Chapter 18

1544 Words

Meanwhile in the present... "Fi...... s...ord, it ... key for de...ting Ir...ikh ...agih, fi...d it." whispers a mysterious voice into Dylan's ear. Dylan immediately opens his eyes and gets up to find out who it is, but is disappointed when no one is there in his room except him. "Fi? the what? the sword? Find the sword? Find the sword!" said Dylan to himself as he quickly grabs the book and reads it. "Zylax, despite being outnumbered by the Legion, draws his mighty Sword of Ne'thir, standing ready to battle the Queen of the Legion." said Dylan as he re-reads the book. "That's it." said Dylan as he rushes from the bed and heads towards Marcus's chambers. Just as he is about to leave the hallway he notices a shadow heading right, Dylan thinking it might be a intruder, draws his blade an

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