Episode 33 : Royal dinning room

2044 Words

The sun has already set completely before I woke up. I fluttered open my eyelids to stare at my vicinity. I am in my bed at the maid's quarter. The wooden hard bed which makes my back aches. I was about to yawn when the memories about the night before flood in. Swiftly I sprang up from the bed in horror and I dashes out Towards the kitchen. I collided with the new Lady boss who smile softly at me. I bow before her but she patted my shoulder lovingly and said. " I figured you must be tired so I have ordered everyone to let you be " " But the royalties " I said, almost yelling. " King Alaric breakfast has to be served " " Well you have to go then, before you loose your head for real this time Azure " My knees nearly buckle up when I heard this words from the new Lady boss. Wi

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