laughs. "Kol punched him in the face when he insulted me." "He had the audacity to insult you!" "He called me a slut, which I am, then he called a peasant, which I'm not, and Kol beat him up for me." I chuckle when Savannah laughs out loudly. "Suddenly, I low key like Kol for you." "We all love a hottie who can break a few noses, yeah?" "Isn't that punishable by law? You know, assault and stuff?" Savannah asks with a tiny frown. "Not when no one presses charges." Mia laughs again as she speeds into the night. *** I double check the address that Asher texted me when Mia pulls up. I was expecting an apartment building but I'm in for a surprise. It's a house. A big, modern house. My mom's house is way bigger and grander than this but these boys are college students. It's not really fair, considering the fact that I'm living in a small ass apartment. "I didn't think students could afford such." Savannah whispers when she steps out of the car, her eyes taking in the house. "Let's go in." Mia tells us while reaching for Savannah's hand. "What are you doing?" "Taking care of your cousin. You're welcome." "Actually, I'll do that myself." "I'm your sober ride home. I'll take care of her." I think for a second before I shake my head. If this were Hazel, I'd not even argue with her. I'd be very confident that Savannah would be well taken care of. Mia is a different case altogether. She's the most reckless among us. I smile sweetly as I drag Savannah away from her. "I like you and all but I can't trust you when I know that you're here to impress Kol. You'll forget all about her the minute you see him." "Are you suggesting that I'm reckless?" I smirk. "What gave it away?" Then I drag Savannah to the front door and ring the doorbell. * There's shuffling on the other side and I'm instantly relieved when a random stranger pulls the door open. I walk past him with Savannah closely tucked by my side, and I look around searching for any familiar faces. There are a few guys from school and a lot of strangers. They're all party animals unlike Savannah who's gazing around in total awe. I tense when someone slips an arm around my waist and I hastily turn around, ready to slap whoever that is across the face. Asher steps back just before my palm connects with his cheek. "She doesn't like to be touched." Mia nods at him. Asher nods back. "I totally forgot that. I should note it down somewhere. Hey, Savannah?" She blushes a bright red. "Hi." She's so nervous it's not even funny. "Will you get these two a drink?" Mia asks him, but Asher shakes his head. "I'll do better than that. You can all join our table." We all turn to look at the said table. Nathan and Kol are already seated there. I make to walk towards it, but Asher grabs my hand to hold me back. Savannah and Mia head to the table while I turn to Asher with raised eyebrows. "What." "Riya, you are not clingy." "Where is that coming from?" "Last night..." "It's not that big of a deal." "I know, but I want to make it up to you." That piques my interest. "What do you wanna do?" "I can buy you lunch tomorrow." "That sounds like a date. I don't like dates." "Can't I just buy you lunch as a friend?" "We are not friends." He places his hand on my shoulder, and when I slap it away, he groans dramatically. "Why are you always avoiding contact with me? Do you have a phobia of being touched?" "Do you think I could get a drink around here?" "I was thinking we could.. You know... Meet upstairs after you get you get your drink." I force a tight smile. "Not in the mood. Sorry." He falls into step with me when I turn to head to the table. His hand brushes against mine, and I frown when my nerves tingle a little bit. I look up at him but I quickly look away when I find him staring at me. If I ever find myself having any kind of feelings for Asher, I'll find someone to slap me hard. Asher lowers himself beside Savannah. I flinch when she shifts uncomfortably. I pull a seat but I don't sit down. Something about Savannah makes me keep staring at her. She's blushing furiously, wringing her hands with nervousness, and I keep getting these traumatic flashbacks of my first ever house party. I don't wanna think about that right now. But I can't help it. I feel like a physical pain is slicing through me so I close my eyes, trying in vain to push the horrendous images from my head. I grit my teeth as I let my eyes flutter open. Everyone is looking at me. "What." I mutter, unamused. Mia swallows hard. "Um, you're kinda crying." I blink, and when I feel the wetness streaming down my cheek, I totally panic. I'm not about to break down in front of all these people; and especially not in front of Asher, Nathan and Kol. I glance at Mia. "Don't let Savannah out of your sight. " "Where are you going?" Asher yells when I turn to leave. "Leave her alone!" Mia's stern voice is the last thing I hear as I flee. ** I'm pushing through the crowd, trying to find an exit or whatever, and I'm glad when I spot a staircase. I run up the stairs, my high heeled shoes clicking against the sandstone floor, tears spilling over my cheeks. I want to stop them. I want to be the strong woman who everyone thinks I am. But I can't. Not right now. I just want to find some privacy and break down in peace. This happens once in a while. Sometimes, everything just snaps and I let myself wallow in tears and grief and self pity. I run into the first room that I spot and I push the door open. I rush straight to the bathroom, and I hastily lock the door behind me. I sit on the toilet before I burst into uncontrollable sobs. In my head, he bends me over the toilet bowl in my childhood bedroom. He pulls my short dress up, the very dress that my Mom forced me into, and I gasp when his fingers tear my knickers from my body. I burst into a fresh series of painful sobs. Someone pounds on the door. I sit still for a moment, hoping that whoever that is will just go away, but they knock again and again. "Occupied!" I shout in the calmest voice I can master as silent tears roll down my cheeks. "Riya, open the door." Shit! That's Reid.
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