Episode 67 : Resting place

1500 Words

I followed Canis into this new place. The tombstone laid ahead before my eyes. Slowly I bow in respect to the dead Luna. The fortunate woman who had given birth to Canis lupus. All of a sudden I frown. Queen Luna belongs to the Castle's tomb cave. " What is going on? Why is your mother laid to rest here? " My curiosity took the better of me and made me to ask this question. Without looking at me, not taking eyes off his mother's tombstone Canis replied. " Because she is been casted out. Both in her home and in the castle " Slowly he look at me and began. " Luna land once has their male leader who rule over them. Males still lives among them too but it all stopped after my mother neglected her duty to pursue love " " What? " " My grandpa, the father of king Alaric arranged

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