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Griffin The punching bag went flying across the gym. The others using it all stared at me with wide eyes. It was the third time I had sent it flying. It hit the wall on the opposite side with a loud thud. I just smiled at them. “Sorry, guys,” I mumbled and walked to pick it up. I had been in the gym working out for hours. I should have been getting ready for the summit, but my head is a mess. All night Eris has been driving me nuts, pacing and clawing to get out. She is adamant that I will be meeting my mate today, and it's driving me nuts. Even though my father said the same thing, I am not looking forward to it. I don’t want some man to put a wrench in all of the work I have done. ‘Griffin, where are you?’ Uncle Landon mind linked me. ‘Sydney is looking for you. You need to get ready for the summit.’ ‘Uncle Lan, the summit isn’t for-‘ I trailed off as I looked at the clock. I had less than an hour to get ready. ‘Oh s**t, sorry. Tell Aunt Syd I’ll be right up to my room.’ I told him and cut the link. I picked up the punching bag, carried it over to where the others were piled up, and dropped it. I then ran out of the gym and towards the elevator. My room was on the royal family’s floor. Aunt Syd was waiting for me as the doors opened. I grinned at her. She had her arms folded, and her foot was tapping. “You are late.” “I’m sorry, Aunt Syd. I lost track of time.” I told her, and we started towards my room. “Griffin, you are going to be the next royal gamma. You are also a member of the royal family, and as such, you are held to a higher standard. Rodney asked you to be at the summit, and we need you to look like you belong.” She explained to me. ‘Mate!’ Eris interjected. I shook my head. “I am so sorry, Aunt Syd. I was up all night because of my wolf. I went to the gym early to work out some of my feelings, and I just-“ She put her arm around my shoulders. “Why was your wolf keeping you up all night?” She smirked. “Is it something about your mate, perhaps?” I looked her in the eyes. I thought about lying, but the look on her face told me I wouldn’t get away with it. We walked into my room and crumpled onto the plush couch. “Yes,” I mumbled. “Not only her, but my father said I would be meeting him soon.” Aunt Syd rose an eyebrow. “Your father?” I nodded. “Eris told me that my father picked him especially for me. Whatever the hell that means. He knows I don’t want a mate yet.” “Since when does Ares pair wolves?” Aunt Syd snorted and grabbed my arm. I shrugged. “That is a good question.” “Well, go get a shower, so you don’t smell like ass when you meet him,” She pointed to the bathroom. I stood up and stuck my tongue out at the Queen. I rushed into the bathroom and took a shower. Eris was still whining like crazy. ‘Can you calm down, Eris? We aren’t going to meet him in here.’ I grumbled at her. After my shower, I quickly dried off and wrapped the towel around me. Aunt Syd was in the closet looking through the few clothes I brought. “No dresses?” She asked. She clicked her tongue. “You know I don't wear dresses,” I said to her and went to grab a pair of jeans. She put her hand on my arm. “No, you need to look professional today, Griff.” She looked me up and down. “And I have just the outfit. Wait here.” She said and ran out of the room. I sat on a chair in the large closet and waited. ‘Our mate is here. Why aren’t you going after him?’ Eris demanded. ‘Because I am naked,’ I snarked at her. I pushed into the back of my mind. Minutes later, Aunt Syd returned and walked into the closet with a garment bag. She unzipped it, revealing a black pants suit like a female CEO would wear. “You are letting me wear that?” She hung the bag on a hook. “Of course. Hell, you can keep it. I think it suits you.” “Will it fit me?” I was a bit taller than she was. She just smiled at me and gestured to it. So I dropped my towel, not caring I was naked in front of her, and put on panties and, to my annoyance, a bra, a real bra, and not just a sports bra. I then put on the suit, and it fit me perfectly. “Okay, seriously, you bought this for me, didn’t you?” “Fine, you got me,” Aunt Syd threw up her hands. “I had it custom-made for you because I knew you would need it.” The suit was black slacks with a black button-up shirt and a black jacket. It looked fierce on me. Aunt Syd even had shoes for me. I was not one for heels, so she handed me some red flats. She then helped me style my black hair. She had dyed it last night for me. Uncle Roddy insisted my hair not be purple during the summit. I looked in the mirror as I put on the golden necklace with a male symbol pendant. It is my father's symbol for his Roman self as he is both Ares and Mars. The pendant turns into a bronze Greek-style sword. It had been a gift from him on my eighteenth birthday. Aunt Syd stood in front of me and picked lint off my suit. “Justine would be so proud to see you like this,” She mentioned my mother. Tears formed in her eyes. She sniffled, and I was about to comfort her when there was a loud knock on the door. We walked out of the closet, and I answered. My cousin Aaron was standing on the other side dressed in a fine black Armani suit with a sash indicating his status. “Hey, cuz,” He drawled out. “Dad and Uncle Lan are wondering when you are going to get downstairs.” “She is ready now Aaron,” Aunt Syd touched his arm and played with his suit. “Oh, look at my big boy in his handsome suit.” Aaron huffed, “Mom!” “What, I can’t fuss over my only son?” Aunt Syd protested as we walked out of my room. “Come on, Griff. We better get downstairs before my Dad blows a gasket.” Aaron smiled at his mother. “So, where is Maia?” I asked him. “She is going to enjoy a spa day since this is just the alpha part of the meeting. No lunas,” He explained. “I think you will be one of only like four chicks at the summit.” “Oh right,” I responded as I held onto his arm. He looked me up and down. “You look fierce, by the way.” He turned and waved to his mother. “Bye Mom. Thank you,” He winked at her. She shrugged her shoulders. “For what?” “You know,” Aaron pointed to my suit. Aunt Syd smirked and walked the opposite way down the hall. As Aaron and I got onto the elevator, my head started buzzing. Eris started her pacing again, making my head hurt. The elevator doors opened, and I was hit with a faint scent of tequila. I looked at Aaron and leaned in to sniff him. “Why are you sniffing me?” He chuckled. “Did you spill tequila on your suit?” I asked him. But the scent was in the air. I looked around, trying to find the source. “Um, you know I don’t like tequila.” He laughed and led me towards his father and my uncle and grandfather. “You finally made it,” Uncle Roddy said with a low growl. Uncle Landon smacked his chest. “Calm down, Rod. She made it.” The scent of tequila was growing more potent, and my wolf was getting more agitated. I shook my head and looked away from my family. I buried my face in my hands. “Griff?” I heard my grandfather's voice. His large hand patted my back. “ Griffin?” I turned to him. “I’m fine, Grandpa.” He tilted his head and looked me up and down. “You don’t look fine, Griff.” “I was up all night,” I confessed, and his eyes widened. “Why-“ He started to say, but one of the alphas shouted at him for attention. He sighed. “We’ll discuss this later,” He said and turned to the alpha. I walked a few feet away but stayed close to my uncles and cousin. Aaron was saying something to his father. He then turned his attention to me. The scent of tequila was driving me nuts. Eris was a whining, pacing mess, and I felt like my head was going to explode. “I need vodka.” “No vodka, cuz.” Aaron snickered. “It's not even eight a.m.” Aaron kept chatting, and I was trying my best to listen to him. The scent of tequila became very strong, and Eris was fighting me for control. I turned to look around the room, and I stared into a pair of ice-blue eyes. Alpha Atlas Wylde stood in front of me in his nearly seven-foot-tall glory. I had never met him before, but I had seen pictures and heard his name. It was at this moment I understood why seeing pictures and hearing his name made my heart race. ‘MATE!’ Eris declared. ‘No, no, no,’ I repeated to her. She growled. I heard stories that Atlas was the old-fashioned type of male who believed females belonged at home making pups. That was not going to be me. I took a deep breath and turned away from him, angering my wolf. ‘Go to him. Claim him!’ Eris demanded. I did my best to ignore her. A second later, Braedon walked up to us. “Hey Griff,” He greeted me and then slapped my back. A thunderous growl rumbled through the room, making everyone around us freeze. I watched as Braedon was knocked on his ass, and then he grabbed me from behind. Sparks shot through my body, and for a moment, I was comforted by the heavy tequila scent as my mate inhaled my scent. I looked over at Braedon, who was in a daze on the floor. This bastard had hurt my cousin, so I elbowed him in the stomach hard and grabbed his hand as tight as I could, and flipped him over my shoulder. The giant alpha landed on the marble floor with a thunderous thud. I felt my eyes glowing as I stared down at him. Silence filled the room for a second. “Mate?” Alpha Atlas said to me feebly. I just stared at him with my arms folded. This giant brute was not going to think he had any control over me. “Griffin Lockhart, what is the meaning of this?!” Uncle Roddy shouted at me. He was standing next to Uncle Landon and my grandfather. “Griffin Lockhart?” Atlas asked me while still sitting on the floor. I ignored him and looked at the King. “Uncle Rodney, this brute pushed Braedon to the floor and grabbed me from behind. So I flipped him on his ass.” Uncle Roddy looked at my mate, “Alpha Atlas, is there any particular reason you felt the need to assault members of my family?” He asked in his king tone. Atlas, still sitting on the floor, looked up at him and glanced at Braedon, who had gotten up and was standing next to his father. “Your majesty, this woman is my mate. I saw Alpha Braedon touch her, and my wolf took control.” “Is this true, Griffin? Is this man, your mate?” Uncle Roddy asked me. I looked at him and then at the ground. “Yes,” I replied quietly. My grandfather chuckled lowly as Uncle Roddy huffed. “Well, this is certainly turning into an interesting morning.” The King said to us. He looked at everyone that was staring at us. “Okay, everyone show is over. The first meeting starts in five minutes.” Uncle Roddy ordered in his king tone. The alphas and their people all scattered and then disappeared into the conference hall. He looked at me. “Five minutes, Griffin.” He said and turned to walk into the conference hall. The rest of my family members turned to follow him. I started to follow them, but Atlas grabbed my hand. “Can we talk?” He asked me. I refused to turn to him and pulled my hand out of his grip. He growled behind me, and I sensed him trying to grab me again. “Alpha Wylde, if you grab me again, I will be obligated to humiliate you again,” I stated coldly to him while my wolf protested in my head. I glanced back at him, and his eyes were black, but it didn’t frighten me. I just walked away, leaving him standing there with his mouth agape. Another male walked up to him to get his attention, and I took that opportunity to run to catch up with my family. The large conference room is a large round room with rows of tables designated for each pack’s alpha and other ranked members. My Uncle Roddy had a raised platform for the royal family. My Uncle Landon and cousin Braedon took their seats on a step below. I sat beside my cousin Aaron who was beside his father. On the other side of Uncle Roddy was his royal beta Josiah Harris and then there was the current royal Gamma Oscar Yates. They both looked at me with funny expressions. No doubt they had seen my flip Atlas over my shoulder in the hall. I heard murmurs throughout the conference room of what had transpired. “I can’t believe you just flipped your mate on his ass. And Alpha Atlas freaking Wylde of all wolves,” Aaron stated. I hid my face in my hand. “Can we not talk about it, Aaron?” “Come on, Griff. You are mated to-“ “I know!” I snapped at my cousin. “I am mated to some blow-hearted, chauvinistic asshole that thinks it alright to grab women without permission.” Aaron gave me a sympathetic look. We looked down at the Mars Ulta members. “Hey Brae, is your ass alright?” My other cousin looked up at us. “No, my ass hurts like hell,” He glances at me. “Is that asshole really your mate?” My shoulders sank as I nodded. “Yes,” I mumbled out. I looked across the room towards where Atlas was sitting. He was staring straight at me with those dreamy ice blue eyes. He was truly a gorgeous man. I wasn’t usually into bald men, but Atlas made it hot. I could see the bulge of his muscles under his custom suit. I had heard he was huge but seeing him in person made me realize the pictures did him no justice.” “Griff!” Aaron’s voice made me jump. “Griff!” “What?” I snarled at my cousin. “Are you okay?” He asked, and I just nodded. Uncle Roddy stared over at us. “Will you be able to concentrate on the meeting?” “Yes, uncle,” I told him. “I will be fine.” I looked away from Atlas, much to Eris’s frustration. She was trying to take control. She wanted to run over to Atlas and let him marks us and take us away to mate with. I looked up at Uncle Roddy as he started the meeting. Each Alpha present got to stand up and speak of their current concerns and other issues. The room finally got to Atlas, and he stood up and flashed his blue eyes at me. I had to look away. He cleared his throat and began to speak about how hybrids were constantly attacking his pack and other smaller packs he was allied with. I found myself mesmerized by his speech, and I felt him constantly flicking his eyes to me. Damn, the stupid mate bond was making me fall for him when I wasn’t even sure I wanted him. ‘Of course, you want him,’ Eris read my mind. ‘Eris, he’ll ruin everything we worked for. He’ll take me back to his pack and make me a domestic luna whose only goal in life is to pop out pup. I can’t do that.’ I told her. She huffed. ‘How do you know that is what he wants?’ ‘Because that’s what I heard about him.’ I looked over at Atlas, and he was now sitting. His blue eyes were on me again. I felt him undressing me with his eyes, and I suddenly felt embarrassed even though I am no virgin. I couldn’t help but flash him a small smile. ‘Is this the man my father, picked for me?’ ‘Of course. Give him a chance, Griffin. You owe yourself that.’ Eris pleaded with me. ‘You know your father wouldn’t pick someone that wasn’t worthy of you.’ ‘Why the hell is my father picking wolf mates anyways? He is the god of war, for f**k sake,’ I snarled and folded my arms. ‘That is something you will have to ask him.’ Eris replied. ‘Please accept him. I would never forgive you if you rejected him..’ ‘Stupid mate bond,’ I muttered and looked away from Atlas. The meeting went on for hours, and I had to fight the urge to stare at Atlas. I could sense him fighting the same thing. I tried to concentrate on the alphas speaking and discussing matters in the kingdom. The main issue was the hybrids being lead by Constantine Drago. He is a powerful wolf/vampire hybrid that wants to rule the world. He wants to reveal the supernatural to humans and enslave them. From what I understand, he is why my mother is dead. He sent some vicious rogue hybrids to our pack, and my mother ran out into the battle and got herself killed. I still don’t know the exact story as no one will tell me. Even my father has kept it from me, and he was there. “Let us break for lunch, ladies, and gentlemen,” Uncle Roddy’s voice broke me from my thoughts. “Be back here at two p.m sharp.” He hit a gavel, and then everyone stood up and started to file from the room. I remained in my seat for a minute. “Griffin, are you coming with us?” My grandfather leaned down to me. “Or are you going to run to your mate?” He smirked. “Grandpa!” I squealed. “We won’t blame you if you did.” He laughed with the others. I stood up fast and turned away from him. “I am going to my freaking room!” I stomped away. “Just be back at two,” Uncle Roddy shouted after me. I pushed my way to the exit, and the scent of tequila hit me hard again. I didn’t need to turn around to know he was behind me. “What do you want?” I snarled. His hand touched the exposed skin on my arm. “I just want to talk.” His deep voice and the tingles from the mate bond made me weak in the knees. I tried my best to fight it. “I can sense you fighting the bond. I am fighting it too.” I turned to him. His handsome bearded face was contorted in a wry smile. “You don’t want me either?” His eyes flickered to black momentarily. “Either? What? You don’t want me?” He sounded hurt. “No, I am not the Luna material. Now save me the trouble and reject me, please. I am sure I am not your type.” I folded my arms as Eris whimpered in my head. “What do you know about my type?” He said with an air of anger. “I have to admit you are nothing like I imagined, but I have been waiting a long time to meet my Luna.” “I told you I am not a luna,” I stomped my foot, and he laughed. “You are kind of cute throwing your little tantrum,” He leaned in and hovered inches from my lips. I glared at him. “Tantrum? I am not throwing a tan-“ I was interrupted by his lips on mine. I backed away and slapped him. “How dare you-“ I yelled, but he kissed me again. This time I was unable to resist as he wrapped his arms around me. My body and the bond betrayed me, and I leaned into his embrace. I wrapped my arms around his muscular tattooed neck. The kiss created heat and passion I had never felt for any other male. I pulled back from him and looked into his black eyes. I also felt his erection pressing against me. “f**k, woman.” He growled lowly against my cheek. I took his hand and pulled him down the hall, around the corner, and down a hallway the omegas used. I pulled him into a janitor closet and locked the door. “What are you doing?” He asked me with a curious look. “Do you want lunch or not?” I asked him. I can’t believe I was about to do this in a closet. I started unbuckling his belt and he made a low growl. “Lunch it is,” He rumbled.
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