Fourth Nightfall

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Fourth Nightfall   "Mr. Daichi? Hi. How are you?" Beau greeted the man who walked towards them in front of the movie theater. "Good. Good." He kept smiling as he shook Beau's hand. "Mel! I don't want to be late for my hair salon appointment!" The lady who came with Mr. Daichi is almost throwing a fit in the middle of the crowd. "Just a sec!" Mel turned real quick and back at Beau and Kian. "So, aren't you gonna introduce me to your little friend, Nong Beau?" "Name's Kian. And I'm not little. Just blessed to be cute. Now, if you'll excuse us, Ocean's 8 is waiting and you, your little brat waiting." Kian pointed at the girl who is now pouting and frowning at their direction. Beau smirked. "Will I see you guys again?" Mel's question was more directed to Kian than Beau. "You'll see him again, Mr. Diachipanya.... ....if you're hurt and about 30 minutes from here." Beau gave Mel a meaningful grin. The hospital Beau and Kian works at is 30 minutes away. Mel understood what Beau was trying to say. He was once treated by Beau at the hospital for some accident wounds. "Thanks, Nong Beau. You really are an angel!" Kian just rolled his eyes at the older man's happy face. "Come on, Beau. My movie is waiting." Kian pulled Beau before they could even witness the full fit of the date that Mel brought. *** "Thanks for bringing me home, Beau. I feel like a truck just hit me from exhaustion. Ugh!" Kian thanked Beau and complained at the same time about the day they had. Beau and Kian decided to play tennis at an indoor court to end their day off. Kian is limping as he got off the white SUV. Beau doesn't really feel tired. Playing tennis was nothing to him. He could have played with ten more Kians. The two went inside an apartment building after Beau parked his car. "You're welcome, Kenny." Beau helped Kian get to the elevator inside Kian's building. "Do you need anything else?" Beau asked his friend while stopping the lift from closing. "Nah. You've gotten me far enough. Now, go! You have energy left on you, right?" Kian clicked his tongue. "I can't believe you. Now get to your dinner date with your hubby!" Kian tried to the push Beau's hands from the elevator doors. "Yes, mother!" Beau's hands then left the elevator after Beau's eye winked at the lone passenger. It's only quarter to five in the afternoon. Beau still have time to freshen up before meeting Prama at Shangri-la Hotel for their diner date. Beau got back to his car and drove to the mansion located 20 minutes from where he is. *** "Hahaha! They really do that? Bring your own bottle? That's nice. I would love to go there with you." Beau was laughing at the stories Prama was telling him about a visit in a small restaurant where they practice BYOB. Bring your own bottle. Or booze. "I'll take you there one day, baby." Prama is smiling through his fiancé's laughter. He is happy that even with the age gap they have, Beau never made him feel it. They are like old friends who just happened to be born on different times. Right now they were having their dinner date at Shangri-la. He proposed it to the younger man as he was a bit worried of him. Beau has been having more nightmares as December closes in. "What?" Beau asked smiling at his fiancé when he noticed him staring at his face intently. Prama pressed his finger on Beau's side lip then he swiped on it gently. "You got some sauce, baby." He then winked at the young man as he licked the sauce off his thumb. Beau threw him a mischievous smile. "You look sexy when you do that." Beau licked his lips. Prama smirked. "Yeah? You do know we're at a hotel, right?" Beau lifted his foot under the table and made it travel towards the man's crotch in front of him. He made a little poking between the man's legs. "Agh..ssss..'re being naughty today. Was this morning not enough for you?" Beau's fiancé just let the foot caress his groin, enjoying the sensation it brings him. "You know how my sleepless nights are..." Beau reached for Prama's hand on the table and trailed his finger on his palm. "I get ve.ry.hor.ny." His fiancé let out a soft moan. Beau chuckled. He wants his man and he doesn't mind doing little acts of seduction like this. They are both enjoying this moment when a pair of figures approached their table. "Mr. Khamsaen! Fancy meeting you here!" The man stood next to their table. His date, a lovely young lady dressed in beige colored halter top dress has her left hand clutching on to his right arm. Her wavy locks sway back and forth as she looked around the restaurant. The man stands six feet with beautiful tanned skin. His black colored suit jacket and dress pants hugged on his perfect muscled frame. His green checkered tie is a little loose showing the top two buttons of his inner shirt undone. And the lipstick stain is visible on the shirt collar. Prama and Beau's little exchange of hot moment was halted. Beau wanted to groan. His fiance, too. But Prama Khamsaen tried to compose himself after Beau's little foot left his aching groin. Beau pursed his lips and only took a quick glance at the newcomers. "Yes. Fancy that. I can't believe we saw each other twice today." Prama turn to face the pair without leaving his . "And I am hoping there will be more." The man glanced at Beau and tried to hold a smile from forming in his face. "I am not giving up on that contract yet, Mr. Prama." "I figure you won't." Prama showed a forced thin smile. "Care to introduce us to your date, Mr. Khamsaen?" The young lady interrupted the two men as her attention fell on Beau. "Ah. Yes. This is Beau Baifern. My fiancé. Baby, this is Bella Jones and her date, Jacob Flynn Junhavat." Beau forced a smile and shook both of the newcomers' hands. It didn't escape Beau's attention when Jacob Flynn looked at him intently and squeezed his palm during the handshake. "Nice to finally meet you...           …Beau." __________________________________  
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