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Brianna stood by the gate looking in at the extravagant million-dollar house. Gigolo work must pay well. This place was incredible. “Mr. Cooper says he will not see you. Please leave, or I will be forced to call the police.” A Mexican voice came over the intercom. Brianna pressed the button on the speaker to reply. “Oh, please I must see him. I’m a journalist, and I’d like to get an interview with Mr. Cooper. I’m free whenever is good for him.” She waited for a moment and then the voice came back. “The police have been called.” Damn it. She cussed quietly and got back in her car. How was she supposed to get the story if he wouldn’t speak to her? Brianna pulled out of the drive and parked down the street far enough to be off the property but still see the gate. He had to come out at some point, and she’d follow him and ambush him in public. She ducked down in her seat when a police cruiser pulled up to the house. The driver looked around and not seeing her he drove off. She couldn’t believe he called the cops. Brianna waited another two hours. She was bored out of her mind when she saw the gate open and out came a silver Ferrari. She recognized the driver from the TV. “Hello, Mr. Cooper.” She turned on her engine and followed the car. She stayed two cars behind the Ferrari hoping to go unseen. If he didn’t like her ringing his doorbell, he wasn’t going to like being followed. Brianna followed Mr. Cooper to a private beachfront gym. He parked down the street and carried a black duffle bag in his right hand. Dear god, she could see why the women liked him. He was the essence of tall, dark, and handsome. He went inside, and Brianna parked her car and followed him in. She walked up to the turnstile by the desk and was instantly stopped by the desk clerk. “Excuse me are you a member?” The man asked stopping her. “Oh no, I’m… I’m a guest of Mr. Coopers.” She lied. “I don’t think so.” He called her bluff. “Look I just got to talk to him for like two minutes. Can’t you just let me in?” “Leave, or I’ll call the cops.” He threatened to reach for the phone. Call the cops, why was that everyone’s go-to answer today? This man was harder to get to then the Pope. Brianna went back outside and walked around the building looking for a fire exit or a cracked window. She needed some way inside. She was starting to think she’d never get in when the back door opened and out stepped a janitor lighting a cigarette. He was her way in. Brianna slipped him a twenty, and he let her in. She made her way through the halls keeping an eye out for Mr. Cooper and the pesky desk clerk who ran her off. It had taken her nearly thirty minutes to get in it was possible he was already in the locker room. She wasn’t sure how long a man like him had to work out. She was about to find the locker room when she spotted Mr. Cooper near the mirrors lifting weights. He’d changed out of his jeans and t-shirt into a pair of grey sweats that hung off his narrow hips and a white sleeveless muscle shirt he left untucked. He had one dumbbell in each hand and was doing curls the budging muscle of his biceps flexed with each curl. His short ebony hair was wet with sweat and in his eyes. He jerked his head trying to flip the unruly locks out of his stunning blue eyes. He didn’t see her he was focused on his workout. Even though he was fully dressed, it was impossible not to see how chiselled his body was. Mr. Cooper placed the dumbbells back onto the rack and picked up a towel draped over the rack which he used it to wipe his neck and face free of sweat. He then walked away, and Brianna realized she’d been staring. She was about to follow him when she spotted the desk clerk and ducked behind a bin of used towels and hide from sight. She waited for the desk clerk to get busy once more, and then she headed for the locker room. She was about to go in when the door opened, and a man came out. She quickly moved to the ladies’ locker room door and waited for him to be far enough away not to see her. Brianna pushed the men’s room door open and went inside. She cautiously peeked around the lockers looking for other patrons but saw none. She could hear the shower running around the corner. She quickly glanced around the corner and saw half tile walls divided the showers. She could see a man alone in the showers his back turned to her his fingers washing the shampoo from his dark hair. He turned off the water and reached for a towel. Brianna ducked out of sight and waited for him to come out into the lockers with nothing but a small white towel wrapped around his hips. He walked past her, and Brianna knew it was the man she was looking for. He walked up to his locker and opened the door. It was now or never. She took a breath trying to get up her nerve to speak to him. “Zachary Cooper?” She asked. “Holly s**t!” He jumped, and his back hit the lockers. He hadn’t seen her until she spoke. He was looking at her with wide, shocked eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” “You know this is the men’s locker room?” He pointed out. “I do.” She said taking a step closer to him. “I’m sorry I’ve just been trying to get a few minutes with you all day?” He was looking at her like she was insane. “I’m not a stalker.” She promised. “I’m a journalist…. freelance. My name is Brianna Parker.” She could see he recognized the name by the way he tensed. “I came by the house earlier.” “Yeah, I know.” He said annoyed. “And I said I didn’t want to talk to you then.” “You didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself.” He looked around the locker room as if wondering if they were alone. He then looked back at her. “Ok, explain yourself.” “I want to do an article on you.” He lifted one dark brow quizzically. “Because of Judge Donald? I have no comment.” He said opening his locker and taking out his shorts. He pulled them up under his towel and then discarded his towel and reached for his jeans. “If you keep staring I’m going to start charging you.” He teased. Brianna blushed. “I’m sorry. No, I’m not interested in Judge Donald… well, I am, but I’m far more interested in you. My editor wants to do a full spread on you in the January issue of Millennium Magazine.” “Your editor? I thought you said you were freelance?” “At the moment I am, but if I get this exposé on you, he’ll put me on the payroll.” She said as he pulled on his jeans and fixed his belt. “And I’m supposed to care why?” He asked reaching for his t-shirt and pulling it on. “People are interested in you. Inquiring minds want to know about you. How you seduce these women? Why you do it? How well does it pay? How do you live your life?” “I’m a busy man, and frankly I don’t see how this benefits me in any way.” He said stuffing his gym wear into his bag. “I can pay you.” “I doubt it.” He laughed. “My time is very expensive.” He said tossing the lock in his bag and zipping it up. He then shut the locker door and headed for the door. “Oh please, Mr. Cooper. You are the hot topic right now. Don’t you think the publicity would be good for your prospects?” He stopped and turned to face her. “My prospects are just fine, believe me.” “It’s an international issue. You let me write a story on you, and I bet you’ll be getting action worldwide.” She suggested. She honestly wasn’t sure if it would, but she could see the consideration in his eyes. “Any publicity is good publicity.” She said hopefully. “I suppose you want my little black book too?” “No.” She said quickly. “You don’t have to tell me the names of any of your clientele. My editor is interested in you. Your life; past, present, plans for the future. Where do you come from? Where do you feel you’re going in life? Hobbies, goals, you know what makes a man like you tick.” “Millennium Magazine?” He repeated thoughtfully. “Cover story.” She said enticing him. “So, can I get an interview?” He thought about it for a moment. He seemed interested. Then he looked up and smiled. “No.” Brianna was stunned. “No?” “No. Goodbye Miss. Parker.” He said pushing the door open and then stopped. “And I wouldn’t come back here, or I’ll report you to management and have you arrested.” Then he walked out the door. No? Brianna crossed her arms over her chest annoyed. She wasn’t going to take no as an answer. She was going to get that interview if it killed her. *** Zachary sat on the couch his feet up on the coffee table, with his dog Milo curled up on the floor under his legs, and Eliza’s head in his lap. She had just fallen asleep watching the movie, and in truth, he was dozing too. It was ten in the evening and his quiet night at home was getting to him. His bed was calling to him. He was thinking about going to bed when his cell phone rang. He reached into his pocket and lifted the phone to his ear and very quietly answered. “Talk to me?” “Got you another one.” It was Oliver. “You got to be kidding me?” He said stroking Eliza’s hair. “You’re on a roll.” “I think you’re going to like this one. She’s younger than the others but sexy as hell.” Zachary frowned. She sounded like another sugar baby. It was too hard to work another sugar baby. “I don’t know she doesn’t sound like my type. Remember I’m working them not the other way around.” “She says she a new bride. Married an older man that is leaving her less than fulfilled if you get my meaning. Have I ever steered you wrong?” He looked down at Eliza and sighed. “Yeah ok. I’ll take a look at her. Keep her busy I’m on my way.” He then hung up his phone and eased Eliza from his lap into his arms. He carried her to bed and tucked her in. Then he went to his room and changed into a suit and primped a little. Then he headed to the servants’ quarters and knocked on the door to tell Esmerelda he was going out. He climbed into his Jag and made his way over to the Oasis. He walked in and made his way to the bar. Oliver pointed out the blond in the corner. She dressed in a green cocktail dress her blond hair left in loose heavy curls down her back. From behind she was slender and curvy. She was younger than him if he had to guess. That was a rare treat. He still hadn’t seen her face, but from what he could see she was hot. “What’s she drinking?” He asked. “Vodka cranberry,” Oliver said. “So… good?” “I’m not sure.” He still wasn’t sure he wanted to tangle with a young woman. “Let me talk to her. If we leave together, I’ll get you on my way out. Give me some drinks.” Oliver poured him a vodka cranberry and a martini. Zachary picked up the drinks and made his way over to the table. Reaching the table, he cleared his throat to get her attention. She looked up at him with a smile that wiped the smile off his face immediately. “God damn it.” He swore when he realized his mystery girl was Brianna Parker. “Hello, Mr. Cooper.” Her eyes went to the drink in his hand. “Is that for me?” “How’d you know I was going to be here?” He demanded. “I had a P.I. a friend of mine do a little research he said he thought this was your hunting grounds since you have a lot of credit card charges at this hotel.” “So, you set me up.” “I just put out some feelers and hoped you’d show up.” She glanced back at the bartender. “So, is the bartender your pimp? Does he get a cut of your exploits?” “He’s not a pimp, and I’m not a prostitute… and if you print otherwise, I’ll sue you.” “Then set the record straight and give me an interview.” She insisted on taking the vodka cranberry from his hand. “Don’t you get it I don’t want you to write a story about me. I like my life the way it is. I don’t need your help. I’m doing just fine.” He said, and then he drained his martini and placed the glass on the table. “Now I’m going only to ask you nice one more time. Stop following me.” “I was here first you can’t prove I followed you here.” “I’m going to call the cops if I see your face again.” He warned. “Stay away from me.” He barked quietly. “What are you so afraid of? What do you think I’m going to reveal about you that you don’t want the world to know about? You say you’re not a prostitute then prove it.” “I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You don’t know me, and I don’t want to know you. I got enough drama in my life; I don’t need this shit.” “I’m just going to keep following you until you talk to me. My career depends on this interview.” She said getting up and following him to the door. “I don’t care about your career; this is my life not some story.” He snapped at her stopping at the door. “Please I know I can make this work for both of us.” She pleaded. “Just talk to me.” “No. N… O… not happening.” He snapped. “Why?” “I don’t need to tell you why. Leave me alone, or I’ll have you charged with harassment.” He threatened. He turned and left the bar. He was halfway to his Jag when Brianna called to him. “Please, I can’t stress how much I need this.” “I don’t care.” He said unlocking the door. “That’s your problem.” Brianna grabbed his arm to force him to stop and look at her. “I will do anything, and I mean anything for this interview.” She was persistent. “Give me a day… give me two hours of your time.” He forced her hand off him. “Read my lips… no!” Then he got into his car and drove home.
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