Episode 57 : In the Castle

2150 Words

Canis leans over to kiss my lips again. His hands caress my waist and I moan into his mouth. My eyes were shut now and I want nothing but to stay in his arms, probably forever. He had given me days so I could unravel the mystery but I plan to spend just hours to know. Days is such a long time and I won't lag. The moment I was losing myself to him I felt him pulling away. He carried me very easily to my feet and he stood up gently. His strides to the entrance of the Valley were graceful and steady. His broad back is tantalizing and his stance is powerful. I saw him sniff in the air and he sigh later. " You should go now, Azure. You are an Omega. Go " I didn't wait for an invitation. I look towards the dagger which was still on the flower bed and reached for it. Canis snatche

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