Chapter Forty Six - Apology

2299 Words
She crossed her arms against her chest before glaring at Luther, “Are you alright? Why are you standing up?” She coldly asked before leaning on the space in between the door. Luther, on the other hand, sighed deeply because he doesn’t know where he has to start, but he was overjoyed that Zarina wasn’t acting off about his confession. It feels so good to let that out of his chest, he just couldn’t keep it anymore and when she kissed him back, he couldn’t help but assume that she may have feelings for him too. The kiss felt so good as it made him realize how much he likes Zarina, he had never had that deep attraction towards someone else compared to her. “Human I-I’m so sorry about a while ago, I-I didn’t know you didn’t put some cloth on the mirror and I had to get some water because I can’t summon my magic,” Luther apologized before taking off his hat. “I didn’t mean to see anything, but! Don’t worry! I really didn’t!” He sounded defensive, so Zarina just blushed before glaring at him. “Don’t remind me of that or I’ll kill you,” She sighed before scratching the back of her head, “And you didn’t answer my question, are you alright?” Luther sighed in relief when it looks like Zarina was planning to let it go, he then used his levitation magic to float himself near the mirror. “I am feeling better after a long sleep, I just woke up a while ago and changed into better clothes,” Luther informed, so she just nodded at him before leaving. “W-Where are you going?” Luther curiously asked so she came back with confusion etched on her face. “My bedroom to change clothes? Do you have a problem with that?” Zarina raised her eyebrows, so he playfully smirked. “Oh I see, do you need any help with that? I’m very good at undressing--I mean! Dressing people!” Luther nervously took back his words as Zarina glared at him, he didn’t notice that her ears were blushing. “Pervert!” She screamed before running away from the bathroom and shutting her bedroom door. Luther cursed underneath his breath before sighing. “Way to go, Luther, are you trying to win the woman or force her to stay away from you?” He just sighed before waiting for Zarina to get out of her bedroom to cook some lunch, he just assumed she hadn't eaten yet. Zarina, on the other hand, rested her back at her door before collapsing to the ground as she cupped her face. “W-What is wrong with me?” She mumbled while clutching her chest, “Why can’t you calm down?” Zarina bit her lower lip before she decided to stand up and change into her comfortable clothes before wearing an apron. She wanted to cook something nice today and she couldn’t understand why. After she got out of her bedroom, she tied her hair before grabbing the ingredients she had in her fridge. She just realized that the generator is open again, so she saves time to charge all of her solar chargers. “Oi! Human! Are you done changing clothes?” She heard Luther raise his voice in the bathroom, but she didn’t mind him as she decided to make some tonkatsu with teriyaki sauce. “Human, please talk to me, are you mad? I was just joking okay?” Luther sounded like he was pouting, so she just secretly smirked. “Just shut up and let me cook peacefully okay?” She firmly said. She then became preoccupied with cooking their meal. “Oh my wizards, she looks adorable in a ponytail,” Luther whispered while cupping his mouth, he’s currently watching what she was doing using the water element. Luther doesn’t want Zarina to hear how much of a simp he was towards her, it’s embarrassing and weird at the same time, he thought. He never liked someone this deeply and these feelings that come from deep within are making him say words that he’ll probably regret. Zarina didn’t say anything about his confession and even if he wanted to ask about it, he doesn’t know where to start. “I’m done cooking, are you sure you’re feeling alright? You only slept for probably five hours,” Zarina worriedly gazed at him while fixing the small table right in front of the bathroom. “I am, the soup that I made before I got sick helped me a lot, plus we mythical creatures recover quickly if eaten something--hm, that may be the reason why we feel much better after we eat something from our world, you noticed that right?” Luther mumbled while summoning a book and notes. Zarina just then nodded at him, “I also notice that the fever goes down after we eat and drink medicine swiftly,” Luther clapped his hands before nodding, “Another piece of information for our experiment, I’m having fun about this,” Luther admitted, so she thought she felt the same way but didn’t say anything. “I made tonkatsu with teriyaki sauce, it’s nothing special, but it could make us both full,” Zarina placed Luther’s bowl right in front of her table. “Anything you make is special for me, Zarina,” Hevcasually said, which made her stop as she felt like her ears are heating up. “Yeah right, well go on, get it,” Zarina demanded after she sat on her chair and raised the cutlery that she will use. Luther just happily nodded before exchanging it with some roses, she closed her eyes when the bright light appeared and opened them right after. “Now you got me every single color of the roses,” Zarina commented after she noticed that there was a bouquet of roses placed on her front. All of the colors of the roses that she knew were arranged perfectly on the bouquet. “I can’t help it, every flower just suits you,” Luther sincerely smiled, so she just shook her head at him before staring at that bouquet. She’s used to receiving roses and drinks from Luther, so why does her heart thump so differently when she stares at this bouquet right now? She thought. Have things already changed between them? She gripped her cutlery before deciding to eat her lunch. “Thank you for the roses,” Zarina mumbled after swallowing her meal, “I love it, Luther,” She added, so he flinched before he cupped his face. “Human please, don’t catch me off guard like that! You sound so beautiful right now and my handsomeness can’t take it!” Luther admitted while biting his lower lip, so she almost chuckled but glared at him. “You sounded like a thirsty pervert right now, so shut up and finish that meal of yours and drink whatever medicine mythical creatures have there,” Zarina rolled her eyes before secretly smiling. They quietly enjoyed their meals together, they both know that something changed after Luther confessed to her yesterday. “By the way, I think I forgot to thank you yesterday for touring me around your city, I know we didn’t go to many places, but I still had fun and it was amazing since I got to spend it with you,” Luther suddenly spoke, so she raised her head at him. “You’re welcome, you also better prepare yourself next week when I visit your world for three days,” Zarina mumbled before standing up, she was already finished with her meal. “I’m going to answer your confession on the third day,” She informed before walking away from there, bringing the bouquet with her. Luther almost lost his grip on his bowl, so he shook his head before biting his lower lip, “She will answer me?” He nervously whispered while finishing up the meal Zarina made him. It wasn’t long until Zarina decided to preoccupied herself with washing the plates and utensils that she used for eating and cooking. She can’t believe she said that to him when she feels like she’s not prepared yet, “A-Are you sure you want to give me your answer already?” She flinched when she heard Luther’s voice from the bathroom. “You can tell me if you're truly ready to answer me, don’t feel pressured about it,” Luther added, so she just sighed. “I made up my mind to answer you next week, so you better shut up before I change my mind,” Zarina coldly stated, so he just bit his lower lip. “A-Alright, thank you Zarina, I hope whatever you answer me, we’ll remain as good friends, you’re special to me and I don’t want to lose you just because of what I said,” Luther mumbled worriedly, so she stopped washing the dishes before walking towards the bathroom. She crossed her arms against her chest before looking at him intently, “Are you going to crave for my affection?” She curiously asked, what Kirstin said to her a while ago still bothers her. “H-Huh? What do you mean?” He curiously asked so she rolled her eyes before glaring at him. She knows he heard her. “Long-distance relationships are difficult Luther, have you thought of that?” Zarina raised her eyebrows, so Luther furrowed his eyebrows at her. “U-Um no, I just want to let you know about what I feel about you,” He mumbled, so she just sighed. “Luther Albus Sanford, the greatest wizard of all time, why did you confess to me when you know that even if I answer yes, we can’t have a normal relationship?” Zarina firmly said as she caressed her elbows. Her heart was pricking just by saying those words, “We can’t be there to each other’s world and we can’t touch one another, do you still want that?” Zarina asked, so he was surprised by her questions. He was silent for a moment before nodding at her, “We can make it work if you said yes, we have plenty of solutions, I like you Zarina, and no universe and space can take my word away from me,” Zarina wasn’t expecting him to answer her, but what he said made her feel confident that if ever she confessed, everything would probably be alright. She liked what he said and it made her heart thump rapidly against her chest as she closed her eyes. She’s truly screwed. “And I would crave for everything about you, it’s normal and it’s okay even if I can’t have that, I’m fine just by seeing you looking beautiful right there on that space just like always,” Luther casually stated, so Zarina bit her lower lip. “Do you know you’re being bold right now?” She raised her eyebrows, so he just playfully smirked. “Only to you I will be bold Zarina,” He playfully winked, so she glared at him. His statements always have double meanings. “Whatever, I’ll go wash the dishes and forget I ever heard you say that,” Zarina firmly said before walking away from the bathroom. “Oh come on human! I was just kidding! Come back to me after you wash that, okay?!” Luther requested, so she just rolled her eyes before smiling. Ever since she met Luther, she feels like she’s always making new emotions unknown to her, he’s changing her and she even met a new friend and acquaintance because of him. After she washed the dishes and put them on the dryer, she removed the table and placed a chair in front of the bathroom just to look at Luther. Luther looks pressured just by seeing her staring at him intently on the other side, he sighed before brushing up some dirt from his wizard clothing. “So um, what do you want to do today, human?” Luther curiously asked while staring at her intently. “I have nothing in my mind,” Zarina sighed before leaning on the chair, “I have finished everything at work a while ago, so maybe I’ll just do something productive,” She added. “Maybe I can help you with your experiments, what else do you need?” Zarina curiously asked, so Luther shook his head. “I kind of want to talk to you, know more about you, can we do that?” He suggested so she was caught off guard before biting her lower lip. “What else do you want to know about me?” Zarina asked before crossing her arms against her chest. “We almost talked about each other’s lives,” She claimed, so Luther exaggeratedly shook his head. “That’s not true, you didn’t tell me anything aside from your relationship with your parents! I want to know more about you,” He exclaimed, so she bit her lower lip before sighing. “Fine, but no questions about my love life okay?” She firmly said, making Luther laugh out loud. “Human, you didn’t have many friends, so I wouldn’t assume you would speak something about it, but if you want,” He wiggled his eyebrows, “We could talk about me or us since I’m your only prospect love life here,” Luther proudly claimed, so she glared at him. “Shut up wizard, do you want to hear my story or what?” She raised her eyebrows, so he raised his hands in defeat before zipping up his mouth. To be continued...
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