Chapter 25 Isn't She Your Missing Ex-wife?

672 Words

Two days later, Archibald took the flight from Yosmin to Nortown. At Nortown International Airport, Sheila was standing at the exit. At 10:50 in the morning, tourists came out of the station one after another. As Archibald was tall, Sheila saw him in the crowd at first glance who was wearing a baseball jacket. He was more than six feet in height and had a wheat-colored complexion. Because he loved extreme sports, he built strong muscles at the age of 21. But this tough guy had a baby face! He inherited the baby face of his mother and his eyes looked so innocent. When he smiled, his eyes could overshadow those stars in the entertainment! Sheila waved at him and said, "Archibald!" When Archibald saw her, he strode towards her. Looking at him only wearing a backpack, Sheila frowned s

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