Episode 12 : Right?

2369 Words
My eyes fluttered opens and I moan weakly. I nuzzled closer to that solid comfy chest of... Vamp Lamia! The pleasant scent of his caressing my senses and soothing me. I could feel his palm placed on my waist. I love this so much that I do not wish to move away but I have to. " Good evening sleeping beauty " He whispers when I pulled back and I smile. " I must have fell asleep " I mutters as I look around. I realized I am still in Canis's living room but he was no where around. I could see the dark sky from where I sat and I gulped down. Slowly I turn back to stare into the pleasant eyes of Vamp but I dropped my gaze when the thought of his brother crossed my thoughts. " I should go back to the maid's quarter now. Lady Boss will be awaiting me " I said but Vamp didn't reply. He only stare at me for sometime before he withdraw his hands away from my waist and sit right. " You can sleep in my home tonight. The maid's quarter isn't too comfy to sleep in. I heard they shared the bed. Those Omegas " " I am a Royal maid now Vamp. I should obey the rules " " And what if I said you shouldn't obey the rules? " " Can you answer to your father if the words got out that a maid had left her duty to flirt with his Vampire son? " " Of course " He replied immediately without any hesitation. " If I love this maid in question I will do everything to have her. Disobey my dad and everyone to keep her by my side " I shivers slightly at his confession. Abruptly I look away to breath out. I could see how determined he was when saying those words. I believe him. He would stop at nothing to have his heart desires. At that moment Canis walk out from his room. My heart jumped at his sight. He didn't look at me. Instead he focus on his brother who look up to stare at him a dressed up. " Special occasion? " Vamp asked his brother but in response Canis dropped his jaw in awe. " Our tutor is here already. You should come out before Dad command you to be lashed publicly " " Oh! I could feel his presence now " Vamp stood up and pull me up as well. " s**t, I have forgotten entirely that we got training tonight. Ugh! I'm worn out already " " Tell that to your king when you see him Lamia " Canis said with a hint of sarcasm before heading out. He didn't pay me any attention at all. I began to feel sad. So sad but thanks to Vamp who still stood beside me. " I can walk over there myself Vamp. I know my way around the castle now " I said when he set out towards the Maids quarter. He stop under the moonlight to stare at me and a sigh escaped his lips when he saw the sadness on my face. " Don't be sad. It makes me mad. Do you want me to bring Lupus forward so he could apologized to you? " He asked and I grinned. " No come on. I will be fine. I'm... I'm not a murderer. I tried stopping mother but..." " It wasn't your fault " He interrupted me firmly. His palm now caressing my cheek. " Don't ever blame yourself for your mother's death. No one knows that would happens " I shut my eyes and choked back the tears that threaten to fall. Vamp do not want my tears. I know this already. " Thank you so much Vamp. I mean it " I whispers sincerely after looking into his eyes. He is the kindest man. The only one who accept me in the castle without any complains. I tossed away Canis's warning now. I stare deep into Vamp's eyes and I lost myself. Next seconds I did was clasping my hands around his neck and standing on a tiptoe. I allowed the passion to speak for itself. I let the lust in me to work it's wonder. I kissed Vamp softly at first then possessively at last. His palm came cupping by my cheek to steady me as we kissed each other under the moonlight. After sometime he pulled away but his eyes, bright blue brilliant eyes of his was glowing. A smile appears on my face at this and I asked. " Your eyes are.. glowing. Why? " " They do that when my emotions were Tiggered. I love your lips " He said and I look away shyly. " Alright I should go. Everyone must be waiting for me " " Yeah, you should " He left me reluctantly. I could see the hesitation from his face and stance. " Call my name whenever you needed me " He said and zoom off. I was only left with whoosh of air and no Vamp. I stood still under the dark moonlight in loneliness then I turn towards the direction of the Maids quarter. The night was Cold and the maid's dress I wore didn't help me much. I hugged myself and walk faster. When I get to the tall building for the maid I saw Lady boss, Karen and Selene was at the entrance standing and having a conversation. When they saw me they stop abruptly to stare at my way. " Where have you been? You are a Royal maid. An omega. The Castle isn't a playground to roam about Azure! " That was the Lady boss scolding. Swiftly I bow on fear, my heart taking another turn. " I am sorry. I... I will do better next time. This will never be repeated " " Well I can't take an omega words for the truth. I shall have you wiped so you will be reminded of the rules and regulations whenever you felt your back aching. Guards! " In a twinkle of an eye, before I could beg or wriggle free I found two powerful guards holding me down while another brought out a long wipe. " No no .. please don't... don't do this to me " I was begging now. I know my system, my Wolf. As an Omega with a shackles around my ankles I know my wolf will leave me if I go through tortures. " Thirty hard wipes guard. Began! " Lady Boss yelled out and I gulped down hard. The sound of the wipe came, flashing through the air to my greatest fear. The guard's who was receiving this order so Cruel looking. The whip came down, though it hasn't make contact with my back but I was screaming already. All of a sudden, in mid air it stopped! My world stopped abruptly and I breath out heavily. I felt my arms which the two men gripped was released and I was ease up my a tender hand. I was shivering already and I look up at him. Tears clouding my eyes. Canis? I couldn't believe my sight but I lean over to him when he circled his hands around me. I was crying bitterly and he patted my back very tender. " I'm here now. Hmm... It's okay now, now one will dare hit you. I'm here ..." He is right. He is there, with me. Cuddling me and no one dares to hit me before the werewolf prince. " Azure! " I heard the voice of Vamp and I ease away from Canis to stare at him. He is breathing heavily and I get it. He had race here obviously. He stare at me for sometime then Marched towards me, checking my body for bruises. " You hurt? Anywhere... " He was asking but I shook my head. " I'm fine " " Are you sure? You look pale " I couldn't help but smile into the two men's eyes. They are watching me with those brilliant eyes of theirs filled with lot of worry for me. " I'm fine. Lady Boss..said I return late and I get it. Can you both please vouch for me that I would never returns late anymore? " When the two princes turns to Lady boss she immediately bow her head. " Forgive me prince Canis, Prince Vamp. It's in the rules to..." " So you went ahead to whip her instead? Killing her Wolf? " Canis interrupted to my awe. I have always pictured him as the more reserved in the two princes but it seems i was wrong. Lady Boss however was angry at the turn of events but she still bow her head even though her jaw was setting in anger and humiliation. " Whenever Azure did wrong you can tell on her to me or Lamia. Don't take any laws into your hands. I won't condone any of that from you when it comes to this lady " It was all said and I gulped down hard. I watched as lady boss nodded in response only. Selene and Karen watching every details in awe and interest. " Will you come with me? " After some seconds vamp asked me softly but I managed to shook my head in the negative. " I should go in now. I got tasks to do tomorrow " " We should return to the training site Lamia " Canis said. He didn't look at me anymore and he turn around to walk away. Tears filled my eyes after his departure but I choked it back for Vamp still stood before me. He didn't say any more words. He only kissed my forehead and Zoom off like earlier, leaving only whoosh of air. Now I am alone with the ladies and guards. Lady Boss raised up her Head now after the princes exit. She glare at me once before walking into the house and I sigh softly in resignation. Karen and Selene took me in and I was made to lay down on a wooden bed that makes all my body to ache. My night wasn't at all pleasant like the previous one. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. The thought and face of Canis Lupus and Vamp Lamia keeps me awake all through the night and till dawn. *** " Azure you got a task. You should cook for the king. If you arrive a little late king Alaric will have your head " I sprang up from the wooden bed after hearing Karen's words. Swiftly I made to the kitchen where I began to run about. My head so packed up with fear that I couldn't do anything. Selene appears in the door after some time and I stop to smile at her. " I can help you with the cooking but you will serve it. I was once in charge of king Alaric's meals once you know " Relief, thousands of it washes over me like never before after hearing Selene's words. " You are such an angel selene. I will watch how you make the king's breakfast then " " No no. You should run along and get your hair washed up and that body of yours. I wonder how the princes cling to you when you stinks so bad " I laughed heartily at her words and I ran along just like she had advised. When I returned to the kitchen the aroma did nothing but makes me keep smiling. " It's all set now Azure " She announced, pointing at the large tray and I nodded. " This is very great. Thanks a lot selene " I gave her a hug before carrying the breakfast tray and headed to the king's Quarter. I am scared. My heart now began it's usual thudding when I took my turn to king Alaric's chamber. My long hair was still wet and it was swirling past my waist as I walk still. Finally I arrived at my destination. I bow my head slightly before the guards as though to tell them to open the king's door for me. Seconds later I was allowed to walk in. It turns out I was very late. King Alaric was already in his dinning room, waiting for his breakfast as he sat on the chair. I was stunned at this and I bite my lower lip to scold myself. How dare a lowly Omega stood the king up? I didn't make eye contact with his Majesty. I placed the tray down and step back. My head still bow. The next sound I heard was the king picking up the fork. I stole a glance at him when he ate a bite. " You can leave " He said to me and I blew out in relief. I was afraid he would scold me for coming so late. I am glad as well that the Queen of Vampires world is no where to be seen. When I curled up my fingers on the doorknob I overheard the gagging that stole my breath away. Slowly I compelled myself to turn around and I saw him gasping for air, fighting for his dear life. My jaw flopped open and my eyes wide open. I nearly collapse in shock. Before me is the king of all werewolves, King Alaric himself collapsing on the floor. His lips pale and his face white. I swiftly goes to him screaming out for help. My eyes stop at the fork he had used and air left my lung. I shuddered violently and I began to step backward. The golden fork has now turned black and obviously I know it's due to a deadly poison. " You dare poison the king? You will pay for it with your life! " I heard one of the guard says and I shuddered. My knees gave way and I flopped on the floor. There and then I know I am done for. Nothing and no one will prove my innocent, right?
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