Chapter 24 She Wouldn't Replace Allison Now

602 Words

Ingrid was woken up by the ringtone of the phone and answered the phone in a daze. "Ingrid, are you still sleeping?" Ingrid Swinton rubbed her eyes and checked the time. It was already nine o'clock. She yawned and woke up completely. "No, I'm awake." "Great. I hope I didn't disturb you." "No, Uncle Wellington. Why are you calling?" "Rex called me just now. He said Mr. Quentin agreed to withdraw from this cooperation." Ingrid was stunned after hearing him. Orville had agreed? Although she hoped Orville could withdraw from the film's investment, she also knew he was not someone who would give up easily. Moreover, she knew Orville invested in this movie because the Quentin Group had an online game to be released the next year. This movie happened to be related to the game, so he cou

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