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If I had wings I would fly far far away.  Away from this planet.  Away from all the people that lets us down. Being able to never see them again.  I sigh as I pull myself out of my bed.  Lana is still sleeping on her air mattress.  I wish I could be a late sleeper like her  and all the other’s who're probably still sleeping. I look at the time 06:37 am and  decide to take a jog.  I know Jason doesn’t wake until 08:00 am so I  usually take the advantage to be alone ], without him and the girls.  It’s not that I love the girls, sometimes I just need to be alone.  I need the privacy.  I pull on my running shoes, that I keep away in a box under all my strewn clothes.  I bought it with all my secret stash of saved money.  I don’t want Jason knowing that I’m running after we do various exercises and eat savely to keep our bodies in shape. He might say that running will ruin everything, because for him everything is a problem. I pull my hair in a high ponytail and trying to make no sound I escape the room, the yard until I’m on the street.  I stand under a beautiful evergreen tree and do some stretches when a movement in the car in front of me catches my attention.  It’s a black Mercedes and the windows are tinted black so I can’t exactly make out who’s in the car.  When the door open I frown, seeing a short bald man with glasses on his face.  He looks straight at me with a guilty smile on his face. I swallow, contemplating if I should walk away, run away, go back in or hear what he has to say. “Hi.”  He says and scratches his head.  I give him a quick smile but don’t say anything.  “Is this,”  He looks down and smile shyly, “A s*x house?” I almost choke on my own spit at his words.  Is this a s*x house. “No.” “I’m sure it is.” He insists, breaking the gap between us with a big step. “No, it isn’t.” I don’t know what else to say.  I’m scared he’s going in and telling Jason.  But I know for sure that Jason doesn’t want this house to support any of our business.  We strictly only do business in the rooms we hire . “You’re lying to me.” Okay, I have to act natural. “Why would this be a s*x house, are you insane.” I might have sounded too calm for the words coming out of my mouth. “A friend told me.” “What friend?” “I’m not allowed to say that.” He looks down, clearly starting to become shaken. “You’re sick.” “It’s not what you think.” “Then tell me, cause I think that this is disturbing. You thinking this is a s*x house.” I click my tongue, hoping that he would fall for my poor acting skills. “It’s not for myself, I promise.” He reminds me of a small kid who’s trying to pledge for his guilt. “Then why are you here, so early in the morning asking me if this is a s*x house?” “It’s just my work.” “What? To find s*x houses?” Okay now I’m shook. What if he’s like part of the police. “No, just leave it.”  He rubs his hands over his bald head, turns and climbs back into his car.  Who the hell is that?  He rides off with an illegal amount of speed and I start to run in the opposite direction.  Who could’ve told  him about us?  And how do they know where we live? Maybe it’s all a coincidence.  Maybe it’s another house  near us.  My stomach curdles knowing that there could be other girls in the same position as us.   I know that we’re not the only one’s.  But sometimes it does feel like it.  I certaintly know that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover because the woman, who seems to rich to be fazed with stuff like this, could be a victim of s*x.  Or the little girl, always smiling and being happy, could be the victim of abuse.  I’ve learnt to never judge anyone even if it’s in your own mind just casually thinking about it. I put more force and power in my legs and sprint down the street.  My breathing becomes like a wildfire.  The more I take the more I need.  My lungs burn but I push myself harder, loving the cold breeze on my sweaty skin.  I let my mind go still and calm a it’s always over busy.  I stop for a while, catching my breath and massaging my sore shoulders.  When I run again, I imagine I’m running a marathon, away from everyone.   When I arrive back in our street, two cars stand in our driveway.  I frown and bite my lips.  One of the cars is a black mercedes.  Oh no. I force myself not to turn around and run away because I know there’s going to be trouble waiting for me when I go back.  I clench my teeth as I step into our driveway, seeing Jason with his hands in his pockets talking to the bald man and another man with long blonde hair. I try to sneak towards the back without them seeing me but of course they’ll see me. “Tameryn!”  I immediately turn, hearing Jason call my name.  I press my hands into fists and walk towards them. “It was her.”  The bald man accuses me and I briefly close my eyes.  The stupid snitch. “Why did you lie to him, Tameryn?” Jason asks.  Unbelievable. I lift my shoulders, “I,”  Why must I shiver? “I don’t know?”  What else can I say?  I don’t want to say that I thought he didn’t want people to know where we're living.  He’ll get more mad than he already is looking at me. “This is a very important man, Tamryn.” I look down as the blonde man has been staring at me intently, since I’ve been standing with them.  The bald man doesn’t make any eye contact. “Sorry.” I lightly kick a small rock laying on the grass. “I like her.” I frown at the blonde man’s words.  He’s probably looking for a mistress and is offering good money.  That’s why they are here.  That’s all I can think of. “There’s still others.”  Jason says as if we’re not anything valuable  but just ‘things’ to him. “I like her.” He repeats and I swallow. “I said there’s still others.” Jason confronts with frustration. “I don’t care.  I want her.” “How can you just want her, if you haven’t seen the others.” “I. Want. Her.” He insists and I scratch my back feeling helpless. I can’t speak up for myself and I feel so lame.  I feel my face turning red as they continue to argue about me as if I’m an object.  A prized possession. “I’ll give you double.” With that, silence confronts us.  Can this just get over with. “Double?” Now Jason is intrigued.  Because money is all that he cares about. “Double.” The blonde man confirms and I wonder why he’s so persistent to have me if he hasn't even seen the other girls. “Deal.” Jason says and my blood runs cold.  What could they possibly want from me for double the price than Jason usually asks. Am I going to be in trouble?  “Go.”  Jason instructs and I quickly go back to our cottage hearing no sounds.  They’re all still sleeping. “Lana!” I call loudly and she lazily peaks her head out of the covers. “Jason’s awake.”  With thatshe jumps out of the bed and starts to finger comb her dark hair. “How do you know?”  “He was just outside.” “Really?” She asks in a way for me to tell me more. I sigh and fall down on my own air mattress. “There were two guys.” “Here?” She points her finger downwards. “Yes.” I hesitate to tell her the next part so I don’t. “Why/” “I don’t know.”  I lie.  Well, not entirely, cause I’m not entirely sure what they want from me. “Weird.”  She changes into her usual work out attire, sweats and a black tank top just like me only with a white one. “I’m so not in the mood to workout today.” “Me neither.” I lie.  Actually I love working out.  It calms my nerves. I quickly go to the other room and wake Sarah and Ashley up, for Sarah to run up to the bathroom and make throw up noises. Is this morning sickness? “Hey Sarah, are you okay?”  Lana asks, lightly knocking on the closed door. “Yes, I’m fine.” She says curtly, escaping the bathroom. “Are you going to tell, Jason?” Her face expression suddenly changes to a scared and sad one. “I will.  Just not yet.” We all nod, understanding why she doesn’t want to tell him yet.  It must be nerve wrecking.  Just like I’m feeling about the incident that just happened outside.  I swallow and breathe deep, trying not to think about it.  I take my room spritzer bottle, smelling like cheap roses and spritz me and Lana’s room.  I hate a bad or stuffy smell.  Everything must always smell good. “I feel so bad for Sarah.” Lana says softly, making her bed. “I know.”  Just thinking myself in that situation makes me want to puke.  The anxiety.  The stress. “You don’t know how much I hate Jason.” Sarah clenches her hands in fists an dhr face becomes red with built up anger. “I know.” I say, exactly knowing how she feels. “Girls.”  There he is.  He's an irritating voice.  We all go to our small living room which is actually too small to be a living room. So there’s literally just a wooden chair next to the front door.  It’s just an open space. I swallow, feeling nervous. Is he going to talk about the incident and how they offered double… for me.  He looks Sarah, Ashley and Lana intendly but when he;s eyes land on mine he quickly looks away with a guilty expression. “You can get off today.” We all look at each other, biting our lips. Off? What does he mean? “You can get off today.” He repeats. “Yes.” Ashley says bluntly and Sarah suddenly covers her mouth.  Oh no.  Please not now.  I grip her hand from behind our bodies, trying to reassure and support her. “What’s the matter with you, Sarah?” Jason asks with no emotion. She ignores him and run to the bathroom.  Jason just shakes his head and walks out, not having a car in the world.  Thank God.  He didn’t do or say anything. Me and Lana give each other’s knowing looks. “What does he mean, we get off?”  She violently shakes her head and makes an impression of him. “Probably no training and going to our rooms.”  I suggest.  I wonder why all of a sudden.  Maybe they’re getting off and not me.  What is going to happen to me.  I take a dep breath, trying to soothe all my uncertainties. “Well if that’s so.” She gives me a sneaky smile and rummage on her side of messy clothes, taking out her secret stash of chocolate. I smile as she throws me a Twigs bar.  She never shares with anyone except for me. “Thank you.”  I say, we both already take a bite out of the bar. Lana moans in pleasure and I laugh. “Come on, where’s your secret stash?” She jokes. “I wish.” My thoughts keep drifting to the blonde guy and the bald man, a nervous sensation keeps confronting me and it makes my body feel weak.  What’s going to happen.
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