Chapter Forty Seven - Past

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“I actually don’t remember that much from my childhood,” Zarina admitted while massaging her head, every time she thinks about her childhood, her head aches. “Honestly, I feel like I lost a huge part of me back when I was still a child, but anyway, I grew up well,” She mumbled, making Luther tilt his head towards her. “What do you mean that you forgot about your past? That’s highly unlikely to happen unless…” Luther didn’t continue what he was saying, there’s probably no scorpion glass plant in their world. Plus, there’s no magic in their world, so it’s impossible for her to receive or drink that kind of potion unless someone was skilled enough to make it. “I don’t know, I don’t remember anything yet my mind tells me something is missing, plus my head’s hurting when I think of something about the past,” She admitted, so he finds it odd. “Well anyways, I only remember being alone back in high school as kids bully me because I’m too different, I had burgundy hair and emerald eyes inborn so they find it strange, they find me strange,” Zarina continued talking. “Despite all the harsh words I’ve been hearing from them, they were not physically bullying me, they wouldn’t since they know how influential my parents were in creating herbs for the sick,”  “Oh really? I didn’t know you have herbs there,” Luther sounded surprised, so she just nodded at him. “We have, for massaging and fever only, only people like my dad knows how to make one as he teaches my mom, we’re earning lots of money because of it since it was very effective,” She proudly claimed, so he just smiled since she looked proud of her parents. “So as I was saying, I didn’t feel lonely even if I didn’t make any friends, I had my books with me and a goal to graduate and move to the city to have another life, but nothing changed aside from meeting you,” Zarina then gazed at Luther intently. “Everything changed about my daily life after meeting you Luther,” She smoothed her shorts before biting her lower lip. “I went out, gained friends, it was surreal, I still can’t believe it happened and it's all thanks to you,” She added, so he felt touched for a moment. “Aw, that’s touching human, don’t worry, I also feel lucky upon meeting you,” He playfully winked, so she shook her head. “That’s all I know about myself, I had a boring life, just like what you’re always saying, but I had fun, and look where it got me now,” Zarina firmly said, which made Luther laugh. “Boring indeed, so are you serious about your parents taking pictures of you?” He curiously asked so she stopped for a moment before looking at him. “Oh I didn’t mean to overhear, you always seemed mad speaking to your parents about your pictures, albums, and scrapbooks,” Luther pointed out, so she just sighed. “I forgot to tell you about that, it’s just embarrassing, well yes, as a kid, my mom and dad used to take pictures of me and got obsessed about it telling me that it’s about memories and my cuteness, but to me, they’re just crazy,” She informed. Luther laughed out loud at what she just said, “I could tell from your expression that you’re highly pissed about it, but they’re your parents, they probably just miss you,”  “So it’s normal to record my voice from a call or still want my pictures on an album and scrapbook even if I’m an adult now?” Zarina rolled her eyes, so he was surprised for a moment. “Holy wizards, I didn’t know anything about that,” Luther coughed before biting his lower lip. “Well now you know,” Zarina hissed and glared at him, she stopped when she heard her phone ringing and vibrating in the dining room. “Hold on a sec, my phone’s ringing,” She informed before standing up and noticed it was the ‘Annoying woman’ on the caller’s ID. She just sighed and paced on the bathroom door to let Luther see it, “Oh? You have a call, is it Kirstin?” He curiously asked so she furrowed her eyebrows at him. “How did you know it was her? Never mind, just don’t speak,” She firmly reminded him, so Luther nodded. “What do you want?” Zarina raised her tone after she answered the call, she didn't even realize that she’s raising her eyebrows at her question. [Woah! You know who I am this time ice queen, I have a name over there,] Kirstin squealed, so she rolled her eyes before sighing. “Whatever, what do you want, woman?” She repeated her question, so Kirstin just hummed on the other line. [Nothing! I just want to hear your voice,] Kirstin giggled on the other line, so she glared at her phone. “Do you people live to annoy me?” She curiously asked before gazing at Luther, who just furrowed his eyebrows at her. He was confused why she looked at him after her question, but Kirstin laughed out loud at what she just asked. [Chill out ice queen! I’m just messing with you!] Kirstin calmed herself down before coughing, [So yeah, I was going to ask if you’re doing anything tonight?] Zarina leaned in on the space between the bathroom door before shrugging, “Nothing I have in mind, why?” She curiously asked and noticed that Luther was making funny faces again. She just glared at him before listening to Kirstin, [Great! Are you interested in going out with us tonight? We’re planning to eat and drink at a bar,] Zarina was about to decline it when she exclaimed, [Oh and wait! That bar isn’t crowded, our dear friend Lukei here just got recovered from his sickness and got back to work, so he wanted to treat us including you, he specifically wanted you there,] Kirstin informed. She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, “Why would he want me to be there?” Zarina was confused, she remembered that they did not end on good terms when he fainted. [He probably just wanted to apologize for what he did, please ice queen! All of us are looking forward to you saying yes or this outing wouldn’t be upheld,] Kirstin sounded desperate at her pleas. Zarina just sighed before scratching the back of her head, she doesn’t want to be a villain on their night. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with coming right? She thought. “What time is it?” She curiously asked so Kirstin squealed on the other line as she heard numerous cheers. How many of them are listening to her? [At 7 PM, I’m going to fetch you there! We’re going to have a blast thanks to you ice queen, see you!] The call immediately ended, so Zarina was confused about what just happened. “What happened? Are you going somewhere?” Luther curiously asked, so she just nodded before keeping her phone in her pockets. “Unfortunately, I had to go to this bar since the outing wouldn’t be continuing without me there since Lukei will pay for it,” Zarina informed, so he furrowed his eyebrows at her. “What do you mean about that? Is that the man that confessed to you before and harassed you?” Luther felt his jaw tightening just remembering that scenario. “Kirstin said he wanted to treat us and apologize to me, he doesn’t have to do that, but I already said yes, so I have to prepare, I’m going out at seven,” Zarina informed before walking out of the bathroom. “But you don’t have to go Zarina, you can always not go if you truly didn’t want to,” Luther reminded her, so she just secretly smiled. “I want to explore the world more and color my boring life, oh and um, can you help me with my outfit? I wanted something comfortable and fancy enough for a bar,” Zarina came back just to look at Luther. He crossed his arms against his chest before sighing, “I will help you, but it’ll cost you one wish from me too,” Luther demanded, so she just nodded. “Just don’t wish for anything funny,” Zarina coldly replied before walking away to check if she had a decent black dress. She took a quick shower, of course, she didn’t forget the cloth to cover the mirror this time before running to the bedroom to blow dry her hair. After she fixed her hair, she rummaged through her cabinet to check if she had a decent black plain dress. Zarina sighed when she only saw a plain one that probably doesn’t fit her anymore, “Luther, the dress doesn’t fit me anymore,” “Huh? What do you mean? Come here,” Luther called her, so she went to the bathroom and removed the cloth. Luther blushed after seeing such a short black dress that had ruffles on the sleeves and skirt that hugged all of Zarina’s curves, especially from her chest part, she looked daring and gorgeous at the same time. “W-Why are you wearing something like that?!” Luther almost sounded like he was complaining, so she furrowed her eyebrows at him before looking at her dress. “This is what girls wear at bars, look at this, they have a much worse outfit compared to mine,” Zarina defended herself while scrolling on her phone. Luther’s eyes widened after seeing such shiny, short fabric clothing, “Can they even be comfortable with that?” He curiously asked and imagined Zarina was wearing one. He sniggered when he thought it was super hot and dazzling at the same time, “Luther, you look like a malicious pervert right now,” Zarina hissed before keeping her phone. “I don’t want you to wear something like that Zarina, it’s too revealing!” Luther complained while pouting. “I’m not asking you to make my dress look like that, just make this dress look casual enough for me to fit in the bar,” Zarina sighed. Luther continued pouting before summoning his wand, “Fine, but you have a curfew, go home at 9 PM,” He firmly said, so she furrowed her eyebrows at him. “You’re not my dad,” Zarina raised her eyebrows, so Luther just raised his wand and pointed it at her. “But! I’m here to look after you, so you should go home at that hour or I’ll go there myself!” Luther exclaimed, so her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t do that,” Zarina claimed, so he sniggered at her before a bright light appeared on his wand. Zarina closed her eyes and opened them again after noticing that it was gone and gazed at what she was wearing. She almost gasped after witnessing that her dress became more comfortable as that black dress transformed into something classy. It wasn’t revealing, but Zarina knows she might just blend in on a bar pretty well. She may have not gone to one before but she knows what it looks like from the stories that she reads and on the videos that she watches. “Don’t underestimate what I can do, human, you better be home at that time, or else!” Luther firmly said before keeping his wand. Zarina just smiled at him before nodding, “Alright dad jeez,” She shook her head before walking out of the bathroom to look for her bag. Luther, on the other hand, stopped as he felt his heart thumping against her chest, “Damn it, so beautiful,” He whispered. He was happy that Zarina was trying to make friends and even going out with her workmates, it’s only a matter of time that she’ll start adapting and people would be drawn to her. Numerous people are already drawn to her current attitude and expression, what more if she could smile like that to them? He just shrugged and sighed. He couldn’t shake the jealousy that’s rising on the inside, if he was a human, he’ll probably be there too to accompany Zarina. “Well,” He flinched when he saw Zarina fixing her small bag and phone, “I’m going to go now since I don’t want Kirstin entering my apartment,” She stared at Luther and he was astounded upon seeing that Zarina looked fierce and beautiful at the same time because of her bright red lipstick. “Why are you wearing lipstick?” Luther asked while pointing at her plumped lips, he wanted to curse himself for thinking about kissing her again. She just looks so beautiful right now that he doesn’t want to let her go tonight. “Why? Is it bad?” Zarina curiously asked while fishing out her cellphone to check on her lips, “Nothing’s smudge, what’s the problem?” Luther just sighed before scratching the back of his head. He can’t be selfish about this since Zarina isn’t his yet. “Just go Zarina, I’ll be waiting for you here,” He informed, so she tilted her head at him for a moment before shrugging. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, you better not stalk me on my phone or else,” Zarina raised the hammer that’s she’s been keeping in the bathroom. Luther stuck out his tongue before smirking, “No promises human! I have to look out for you!” He exclaimed before leaving the mirror. “L-Luther! Ugh! That wizard,” Zarina just rolled her eyes before keeping the hammer on the side and threaded her sling bag on her right shoulder. “I’m leaving, thank you for helping me with my clothes, Luther,” Zarina mumbled before securely locking her apartment and meeting up with Kirstin. To be continued…

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