(15). Make me

1994 Words

"I don't like your office." Asher states as he takes in the place with unimpressed eyes. "There's nothing wrong with it." "It's too small." "It's more than enough for me. Asher, what's going on?" "Right now? We are having a conversation but we should probably cut it short. We have a meeting in-" he consults his rolex. "Two minutes." "So Reid bought this company then he kept you in charge?" "What are you talking about?" "Is Reid using you to get to me somehow?" Asher looks confused all over as he slowly shakes his head. "Why would you even think that? Wait, why would I help Reid with anything that involves you?" "You tell me." "First of all, I haven't seen him or talked to him all weekend. Second, I would never be his wingman or whatever. I'm still salty about him stealing my gi

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