3.Waiting for my miracle

1005 Words
Irene When I contacted the HR department,they told me my new assistant will join in two days. I can't believe they selected without my approval. It must be from the higher department. Uff...But I can't tolerate lazy idiots... Then I got a call from the CFO Mathews,and told me to visit him . May be he is the one who appointed new assistant for me. If it is his selection, then I don't have to worry...He is too professional that he won't appoint a person who is unworthy of it. It was time for my coffee. But I can have it after visiting CFO. I went to him without wasting any time and politely knocked the door. He invited me inside. He is an elderly man with great experience in this field,that I always admired him. I also know that he likes me because of my dedication to my profession. "Come and sit Ms.Irene..." He said with a simple smile. "Thank you Mr.Mathews..." I sat to the opposite to him. "I called you here to discuss about the new assistant hired..." "Ok Mr.Mathews, even though I was not informed I know you will only choose a worthy person for the post..." I said with optimism. "Actually, he was not my selection.. I called you here because our CEO Mr.Robert Prinston would like to have a word with you..." What...!! Was my new assistant appointed by the CEO...!! "Oh ... Is he here ?? " I asked with confusion. "No...He will call in few minutes,he would like to have a word with you.." I started getting tensed that I fidgeted my fingers. After noticing this ,Mr.Mathews told me, "Don't worry Irene, it is not a bad news." I nodded at him.I know even if I push him he will not disclose it to me as CEO is going to share it with me. When I started working here in Prinston Enterprises as a temporary employee, by seeing my performance I was appointed soon as an assistant to the marketing manager. I paid off my three years with full dedication to get promoted to my current position.And these past two years ,I made a few corrective decisions in my department which made great impact in more customer retention that the CEO himself congratulated me. From that time,whenever he visits the company ,he will have a word with me in person. He is such a great personality,who inspires us to improve better day by day. My thoughts were interrupted by the phone buzzing sound and CFO forward the phone to me. "Good morning Mr.Prinston.." I politely wished him. "Good morning young lady... How are you ??" I heard his earnest voice. "I am good Mr.Prinston...thank you for asking...how are you...?? " I was really formal I know,but in person he is really friendly with me.But I know where to show the respect...And here I know he called me for a cause. "I am good...Irene I need a favor from you...I have appointed a person as your personal assistant . He is a post graduate in business management from a reputed university.But he doesn't have any experience. So I thought, you could teach the basic skills to him ... " "Sure Mr.Prinston, I will try my best. As you know my department is pretty busy and the assistant job must be tiring ..if the person is related to you and you want the person to be more comfortable, then..." I tried to convince him about the reality. "No Irene, I want you to treat him as you treat others... I know how much effective your department is, that is why I choose you...you don't need to be biased with him... Don't ever think that I will stop you anywhere,but I need a word from you.." "Please tell me ..." "You will not fire him...I mean you can give him any hectic work or punishment.But you can't fire him.." "Oh ok... " I don't know what else to say to him. "That's it Irene.." "Thank you sir...have a good day..." "You too..bye.." "Bye Mr.Prinston..." I sighed in relief after the call. Then I looked at Mr.Mathews with a puzzled expression. I wanted to ask him if my new assistant is really close with our CEO. But from Mr.Mathew's expression I know he won't spill any beans. So I excused myself and get back to my cabin. Thank God, Mr.Prinston told me to treat him the new assistant just like normal...Hm... that's a relief. Without thinking anything further,I drowned myself into work. After office I headed towards the local library near by. I am a regular visitor there. I picked few books and went back to buy grocery. Even though I live alone, this is the time I interact with people better.I mean in office I am a stubborn boss or formal colleague. I don't really have any friends there... Tomorrow is weekend. As usual I planned to go to the orphanage. But this time,I should buy gifts for the kids, as Christmas is coming next week... I don't have anyone else to send gifts too.. Many people try to get close with me,get my friendship for their benefits I know...So I kept a line or a wall around me , so that I will be saved from those fake faces. I know people talk behind my back as i am an introvert bossy person,but i feel safe with that mask on me. My job,books and those innocent children in orphanage are my world now. May be one day, I could find the old me again and release myself as a free spirit.. But I need to get over my past first,and it is not that easy...I need a miracle to save me from my trauma...I wanted to sleep without nightmares... walk without fear... I know miracles don't happen often,but I am waiting for it for the past few hectic years... But still...I hope...one day it will happen that I will forget the past and move on with my life happily...
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