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Brianna had spent the next two days looking into Zachary Cooper’s public life. She tracked down some men she believed to be friends of his, and since he wouldn’t talk to her, she took herself down to the Property All-Stars Reality office in Malibu to see if she could learn more about the man, she was interested in. She dressed in her finest female pantsuit trying to look professional. She had done some wheeling and dealing and got a meeting with the head of the company, real estate tycoon Jordon Norris. She was standing anxiously in the lobby when Mr. Norris came out in a pristine tailored suit and shook her hand. “Miss. Parker, so nice to meet you, please come in. Deloris, hold all my calls.” He instructed his assistant and led Brianna into his office. “Please take a seat.” He said pulling out her chair. “So, you are looking to buy in Beverly Hills?” He asked taking his seat behind his desk. Jordon Norris was a young man has taken over his family business. He was an eligible bachelor, and a looker himself with his Kennedy cut blond hair and dark eyes. He was clean shaven and immaculate in his suit. Brianna smiled awkwardly. She was there under false pretences. “I have a confession.” He seemed worried. “You’re not looking to buy?” He asked sitting back in his seat. “No.” “So, you’re wasting my time?” “I’m sorry. I’m a journalist, and I understand that you’re a personal friend with a man named Zachary Cooper.” “And if I am?” “I am desperately trying to get an interview with Mr. Cooper. I was hoping as his friend you might help me convince him to talk to me. I can pay a finder’s fee if I get the interview.” Mr. Norris unbuttoned his suit jacket to make himself more comfortable. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. Zac is a private person. Why do you want to talk to him so badly? Is this about the judge? You know there is nothing wrong with what he’s doing. If she wants to keep a young buck from her husband and shower him with gifts that’s really between the two of them. You shouldn’t pry.” “He’s a hot topic right now. People want to know about him.” “He’s a normal guy trust me.” “What he’s doing is not normal.” “Women do it all the time. Why is it so seedy when a man does it? If he were a twenty-year-old blond with a D-wrack, this wouldn’t be news. You’re just going to make him out to be a loser prying on vulnerable women.” “No, I won’t I want his side of the story. I want to do a story from his world. I want to show the world he’s not the blood-sucking lout the press is making him out to be.” Mr. Norris narrowed his eyes as he looked at her. It was like he was trying to decide whether or not to believe her? “I will paint him in the most flattering light I can you have my word. Perhaps I can get an interview with you as one of the people that know the man behind the scandal? Tell me what you think of what he does?” Mr. Norris shook his head. “No, I’m not telling you anything. He’s my friend, and I’m not betraying him by talking to you. He doesn’t want his life plastered on the cover of some magazine or paper or whatever it is you write for. Just leave the man alone.” He said getting up. “Now if you will excuse me my time is precious, and reserved for genuine clients. Please let me show you out.” He said opening the door. Brianna got up and took out her business card and offered it to him. “Please reconsider.” She said and then headed for the front door. As she reached the door, she heard Mr. Norris whisper to his assistant. “If she comes back to call the cops.” *** So, Jordon Norris hadn’t worked out, but Brianna wasn’t giving up she knew of another friend of Mr. Coopers. One Mr. Haden Clayson, a venture capitalist. Like with Norris she’d told a little white lie and told his staff she had a business she wished him to invest in. It was enough to get her through the door. She was waiting to make an appointment with his secretary when Mr. Clayson came out of another meeting and was walking by. She quickly left the secretary and followed him down the hall. “Mr. Clayson.” She called to him, and he paused to look at her. “Just a minute of your time.” “I’m very busy.” He said and kept walking. “Please, I have a proposition for you.” “Well make an appointment.” He said continuing down the hall and stopping just briefly to sign a tablet some man stopped him with virtually. “Oh, please hear me out it will only take a minute.” She pleaded. He sighed and stopped to face her. “You got thirty seconds.” “My name is Brianna Parker.” He snapped his fingers impatiently. “You got twenty seconds.” “I’m a journalist, and I want to do a story on a friend of yours Mr. Zachary Cooper. I want you to help convince him to talk to me. I’ll pay a finder’s fee if I get the interview.” He looked at her blankly. “I’m not interested.” “Why not?” “Because I know what he’ll say. He’ll say no.” “You didn’t even ask.” “I don’t have to. Is this about the judge? He didn’t do anything wrong.” “You’re not the first person to tell me that today. If he did nothing wrong why wouldn’t he want to get his story out and clear the air?” “He doesn’t need to clear anything up for anyone. What happened between him and that woman is between them. Butt out.” He said turning to leave. “Mr. Clayson, please reconsider. I don’t want to make your friend out to be a pariah I want to show the world that there is equality. He’s doing what millions of women do every day why should he be persecuted because he’s a man? I know you’re trying to protect your friend, but it will be a flattering article. The public wants to get to know him.” Mr. Clayson stopped and adjusted his navy-blue suit jacket as he looked at her. “Listen I’ve had just about enough of this. I’m not helping you get anything on Zac. He doesn’t want to have his life plastered in any article. He’s a private person, and you have no right to be harassing him or me for any reason.” He snapped his dark eyes flashed with annoyance. “Now you have about ten seconds to get out of my building before I call security and have you physically removed.” She took out her business card and offered it to him. “If you reconsider call me.” “You now have five seconds… four… three… two…” “I’m leaving.” She snarled and headed for the door. She glanced back to see him on his cellphone likely to security to make sure she actually left the building and didn’t come back. As she walked out the door, she heard him mutter, “If she comes back to call the cops.” *** Zachary stood in the backyard pushing Eliza on the tree swing with one hand with a beer in the other. Chino was getting the charcoals on the BBQ good and hot when Milo’s ears perked up, and he got up from his resting place on the deck and trotted around the side of the house. Milo was a wonderful dog, he protected the home from strangers and though many people considered his breed to be vicious Zachary had never known a gentler animal. Sure Pit-Bulls had a bad reputation, but he trusted Milo completely. He was good with guests and children. Zachary watched Milo disappear around the corner of the house and return shortly after with Jordon and Haden behind him. It was guys’ night. They got together every Thursday to hang out. They usually hung out around the house until after Eliza went to bed and then they went out. It was the one night a week when Zachary avoided women altogether. Jordon came up the deck and paced a six pack on the table and said hello to Chino while Milo was jumping up on his leg trying to get a pet. Haden cracked open a drink and came over to say hello to the little lady in Zachary’s life. “So, I had an interesting visit today,” Haden said with a smile. “Yeah, how so?” “Pretty little reporter came by my office today offering me a finder’s fee if I would talk you into giving her an interview.” “Oh yeah, she came by my office too,” Jordon said joining them. “Persistent one that one.” “Good god.” Zachary groaned. “I’m sorry she bothered you two I told her to go to hell I don’t want to be some story.” “Well, it doesn’t surprise me after Judge Donald people want to hear about you,” Jordon said with a smile. Zachary stopped the swing and helped Eliza off. “Eliza honey why don’t you run inside and see if Esmerelda has the burgers ready for cooking.” He didn’t want to talk business in front of his niece. Eliza didn’t need to hear what he did. She trotted off but not before Jordon pat her on the head as she passed by. “I don’t know why that infernal woman can’t understand I’m not going to add to this scandal. I’m already crucified in the press. I want this s**t to die down and go away.” “I don’t think it’s going to do that,” Jordon said shaking his head. “You know just playing the devil’s advocate here but why would it be so bad to do the article? The woman assured me it would be a favourable article. You have to face reality, you’re an interesting character, and interesting sells magazines.” Haden added his option. “He’s right.” Jordon agreed. “People want to know about you.” “People want to know how you do it,” Haden said. “Hell, I want to know how you do it.” “It’s a real-life rag to riches story. You went from ghetto rat to millionaire, and you’ve never worked a real job.” Jordon pointed out. “I don’t think the article is an as bad thing.” “Are you two seriously working for that finder’s fee?” He asked annoyed that they weren’t supporting him. They were both wealthy men in their rights surly the troublesome journalist couldn’t offer a large enough finder’s fee to make it worth their time. “No, we’re just saying the article might not be as bad an idea as you believe it to be. Give the girl a glimpse into the reality of your world. Stand tall, silence the haters, and prove to the world that you’re not the slimy leach the press is making you out to be.” Jordon suggested. “But that’s just my opinion; in the end, you got to do what’s right by you and Eliza.” Zachary thought over their position. His friends had always had his back, and they understood him better than most people. He trusted their opinion. “So, you two both think I should do it.” “Millennium Magazine is a good publication they’re not known for being trashy and gossip mongers. I’m sure if they publish the story it will be done with taste.” Haden suggested. “I do think you should do more than the interview though. It’s one thing to sit down and answer questions, but if you want her to get the real story of who you are and what you do, I’d let her follow you around for a while and let her see firsthand what the reality is.” Jordon said reaching into his pocket and taking out his wallet. He removed a business card from his wallet and offered it to Zachary. “Just think about it.” Zachary looked down at the card in his hand. Miss. Brianna Parker. He tapped the card thoughtfully against his hand.
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