The last supper

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No wonder my mother gave in so easily when my dad told her to let me go out, she literally just took all her plans and shifted them forward a few hours. I’m bloody knackered, ready for bed never mind a night around town. I tried to keep my eyes open as I watched the street lights fly by out of the taxi window. My head felt heavy as my arm supported it against the car door. I wonder if it’s too late to cancel. Turn the car around, go home, and get in to some nice fluffy freshly washed pj’s and.... ‘We’re here’ shouted the taxi driver interrupting my train of thought ‘damn it’ there goes my pj idea. ‘What was that baby?’ my mother said sweetly ‘Nothing mother’ I said as I climbed out of the car. Once outside the restaurant I smoothed out my sage green gaucho pants and pulled down my white halter top as far as it would go. I could already hear my mother’s disapproving tone telling me it was too short and too tight. I looked at my reflection in the window and shoved my fingers in my hair trying to add as much volume as possible to my brown disco curls. ‘Let’s go princess you look fine’ Josh said mockingly while pulling my arm as my dad opened the door for us. He was a bit crabby we had unfortunately had an early lunch and mum wouldn’t let anyone snack before we left. ‘You look beautiful darling’ my dad smiled at me as I entered. ‘Thanks dad’ I said walking past him skimming the room eager to find Sierra. I didn’t have to look long; I could see her sat on the other side of the room waving at me with a smile on her face. I pushed my way through the packed restaurant to give her a hug. ‘Happy birthday Jenny’ she said returning my hug, ‘Thanks Si’ I said relived to finally see her. ‘Where were you today? You ok?’ she said looking me in the eye with a slight edge of concern to her voice. ‘I’m so sorry, I’ll tell you later’ I whispered in her ear as my family approached. She glanced at my family approaching then back to me and gave me a knowing look. ‘Well I looked ridiculous carrying around a balloon and giant gift bag at college all day. People kept asking if it was my birthday’ ‘Oh Si I really am sorry, I...’ ‘Well if it isn’t our resident witch’ Josh interrupted me to greet Sierra. Josh liked to tease Sierra about been a witch ever since he had come home for dinner one weekend, while on break from university. He found Sierra teaching me how to read tea leaves in the kitchen, something she had been learning from one of her aunts. I actually found it quite interesting but Josh thought it was all ridiculous and teased her about it relentlessly. Sierra was still rather shy back then and avoided most things that drew attention to her because of that she never dared to show me how to read tea leaves again in case Josh unexpectedly showed his face and started teasing her for it. ‘Nice to see you too Josh’ Sierra rolled her eyes turning to take her seat. Needless to say she was still a bit bitter about the whole ordeal ‘Don’t be like that Sierra, wouldn’t want you to cast a spell on me’ he laughed – mostly to himself because no one else found him funny. ‘Josh it was five years ago, stop been such an ass!’ I yelled back at him then I grabbed Sierras hand and nodded towards the bathroom just as my parents were approaching the table. That’s when an idea came to mind and I smiled smugly to myself as I approached my parents putting my plan into motion. ‘Mummy me and Sierra are going to the bathroom for a minute because Josh is been an ass to Sierra and upsetting me on my birthday’ I plastered a pouting lip and sad eyes on my face just for good measure then watched as my mother looked from me to Josh. Her face changed from pleasant and carefree to her signature ‘I’m warning you’ scowl as she took the bait. ‘Joshua Brian Evans, you have been here less than five minutes!’ Josh’s face dropped at the mention of his full name. No matter how old any of us got if mum used your full name you were in trouble. Josh looked over at me with a look of annoyance on his face as mum proceeded to give him a tongue lashing in front of everyone, I couldn’t help but stick my tongue out at him just to really wind him up. I heard Tim and Ash break out into laughter at the spectacle in front of them as Sierra pulled me towards the bathroom. ‘That was pure evil Jenny Evans’ She laughed ‘Yeah well he had it coming to him, he’s been annoying all day’ I shrugged as I opened the bathroom door. Sierra shook her head and made her way over to the mirror pulling out her lipstick and reapplying. I couldn’t help but admire how beautiful my best friend looked. With her tiny waste and curves to die for, she is currently styling her signature waste length cornrows with a few of them pinned back off her face and wearing a deep purple jumpsuit that compliments her dark skin tone perfectly. She is a couple inches taller than me standing at five foot six although tonight we are the same height thanks to my new white wedges. Sierra turned to look at me after she put her lipstick back in her bag, her face was momentarily very serious as she looked me in the eyes as though she was searching for something. ‘So are you going to explain what happened today, or do I have to spell it out of you’ she joked. Just like that all evidence of her seriousness was gone, I shook my head smiling at her humour and joined her at the mirror. ‘My mum basically kidnapped me and my whole family for the day. She made my siblings and their partners take the day off work, even convinced Tim to take Liz and Stu out of school for the day’. ‘Wow your mum just took crazy to a whole new level’ ‘Tell me about it. That woman’s marbles are scattered all over the house. It wasn’t all bad though, I mean don’t get me wrong the baby pictures did make an appearance’ ‘No!’ ‘Oh yes and there may have been several crying fits declaring many times that she can’t believe her baby is growing up’ ‘Oh dear’ Sierra replied sympathetically ‘Mmhumm tell me about it but she did make it up to me by taking me shopping, I got this new outfit and I managed to squeeze a hair appointment out of her too’. ‘Yes and you look amazing girl’ Sierra said grabbing my hand and making me do a twirl. I giggled as she looked at me approvingly. ‘Ashley was furious said it wasn’t fair she didn’t get this spoilt on her eighteenth, mum ended up paying for her hair too just to defuse the situation’ ‘You are joking. Ashley is a grown ass woman.’ Sierra laughed ‘Plus I bet that your parents were nowhere near as strict with her at your age as they are with you. Has to be some perks to that somewhere.’ ‘I know Si, I barely even remember seeing Ash on her eighteenth, pretty sure we just sang her happy birthday in the morning then she was gone for the day.’ ‘Anyway that all ends tonight because my girl is officially and undeniably an adult!’ Sierra went to hug me all excited but I grabbed her arms to stop her. ‘Oh no not yet I’m not’ I said rolling my eyes, Sierra looked at me with a puzzled look on her face, ‘What do you mean?’ ‘My mother told me this morning that I’m not officially eighteen till the time of my birth’ ‘oooh kay’ she said hesitantly ‘and that would be when?’ Si asked looking suddenly more interested and checking her watch ‘I can’t remember around ten’ish’ tonight, that’s not even the best part though!’ I said in a less than enthusiastic tone. ‘Oh no what’s the best part?’ Sierra replied sounding slightly alarmed ‘My mum doesn’t think it’s appropriate that I have my first alcoholic drink until I’m officially eighteen’. ‘Oh you have got to be kidding me, that’s ridiculous’ ‘That is Judy Evans, she’s just determined to keep me as her little girl for as long as humanly possible’ I said covering my mouth yawning. ‘I’m sorry girl, am I keeping you up?’ ‘No sorry Si, I’m just knackered. My mum kept me so busy today, I’m convinced she’s done it on purpose to ensure I go home early and don’t actually have time to get drunk’. ‘Yeah that would not surprise me, nor would it be the craziest thing she has done.’ Sierra replied ‘Aunt Jenny?’ Liz’s voice rang through the bathroom making both Sierra and me jump. ‘Jesus Liz, you scarred me’ ‘Sorry aunt Jen, Nanna sent me to find you. Everyone is ready to order and Uncle Josh looks like he’s about to eat his napkin if he has to wait any longer’. I looked over at Si who laughed in amusement at the thought. ‘Well shall we get this party started then?’ Sierra nodded at me and we followed Liz out of the bathroom back to our table. ‘What took you so long?’ Josh said irritated. I couldn’t help but laugh; I sat down in my seat and looked at Sierra who remained standing. ‘Will you order for me Jenny? You usually know what I want to eat better than I do anyway.’ ‘Ermm ok, yeah sure’ I looked at her puzzled as she walked off before I had chance to ask her where she was going. ‘Oh, where is Sierra off to now?’ Josh moaned ‘Calm down Josh, she asked me to order for her’, I reassured him as I picked up my menu. Ten minutes later after the waiter had taken our order Sierra returned with a coffee mug in her hand. I looked at her questioningly as she passed me the cup. ‘You were yawning in the bathroom so I thought I’d get you a coffee, bit of caffeine to keep you going’ she said louder than needed so everyone at the table heard her. I eyed her suspiciously, ‘Thanks Si’ I said going to take a sip, that’s when the smell hit me ‘Oh did I say coffee? I may have forgotten the Irish part’ Sierra whispered into my ear laughing making sure only I could here. ‘Not eighteen yet my ass’ she nudged me. Oh how I adore my best friend. By time we had all eaten our starters, mains, desserts and a round of cheese and coffee’s that mum had insisted on ordering for everyone the restaurant was almost empty. It was getting late, everyone was clearly itching to get going but mum was determined to drag the evening out as long as possible. Sierra had nudged me that many times about leaving that my arm was beginning to bruise. I was just about to try and leave again when Tim started speaking ‘Well I think we best get going, the kids actually have to go to school tomorrow and it’s getting late’ he said while looking at his watch. ‘Oh Tim dear you can’t go yet, I was about to do a toast’ my mother protested innocently, which was followed by a chorus of grunts from around the table. I looked at my dad and raised my eye brows at him in attempt to ask him for help, to my amusement as I glanced around I found my three siblings doing the same. Getting the hint, my dad stood up placing his hands on my mother’s shoulders, ‘Come on Judy it is getting late and all the kids want to get going’ ‘Don’t be silly Barry they don’t mind staying for a little bit longer do you?’ she directed to the whole table, to which the response was an awkward silence. ‘Judy love, I think everyone is just been polite. It really is getting late.’ ‘It’s not that late it’s only half past nine’ she replied stubbornly. My dad paused not wanting to argue but not sure what other direction he could take it in. ‘Judy most of us have been together since half past eight this morning’ ‘What’s your point?’ She replied again stubbornly this time folding her arms ‘Poor Jenny won’t have time to go out at this rate Jude’ ‘Well good! She shouldn’t be going out anyway she’s too young’ ‘Judy we have had this conversation, we agreed...’ ‘No you talked and I listened, I never agreed to anything’ ‘JUDY’ ‘BARRY’ The whole room had gone into an awkward silence no one wanting to look at one another as my parents glared at each other angrily. I could feel my own anger rising also. I had played nice all day doing every last little activity my mother could dream up, been the perfect daughter and what is my thanks? My mother ruining the one part of the night I was actually looking forward to the most. Before I realised what I was doing, I abruptly stood up. My mother’s head shot in my direction and I met her eye contact head on neither one of us said a word to each other nor did either one of us break eye contact. I was so angry at my mother for ruining my night I didn’t even say goodbye to my family as they made their excuses and all awkwardly and silently left the venue. The only people remaining were; myself, my mother, my father and Sierra. After what felt like an eternity of starring into my mother’s eyes my face began to hurt from frowning and I’d had enough. ‘Come on Sierra lets go’ I said finally breaking the silence, ‘You can’t’ my mother shouted, ‘Despite what you believe I am not a child anymore and I am done letting you treat me like one.’ I Picked up my purse and left, Sierra right behind me. ‘Are you alright babe?’ Sierra asked concerned ‘I need a drink’ I replied without hesitating.
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