Chapter Fourteen - With you

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The loud ringing of Zarina’s alarm was to be heard as she grunted while trying to put it off, she groaned when she forgot to turn it off last night. She doesn't have work today and once she woke up, she couldn’t be able to sleep again and she thought it sucked. “Good morning human! Are you awake?” Luther greeted from the bathroom, so Zarina just rolled on her bed before raising her body. “Y-Yeah, I am,” She yawned while scratching the back of her head. Zarina stood up before deciding to wash her face and brush her teeth. “What time would be your outing with your friends?” Luther asked while she’s walking towards the bathroom. She looked at Luther on the other side and he’s dressed again in another elegant wizard's clothing, it’s a combination of blue and black colors this time. Plus, his huge hat has blue fresh flowers on the side. “How many clothes do you have?” Zarina coldly asked before deciding to grab her toothbrush and did her thing in front of Luther. She didn’t bother answering Luther's first question since she was still processing her today’s mood. “A lot of clothes! I have magic, you know? I can change the colors of my outfits if I wanted to or create one when I’m bored of my clothes,” Luther gloated, so she just nodded before washing her face and drying it with a towel. “Do you even take a bath?” Zarina curiously asked so Luther was caught off guard while clutching his chest. “Of course I am! What do you think of me?” Luther almost exclaimed while pouting, so Zarina just stared at him intently. Zarina couldn’t help but notice how attractive he looks on the way his sky blue eyes gleam at her, “A pervert wizard who likes melons,” “What?!” Luther was complaining about what she just said, but she looked for her phone first before gazing at him again. She read on their group chat that they’ll be meeting up at noon and are going to the mall to have fun at arcades, she thought they’re adults now to be playing at arcades, the good thing is, somebody requested karaoke. “What should I wear going out with them? Should I wear my working clothes?” Zarina confusingly asked that surprised Luther. “What? Why would you wear your work clothes? Do you want to be laughed at?” Luther exclaimed at her remark, he massaged his temples before sighing. Despite her intellect and beauty, he thought this woman was absolutely hopeless. “Take a bath and I’ll help you pick your clothes,” He suggested, so Zarina just slowly nodded as she started covering him with a cloth to do her business. After drying off her hair, Luther shouted from the bathroom that she should wear something casual in her closet. “How about skinny jeans and a normal top? Is that okay for casual?” Zarina yelled from her room, so Luther wondered for a moment what those were. “Whatever! Just get dressed decently and come here!” Luther informed her, so she just sighed before slipping into the most casual clothes that she has seen in her cabinet. Zarina paced towards the bathroom and revealed herself to Luther, “How about this? Does this pass for going out?”  Luther gazed at her and was astounded at the majestic figure that Zarina has. She’s only wearing skinny jeans and a fitted black top and yet Luther thought she made that outfit look aesthetically pleasing among his eyes.  He even thought that she's going to be a head-turner if she goes out wearing elegant clothing, he shook his head and coughed at what he was thinking. “I-It looks fine, but you want to make a good first impression right?” Luther smiled before raising his wand at Zarina. “Hm, let’s try changing it to this one,” Luther chanted something as Zarina’s clothing was changed into a black and white romper that fitted her curves. Her hair was curled perfectly behind her back. Luther was so taken aback by what he had just made that he wanted to undo it for a second, worried that others could approach her not to be her friend, but to something that he didn't want Zarina to have. She looks extremely stunning with just a slight bit of changes that he did, he has never seen someone look that beautiful even in his world. “Woah, did you actually turn those skinny jeans into a romper?” Zarina smiled as she took out her phone to check her outfit, “I wish I had another mirror here to look at myself, but I think this romper is nice,”  Luther was overthinking about some other stuff when he realized that he could observe what’s going to happen at Zarina’s outing by making something from his magic. “How about you bring a small mirror with you?” Luther summoned a mirror on the other side that could help him see or hear what Zarina was doing later on. “I’ll place it with the rectangular thing that you always look at,” He added before closing his eyes to fully release the magic that he needed. “You mean, my phone?” Zarina raised her eyebrows, so Luther just nodded with his eyes closed. Zarina closed her eyes for a moment because of the light that had appeared before gazing at the phone that she was holding. Her phone has a folding case where Luther successfully attached the mirror over there. “There, you’re all good for today’s outing,” Luther clapped his hands like he was proud of himself, he could spy on Zarina and the people around her later! He excitedly sniggered when he noticed that Zarina was looking at herself and the mirror Luther placed on her phone. “You helped me a lot just for this outing,” Zarina solemnly said before gazing at Luther as she smiled at him that she didn’t even realize she was making, “Thank you, Luther,” Luther lost his grip on his wand after what he just saw, he couldn’t believe that he just saw Zarina smile before him. “Oh my wizards, you actually smiled again!” He exclaimed, so Zarina furrowed her eyebrows, “Crap! I didn’t use the element of water to capture that dang!” She was confused at what that wizard was saying as she glanced at her wall clock. She's almost late for the meeting time. “I have to go now,” Zarina clutched to her chest before sighing, “I don’t know why I’m freaking nervous, I don’t get nervous at interviews,”  Luther gazed at her again before smirking, “You’ll be fine, you should get going,” He suggested, so she just nodded at him. “Remember, try to make a conversation longer if someone speaks with you,” Luther reminded her, so she just sighed. “What if I don’t like their vibe?” She worriedly asked while caressing her phone, it was vibrating probably because someone was calling her. “Then politely leave the conversation, we talked about this, right?” Luther wiggled his eyebrows, so she just nodded at him. “And you better eat, you didn’t eat breakfast,” He scolded, so Zarina rolled her eyes before secretly smiling. It’s been a while since someone was telling her off what she should do, she then checked her vibrating phone before answering the call. “Who is this?” Zarina crossed her arms against her chest as she motioned Luther to be silent, he just nodded at her as he listened. [Wow! You didn’t save my number?] Zarina immediately sighed after hearing Kirstin’s voice, [That’s just so cold, ice queen!] Kirstin exclaimed. “I said, stop calling me ice queen,” Zarina furiously replied, so she heard her laughing out loud on the other line. [Chill out ice queen, so where are you? We’re almost complete here,] Kirstin informed, so she got nervous for a moment while pacing back and forth. [You’re coming right?] Kirstin added, her tone was like warning her that she should come. Zarina just sighed before gazing at Luther who was inaudibly cheering her like she’s having a normal conversation. “I-I am coming,” She almost stammered at her reply, so Luther raised his thumbs like he’s telling her she did a good job. [Cool! That’s great! See you!] The call was immediately ended, so Zarina looked at her phone before gazing at Luther who finally laughed out loud. “Stop laughing,” She warned, so Luther just nodded before coughing, “I think I have to go now,” “You should and that conversation turned out so well!” Luther complimented, so she just sighed while scratching the back of her head. “Of course, it wasn’t a physical conversation, I can make a face whatever I want without them seeing it,” Zarina coldly replied while walking towards to exit her apartment, so Luther hopelessly sighed. “Remember my advice! I’ll be there with you!” Luther yelled right after Zarina closed the door behind her back. “Be there with me? Is he joking?” Zarina shook her head as she decided to meet up with her workmates at the meeting place that was placed on their group chat. Luther then decided to activate the mirror that he attached to Zarina’s phone, “Now let’s see what the human world has,” He sniggered as he used his wand and summoned the element of water to help him watch where Zarina’s going. “What are you doing?” A strange voice appeared, so Luther almost flinched and lost his power of levitation before summoning a cloth to hide his mirror. “Gah! Wayne? You’re back?” Luther exclaimed while caressing his butt that hit the floor, he also felt disgusted by it since he was still cleaning his house. “How cold, your familiar is here to visit you even though he’s working so hard at familiar camp,” Wayne rolled his eyes before looking for something to eat. Luther’s familiar is a Pseudodragon, it’s one of the rarest familiars that he summoned when he was being mentored before. Pseudodragon has many abilities, but mostly Luther likes it because pseudodragon can magically communicate simple ideas, emotions, and images telepathically with any creature within 100 ft. of it that can understand a language. Wayne should be gone for many moons because they’re in the familiar camp where they could learn new things and be stronger to help their masters. “Sheesh! At least warn me in the name of wizards Wayne,” Luther rolled his eyes before he finally regained his composure. His familiar didn’t mind him as he continued looking for food inside of his master’s house, “So? What brings you here? You know you can’t leave the camp,” Luther raised his eyebrows at Wayne. “I forgot something master, so I’ll leave immediately after I found it, I got permission from our trainer,” Wayne gazed at him and what he was doing. “A strange magic is surrounding your home, master, what are you doing?” He curiously asked, so Luther flinched before scratching the back of his head. “W-What do you mean, Wayne? I’m not doing anything illegal,” Luther nervously laughed while playing with his wand. “Oh no, don’t tell me you did some experiments again and it became a huge problem?” Wayne exclaimed, so Luther pouted at him. “W-What? I did nothing unusual, okay? Just go ahead and look for what you’re looking for and leave!” Luther complained, so Wayne suspiciously gazed at him. Luther knew that he couldn’t lie to his familiar, so he just sighed before scratching the back of his head. “Fine, alright! I’ll tell you what happened, but you got to promise me that you wouldn’t tell anyone,” Luther raised his eyebrows at his familiar, so Wayne just chuckled at him. “Why would I endanger my own master?” Wayne playfully smirked at his master, so Luther just nodded because he did have a point. “Alright, don’t be too surprised, but I met a human,” Luther firmly informed, so Wayne looked at his master intently before laughing. “You’re joking, master, right? Those creatures don't exist,” Wayne continued laughing, so Luther glared at him before taking off the cloth from his mirror. “Oh my wizards, you messed up bad master!” Wayne roared at the glowing mirror that he was seeing, and he knew from that moment, that was the strange magic he was feeling inside of his master’s house. To be continued...
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