Episode 73 :

1500 Words

" Are you certain my master said this? He told you my dad is been hypnotized by the Dracula lord? " We are in his room. Our hair was wet and our clothes dripping. We do not care because it's a precautionary situation. We need a solution and I have explained all there is to him. I turn to stare at him and I nodded. " The Wizard is waning Canis and he wants you back. He said I have to choose your brother. I am afraid vamp will be a disaster so I try to push you away " He look away to hide the anger that flashed in his eyes. " Don't do that ever again. putting yourself on the line for all werewolves that spat at your tribe " " But they are my people too Canis " I mutter with a sigh. " I feel I had to be of use, anyhow. Since I am cursed forever I feel... " " We will find a way t

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