Third Nightfall

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Third Nightfall   "Look who's here? If it isn't my future stepmother." A tall and handsome man in his late 20s stopped in front of Kian and Beau's lunch table at the restaurant they were both seated in. Beau lifted his head to meet the said man's gaze. "Future stepfather." He corrected him. "Oh, really? I'm sure my father was not born a woman, Nong. Beau." The man put the emphasis on the prefix on Beau's name. He is indeed younger than Prama's son. By five years. "Don't you have other useless things to do than ruin our lunch, Mr. Khamsaen." Kian mockingly talked to Beau's future step-son. "Watch your mouth, Inthuang. You are both younger than me. By five years!" The older guy flashed his hand and flipped it back and forth to emphasize five fingers. "Yeah? But emotionally, your EQ is lower than that of a seven year old." Kian retorted back after rolling his eyes. "You little s**t –" "Could you just leave, Peter." Beau tried to dismiss the older guy. He knows this little chatter is not going anywhere. His encounters with Peter Khamsaen are like a broken disc. It stops. It resumes. It acts up. Then when you play it back again from the beginning, it's all the same. Beau wonders if his relationship with Peter could even get better. After all, some discs do play better after you clean them. "Leave? I got here to have a lovely lunch. And you just ruined it!" Peter didn't let go. Beau could only glare at Peter and his childish actions. Kian is shaking his head. Just then the waiter who took forever to get back to Beau finally made his way towards their table. "Here's your check, Sir." Beau took the small plate that contains their bill. Beau was about to put Kian's credit on it when Peter, stopped his hand. "Wait. You can't afford your meals now that you're also smooching on your friend?" Peter made a clicking sound from his mouth to insult Beau even more. Beau tried to hold back from slapping Peter's hand or maybe his face. But Kian, as grumpy and short-tempered that he is, stood up abruptly. He grabbed Peter's hand harshly and snatched the card that he took from the rectangular plate. "You know damn well Beau doesn't smooch off anyone! And this?" Kian raised the card in front of Peter's face. "This is my treat. We do this to our friends. True friends! And clearly that's what you are lacking because even as a doctor, you are eating your lunch alone!" Kian has caught the attention not only of Peter's but also the lunch goers of the small cutesy restaurant. Peter was obviously taken aback. He has friends but maybe not as true as Kian claims Beau as his. In a sense, Peter has people. Not friends. After hearing Kian defend him, Beau felt a surge of happiness. He does stand up for himself but this is a public place. And he tries to behave himself for the sake of his fiancé. The waiter who clearly was watching on the side, amusingly witnessing Kian's little outburst, decided to pick the plate containing the card that Kian placed back down. He then went to the cashier and rang the bill. Peter stormed off the restaurant forgetting his intention to fill his belly with his favorite-fried basil and pork. After the waiter got back to them, Kian and Beau left the restaurant. They hopped in Beau's SUV and headed for the movie theater. The little encounter with the childish man shouldn't stop these two from completing and enjoying their day off and date. Kian wanted to watch Ocean's 8. Whatever the critics said, he is going for it. Beau is just playing along. Maybe a change in genre of a film to watch will be good for him. The approaching dates are making him lose some sleep at night. His fiancé is also worried. He has confessed everything to Prama. He didn't hide a single detail. Prama picked him up from an alleyway four years ago. He was exhausted from running and hiding two days prior. He needed to get to the city and retrieve something. If he wanted to survive, he had to get them. The man he left all those years ago had prepared everything for him. It's as if he knew he didn't have enough time left. Beau realized how important it was when he learned the contents of what his lover left for him. His resolve became stronger. And Prama. He became his new anchor. He wasn't a replacement. He was his new beginning. Prama took him in. Put a shelter on his head, which he could have done on his own. He just couldn't tell Prama at first. When Beau turned twenty and Prama learned of his sleepless nights, he revealed everything to the older man. He deserved to know it all. Prama gave his trust and faith on Beau even before he knew all the things he was told. From there, their relationship drastically changed. Prama's role in his life gradually changed. From guardian to friend. From friends to best of friend. From best of friend to lover. Now, they are getting married in a few months’ time. And Beau is happy. Very happy. Beau wanted to introduce Prama to Ben but even if he couldn't bring Prama to see Ben's grave because he doesn't have one, he knows that his dead lover would be happy for him and the new life that he started. *** While outside the movie theater, a man approached Beau and Kian as they were about to head inside. "Beau Baifern?" The handsome man left the side of his date to acknowledge Beau's presence. "Nice to see you here, Nong Beau. How are you?" "Mr. Daichi?" _______________________________
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