The Primordial Goddess

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Chapter 5 Aurora’s pov Aria turned 18 a couple of months ago, and we have started to train her wolf, I found out Nxy is actually a primordial goddess. Her name means ‘mother of night’. Even Zeus was frightened and in awe of the goddess Nyx, and she is also known as the subduer of gods and men. Aria actually bears an uncanny resemblance to the goddess herself with her tall curvy figure, her hair as black as the night and her clear, light, bright blue eyes. Her wolf is also incredible looking and fits with the name her fur graduating from white to black as if the day is turning to night and her eyes in her wolf form are just as unique as Athena’s. They look like the full moon. They are truly mesmerising, and her aura is at least as powerful as Talia’s if not more. Nyx, the goddess, is such a powerful being, who has been known to have a dislike for the human race but a grudging respect for them because of their resilience. Aria has resilience in spades. Although she seems like a cold, uncaring individual, she is actually known to be very mothering, warm, and kind, especially to her family and those she cares about. Nyx could turn the day to night, I am not sure if Aria could do the same. If she can, it would mean the night could make her strength increase like the goddesses. She could suck the light from anywhere, I just need to find out how. She is one of the strongest gods ever, only surpassed by her mother Khaos and the god Chronos. She has so many amazing powers, like immunity from others using certain powers and spells on her, primordial particle manipulation, which is the building blocks of everything so in theory she could manipulate time, dreams, sleep, emotions, it is endless Shadow travel is another power where she can move through shadows and darkness to another area with the same element, also moving others with this method. Shadow weaponry is another cool one where she can make any weapon out of solidified darkness and shields. There are also some esp powers that can look into the past and present and also see if the person is being truthful, which could be very handy. She can do pretty much anything with a shadow, even a person’s, including melding herself with them. These are just some of her powers, which seem endless. Now we just need to work out which ones she may have and then work out what parts of them she has so we can train her up. I did call Talia again for advice as I said to Aria I would, it was a bit vague as it always is when Talia gets information, we have to stick to the shadows and expect an unexpected surprise. So, there's not a lot to go on, but hopefully, that means one of her powers will just appear when she needs it, and it will be one that doesn’t relate to the Primordial Goddess. Another fun thing we have discovered that is not related to Aria, is all of us special wolves children have gotten their wolves early and that they will probably have some sort of ability themselves. None of them will be pure white wolves like us or as powerful, but they are stronger than other Alpha’s. This is going to make them much more desirable to other wolves, especially Alpha’s who will want to be mated to them , so for now, we have kept it to ourselves. We already have enough trouble with people hoping their kids become our kids' mates as it is without them knowing this. Just wait until they hear about Aria she will be the most sought-after yet. So I told Aria what Talia had said and we had already discussed the Goddess Nyx beforehand, we decided to see if she could call the shadows to her or change their shapes to start with as this seemed like the simplest of tasks. Talia decided to come to my pack for a month after her birthday so we could work on her training. We will be training in fighting techniques in her wolf form and her special abilities. For the first few days nothing much happened, she tried to do it in the same way I manipulate my weather elements, finally on the 4th day the shadow moved slightly and changed shape, not by much just a bit. By the end of the week, she could make it grow and change shape. By the second week, she was able to draw it away towards herself and change its size. By the time she was ready to leave she could bring the shadows to her and create a simple dagger and sword, it was still quite weak in their form so she needs to work on strengthening the objects to make them useful then she can make more objects from there. She has also managed to hide herself in the shadows, I am still really hoping that she can teleport through them with more work, but that is still a long way off for now. So far, we have had no luck bringing on the night. Neither of us has any idea where to start with that one, I am hopeful her wolf can help as she develops her other skills. I am really proud of how far she has come from the underweight, untrained, unconfident girl that I first met just over a year and a half ago. She has completely bloomed into a gorgeous, strong, and confident young woman. Despite the way she has been treated, she has remained kind, caring, and loving. I really hope now that the betrayal pains have stopped that means the last threads of the mate bonds are finally gone and she will get the chance to meet a mate that deserves her more than the a.sshole she was first given to. Talia says the moon goddess has been silent on that aspect so far, so we will just have to wait and see. She has gained plenty of admirers since she has been here. Nearly every male over the age of 18 has been close by to double check in the hopes that she is their mate. They have all been scared off by Lucian, Lee, Fred, and Shawn when it was clear her mate is not in the pack. They have all become her overprotective uncles while she has been here. The kids all love her as well. She has a naturally mothering nature about her that draws them in and makes them comfortable around her instantly. I am sure she will definitely be mated again to an Alpha she has all the indicators of a Luna or female Alpha. I am sad to see her go it has been great to have her here for the month, but I will visit her again after her friend’s party. So I will see her in around 3 weeks for a 2 week visit , the pups are off school at the time so they will be coming too along with Lee, Suzie, their three pups and Nadia, so they can all visit their family at the same time as us. It will give Aria a bit of time to work on what we have been doing and then we can work on the next stages, they have a private gym there as well for her to practice in so she doesn’t reveal herself to the wrong people. Not that anyone from Frank’s pack would say anything, but if a passing rogue or someone visiting the pack saw her word could get around quickly. It took less than 2 days for the news to get around all of the packs that Talia and I were special wolves as soon as one extra pack had seen or heard about us. News travels so fast around here, despite the distance between everyone. I can guarantee if anyone realises that Aria matches or even surpasses Talia’s aura the phone lines will go into a frenzy with them all gossiping between them and her ex mate will know where she is straight away. That is the last thing we need. We want him and her brother to keep away as long as possible. Aria’s pov I get back to my pack on Monday and we make the arrangements to go to the shopping centre on Saturday morning. Dad has got all the arrangements in place for our guards already, so we are safe. We meet up on Saturday nice and early and head out straight after breakfast. I have been dragged around several shops thankfully I found a dress and mask, so has Carrie, Halley on the other hand is still being picky and can not decide out of the 30 outfits she has tried on and no I am not exaggerating. “Let’s sit down and eat, and we can discuss the options, I have taken pictures of the best ones we can go through them to help you decide” I suggest “Oh my goddess yes please” Carrie says, fed up “OK that sounds good. Thank you for doing that” Halley says. We make our way to a cafe in the mall and get some burgers and fries as we are going over the pictures and discussing them. I feel someone approaching us and hearing mate. I freeze. That sounds like my brother. I don’t want to turn round as he walks closer. “hello little mate, my name is Sam” he says towards Halley she notices how much I have tensed up “are you ok” Halley says through mindlink. “no I need to get out of here” I reply “what’s wrong” “that’s my brother” I say panicked “" she says out loud “Just stay here, and I will sneak off. If he’s here, Shane might be, too. He’s your mate, you have to talk to him” “I’m not going to be his mate” she says out loud Why couldn’t she use her inner voice “sorry” she looks at me and shrugs, realising she said it out loud. Sam looks around confused “what’s wrong? we don’t know each other. You have to give me a chance before deciding that” he pleads “I know enough about you to decide” she says as I try to get up without him noticing. He looks really upset and confused, and then he turns and sees me “Aria” he says, shocked before he hugged me “I thought we lost you. We looked for you everywhere” he says, upset. “Why would you do that? You made it clear I am not your sister, with words and actions. Now please let me go. I would like to leave” I say, annoyed and worried “Please just wait, let me talk to you, I’m sorry” he begs, but I can’t it must be a trick “I can’t I just can’t” I say turning around to walk straight into Shane I still feel the tingles, they are really faint but still there, how is this possible we rejected one another. “Aria, I knew you were still alive. I never lost hope. I have missed you so much” he says, hugging and smelling me “Get the off me” I shout, pushing him “how dare you touch me either of you and pretend you care, leave me the alone you have ruined my life once. I won’t let you ruin it again” I shout, running off four of the guards, blocking them from following me while another takes me to the car to drive me home.
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